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Treatments for drug addiction. By type of drug, sex, age groups, employment situation and level of education

Treatment for drug addiction. By type of drug, sex, age groups, employment situation and level of education Catalonia. 2008
Heroin Cocaine Cannabis Tobacco Alcohol Others Total
By sex
Men 1,301 2,879 534 397 4,276 338 9,725
Women 292 589 129 338 1,219 122 2,689
By age groups
<15 years 0 0 10 0 3 0 13
15-19 years 13 87 173 8 30 22 333
20-24 years 91 438 150 21 154 49 903
25-29 years 236 822 119 39 411 45 1,672
30-34 years 350 909 89 80 668 84 2,180
35-39 years 369 605 56 96 821 85 2,032
40-44 years 291 362 37 105 925 83 1,803
45-49 years 168 168 21 132 912 50 1,451
50-54 years 49 51 2 102 656 19 879
55-59 years 24 19 2 65 461 15 586
60 years and more 2 7 4 87 454 8 562
By employment situation
Indefinite contract or freelance 240 1,267 162 380 1,838 80 3,967
Temporary contract 171 479 95 24 573 56 1,398
Unsalaried work 11 20 10 13 34 4 92
No work experience 105 90 31 12 103 21 362
Unemployed 621 1,134 181 88 1,582 135 3,741
Permanently incapacitated or pensioner 154 162 28 153 730 69 1,296
Student 4 25 100 11 26 8 174
Domestic work 10 12 2 8 110 8 150
Other situation 212 234 42 36 390 38 952
Unknown 65 45 12 10 109 41 282
By level of education
No sap llegir ni escriure (ISCED 0) 19 16 4 3 57 6 105
No ha finalizat l'edu. primària oblig. (ISCED 0) 269 287 64 53 709 43 1,425
Ha finalitzat l'edu. primària oblig. (ISCED 1) 558 1,076 189 173 1,743 125 3,864
Ha finalitzat l'edu. secundària oblig. (ISCED 2) 412 1,115 224 215 1,376 125 3,467
Finalitzat batx. o cicle form. grau mig (ISCED 3) 224 743 130 146 1,041 78 2,362
Ha finalitzat estudis superiors (ISCED 5 a 8) 66 156 39 137 430 34 862
Desconegut 45 75 13 8 139 49 329
Source: Departament de Salut. Direcció General de Salut Pública.
Note: Others types of drug includes different opioids to heroin, different stimulants to cocaine, hypnotic, sedative and hallucinogenic substances, inhalable substances and other psycho-active substances.

Last update: June 16, 2010. Revised series on July 19, 2024.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Substance of any type that can be introduced in the body, that acts on the central nervous system and causes changes that can affect the behaviour, moods and perceptions.
Drug addiction
Disorder that implies dependence on or addiction to drugs, even the incapacity to reduce or control their consumption.

Methodological aspects

Number of treatments initiated at the Care Network for Drug Addictions.