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Treatment for drug addiction. By type of drug, sex, age groups, employment situation and level of education

Treatment for drug addiction. By type of drug, sex, age groups, employment situation and level of studies Catalonia. 2022
Heroin Cocaine Cannabis Tobacco Alcohol Others Total
By sex 1,263 3,355 1,898 6,306 443 872 14,137
Men 1,091 2,782 1,420 4,583 239 674 10,789
Women 172 573 478 1,723 204 198 3,348
By age groups 1,263 3,355 1,898 6,306 443 872 14,137
<14 years 0 0 15 0 0 1 16
<19 years 5 42 342 42 5 27 463
20-24 years 21 152 368 159 5 64 769
25-29 years 84 299 291 341 6 94 1,115
30-34 years 139 503 288 474 19 122 1,545
35-39 years 193 636 200 728 26 141 1,924
40-44 years 266 713 146 948 38 135 2,246
45-49 years 237 505 122 963 47 108 1,982
50-54 years 183 285 61 909 65 79 1,582
55-59 years 82 150 36 738 99 51 1,156
60 years and more 50 66 23 996 133 49 1,317
Unknown 3 4 6 8 0 1 22
By employment situation 1,263 3,355 1,898 6,306 443 872 14,137
Indefinite contract or freelance 120 1,144 484 2,323 195 219 4,485
Temporary contract 89 385 226 621 15 80 1,416
Unsalaried work 14 16 11 30 1 9 81
No work experience 105 91 141 125 4 48 514
Unemployed 391 1,006 548 1,667 46 261 3,919
Permanently incapacitated or pensioner 171 322 117 1,049 165 103 1,927
Student 5 29 228 38 4 23 327
Domestic work 0 5 4 22 1 0 32
Other situation 247 232 85 254 9 61 888
Unknown 121 125 54 177 3 68 548
By education level 1,263 3,355 1,898 6,306 443 872 14,137
Does not know how to read or write (ISCED 0) 22 21 9 24 1 10 87
Compulsory primary education not finished (ISCED 0) 276 317 134 475 31 64 1,297
Compulsory primary education finished (ISCED 1) 356 784 497 1,415 153 190 3,395
Lower secondary education finished (ISCED 2) 311 998 559 1,635 79 202 3,784
High-school educ. or intermediate vocat. training educ. finished (ISCED 3) 147 815 456 1,657 107 210 3,392
Higher education finished (ISCED 5 to 8) 45 272 184 832 64 126 1,523
Unknown 106 148 59 268 8 70 659
Source: Ministry of Health.
Note: Others: Includes different opioids to heroin, different stimulants to cocaine, hypnotic, sedative and hallucinogenic substances, inhalable substances and other psycho-active substances.

Last update: May 2, 2024. Revised series on July 19, 2024.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Substance of any type that can be introduced in the body, that acts on the central nervous system and causes changes that can affect the behaviour, moods and perceptions.
Drug addiction
Disorder that implies dependence on or addiction to drugs, even the incapacity to reduce or control their consumption.

Methodological aspects

Number of treatments initiated at the Care Network for Drug Addictions.