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Sports federations. Clubs and licences

Sports federations. Clubs and licences Catalonia. 2004
Clubs Homes Dones Total
Total 8,684 505,212 112,882 621,282
Activitats subaquàtiques 116 8,568 2,486 11,054
Aèria 109 2,970 181 3,151
Agiliti 19 92 41 133
Agrupació esportiva paràlisi cerebral 25 247 115 362
Agrupació esportiva per a cecs i deficients visuals 32 748 342 1,090
Agrupació esportiva sords 17 1,825 610 2,435
Atletisme 138 3,093 1,238 4,331
Automobilisme 266 1,596 33 1,629
Bàdminton 28 350 234 584
Basquetbol 354 41,513 24,633 66,146
Beisbol i softbol 17 629 267 896
Billar 49 710 15 725
Bitlles 129 2,101 438 2,539
Boxa amateur 40 574 35 609
Caça 806 57,961 250 58,211
Ciclisme 460 9,235 206 9,441
Coloms esportius 73 934 46 980
Coloms missatgers 14 319 29 348
Curses d'orientació 15 269 112 381
Dards 45 600 94 694
Entitats excursionistes 324 15,169 6,113 21,282
Escacs 240 7,126 478 7,604
Esgrima 13 527 202 729
Espeleologia 55 1,214 377 1,591
Esports d'hivern 88 6,324 5,438 11,762
Esquaix i racquetball 42 1,437 225 1,662
Esquí nàutic 14 183 150 333
Federació esports de minusvàlids físics 115 2,266 1,393 3,659
Federació esports per a disminuïts psíquics 69 1,129 531 1,660
Físic-culturisme 31 144 198 342
Futbol 1,386 152,778 3,942 156,720
Futbol americà 34 1,092 103 1,195
Futbol sala 147 852 20 872
Gimnàstica 122 731 2,031 2,762
Golf 88 33,031 13,498 46,529
Halterofília 8 148 7 155
Handbol 122 5,545 949 6,494
Hípica 79 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 3,188
Hoquei 26 2,774 1,704 4,478
Judo 136 4,462 1,160 5,622
Karate 121 4,472 1,068 5,540
Kickboxing 22 760 60 820
Korfbal 23 1,309 1,263 2,572
Lluita 7 464 22 486
Motociclisme 135 7,058 92 7,150
Motonàutica 37 112 5 117
Natació 119 7,915 4,513 12,428
Pàdel 36 1,658 899 2,557
Patinatge 275 7,123 5,136 12,259
Pentatló modern 3 97 47 144
Pesca 245 28,384 1,123 29,507
Petanca 492 11,312 2,741 14,053
Pilota 104 2,258 330 2,588
Piragüisme 21 939 242 1,181
Pitch and Putt 22 8,239 1,790 10,029
Polo 7 82 19 101
Rem 33 963 381 1,344
Rugbi 28 1,569 185 1,754
Salvament i socorrisme 10 1,166 823 1,989
Taekwon-do 174 3,697 6,481 10,178
Tennis 270 23,553 10,873 34,426
Tennis taula 114 1,629 145 1,774
Tir amb arc 55 1,445 364 1,809
Tir olímpic 193 11,772 974 12,746
Triatló 46 916 114 1,030
Twirling 30 22 406 428
Vela 96 3,929 1,075 5,004
Voleibol 75 1,103 1,787 2,890
Source: Consell Català de l'Esport.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.

Last update: September 29, 2009.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Sports club
Private association with legal personality and able to act without any profit made up of individuals, whose basic objectives are the promotion, development and continuous practice of physical activity sports.
Sports federation
Private entity with public and social interest dedicated to the promotion, management and coordination of the recognized sports, basically constituted sports associations or clubs, sports groups and other private non-profit organization that includes among its social purposes the promotion and practice of sport and physical activity. It can also be made, it may be, for athletes, coaches, judges or referees or other representatives of individuals.
Sporting license
Accreditation issued by a sports federation, sports club or sports council in favor of the athlete, for the implementation of the physical activity or competition, which involves bonding authorization and the organizer of the activity . Its duration may be annual, seasonal or shorter duration, and can be of three types: federal, school and physical activity.

Methodological aspects

The sports councils and federations clubs provide data and licenses, as sports licenses processed by the sports organizations (Decree 58/2010 ., dated 4th May 2010, sports organizations in Catalonia, Official Journal No. 6139, 31.05.2012).

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".