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Sports federations. Clubs and licences

Sports federations. Clubs and licences Catalonia. 2005
Clubs Homes Dones Total
Total 8,924 501,951 110,242 612,193
Activitats subaquàtiques 125 7,891 2,134 10,025
Aèria 111 2,858 177 3,035
Agiliti 13 118 84 202
Agrupació esportiva paràlisi cerebral 27 275 109 384
Agrupació esportiva per a cecs i deficients visuals 23 695 357 1,052
Agrupació esportiva sords 23 1,920 802 2,722
Atletisme 141 3,146 1,318 4,464
Automobilisme 279 1,567 30 1,597
Bàdminton 29 348 242 590
Basquetbol 363 41,948 25,034 66,982
Beisbol i softbol 18 671 253 924
Billar 47 700 14 714
Bitlles 139 2,101 438 2,539
Boxa amateur 53 439 16 455
Caça 855 60,341 203 60,544
Ciclisme 441 9,923 303 10,226
Coloms esportius 73 828 42 870
Coloms missatgers 14 319 29 348
Curses d'orientació 15 290 115 405
Dards 65 752 138 890
Entitats excursionistes 332 16,804 7,037 23,841
Escacs 243 6,555 454 7,009
Esgrima 12 496 173 669
Espeleologia 55 1,217 377 1,594
Esports d'hivern 89 7,409 4,817 12,226
Esquaix i raquetbol 42 1,412 290 1,702
Esquí nàutic 14 240 158 398
Federació esports de minusvàlids físics 72 1,058 429 1,487
Federació esports per a disminuïts psíquics 118 2,495 1,355 3,850
Físic-culturisme 33 414 184 598
Futbol 1,424 148,249 3,297 151,546
Futbol americà 40 1,121 201 1,322
Futbol sala 202 1,584 156 1,740
Gimnàstica 129 539 1,832 2,371
Golf 88 32,977 13,472 46,449
Halterofília 8 142 7 149
Handbol 118 5,696 1,244 6,940
Hípica 94 3,454 0 3,454
Hoquei 25 2,879 1,804 4,683
Judo 144 4,044 1,028 5,072
Karate 120 4,583 909 5,492
Kickboxing 24 758 39 797
Korfbal 25 1,311 1,307 2,618
Lluita 8 506 26 532
Motociclisme 144 5,945 54 5,999
Motonàutica 27 96 8 104
Natació 116 6,706 3,813 10,519
Pàdel 39 1,717 891 2,608
Patinatge 266 7,334 5,370 12,704
Pentatló modern 6 75 49 124
Pesca 249 16,718 572 17,290
Petanca 466 12,177 2,807 14,984
Pilota 106 2,324 118 2,442
Piragüisme 19 773 231 1,004
Pitch and putt 41 9,508 2,101 11,609
Polo 7 85 13 98
Rem 29 854 547 1,401
Rugbi 28 1,887 158 2,045
Salvament i socorrisme 10 1,081 771 1,852
Taekwondo 177 5,988 3,700 9,688
Tennis 270 24,350 11,541 35,891
Tennis de taula 109 1,588 182 1,770
Tir amb arc 57 1,588 378 1,966
Tir olímpic 195 11,860 1,064 12,924
Triatló 47 974 125 1,099
Twirling 30 19 298 317
Vela 96 4,082 1,104 5,186
Voleibol 77 1,149 1,913 3,062
Source: Consell Català de l'Esport.

Last update: September 29, 2009.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Sports club
Private association with legal personality and able to act without any profit made up of individuals, whose basic objectives are the promotion, development and continuous practice of physical activity sports.
Sports federation
Private entity with public and social interest dedicated to the promotion, management and coordination of the recognized sports, basically constituted sports associations or clubs, sports groups and other private non-profit organization that includes among its social purposes the promotion and practice of sport and physical activity. It can also be made, it may be, for athletes, coaches, judges or referees or other representatives of individuals.
Sporting license
Accreditation issued by a sports federation, sports club or sports council in favor of the athlete, for the implementation of the physical activity or competition, which involves bonding authorization and the organizer of the activity . Its duration may be annual, seasonal or shorter duration, and can be of three types: federal, school and physical activity.

Methodological aspects

The sports councils and federations clubs provide data and licenses, as sports licenses processed by the sports organizations (Decree 58/2010 ., dated 4th May 2010, sports organizations in Catalonia, Official Journal No. 6139, 31.05.2012).

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".