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Treatments for drug addiction. By type of drug, sex, age groups, employment situation and level of education

Treatment for drug addiction. By type of drug, sex, age groups, employment situation and level of education Catalonia. 2014
Heroin Cocaine Cannabis Tobacco Alcohol Others Total
By sex 1,716 2,607 1,763 549 6,445 878 13,958
Men 1,452 2,120 1,408 304 4,863 644 10,791
Women 264 487 355 245 1,582 234 3,167
By age groups 1,716 2,607 1,763 549 6,445 878 13,958
<14 years 0 0 39 0 1 4 44
<19 years 9 23 459 2 38 49 580
20-24 years 59 136 429 11 131 58 824
25-29 years 171 389 265 19 324 84 1,252
30-34 years 268 645 220 31 613 119 1,896
35-39 years 357 610 147 64 867 145 2,190
40-44 years 366 417 89 81 982 149 2,084
45-49 years 304 247 69 90 1,141 115 1,966
50-54 years 131 107 25 98 982 74 1,417
55-59 years 37 26 19 68 633 43 826
60 years and more 14 7 2 85 733 38 879
By employment situation 1,716 2,607 1,763 549 6,445 878 13,958
Indefinite contract or freelance 243 707 304 162 1,696 149 3,261
Temporary contract 76 241 131 94 543 57 1,142
Unsalaried work 13 19 21 16 44 15 128
No work experience 130 59 131 4 127 42 493
Unemployed 441 755 403 59 1,669 269 3,596
Permanently incapacitated or pensioner 200 190 143 96 862 112 1,603
Student 77 92 365 27 235 48 844
Domestic work 28 34 6 16 115 8 207
Other situation 292 124 40 27 181 26 690
Unknown 216 386 219 48 973 152 1,994
By level of education 1,716 2,607 1,763 549 6,445 878 13,958
No sap llegir ni escriure (ISCED 0) 21 16 6 1 53 8 105
No ha finalizat l'edu. primària oblig. (ISCED 0) 374 253 124 41 665 91 1,548
Ha finalitzat l'edu. primària oblig. (ISCED 1) 494 681 587 120 1,798 236 3,916
Ha finalitzat l'edu. secundària oblig. (ISCED 2) 451 884 600 192 1,862 248 4,237
Finalitzat batx. o cicle form. grau mig (ISCED 3) 247 588 341 118 1,261 130 2,685
Ha finalitzat estudis superiors (ISCED 5 a 8) 54 129 85 64 427 32 791
Desconegut 75 56 20 13 379 133 676
Source: Ministry of Health.
Note: Others types of drug includes different opioids to heroin, different stimulants to cocaine, hypnotic, sedative and hallucinogenic substances, inhalable substances and other psycho-active substances.

Last update: February 19, 2016. Revised series on July 19, 2024.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Substance of any type that can be introduced in the body, that acts on the central nervous system and causes changes that can affect the behaviour, moods and perceptions.
Drug addiction
Disorder that implies dependence on or addiction to drugs, even the incapacity to reduce or control their consumption.

Methodological aspects

Number of treatments initiated at the Care Network for Drug Addictions.