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Population aged 2 and over. By knowledge of Catalan and five-year age group

Population aged 2 and over. By knowledge of Catalan and five-year age group Catalonia. 2021
Can understand Can talk Can read Can write
Not at all With difficulty Well Not at all With difficulty Well Not at all With difficulty Well Not at all With difficulty Well Population aged 2 and over
From 2 to 4 years 26.0 38.7 147.1 42.7 66.5 102.7 157.6 23.2 31.1 160.2 29.5 22.2 211.9
From 5 to 9 years 4.3 29.0 351.5 9.2 50.7 324.9 28.6 82.8 273.4 29.4 121.3 234.1 384.8
From 10 to 14 years 0.7 8.6 419.8 2.1 16.9 410.0 2.9 12.1 414.1 3.3 25.8 400.0 429.1
From 15 to 19 years 3.8 15.5 394.7 5.4 22.4 386.1 4.7 17.2 392.0 6.4 23.2 384.4 413.9
From 20 to 24 years 11.8 19.4 369.5 15.7 27.3 357.6 11.8 24.1 364.7 22.5 23.6 354.6 400.6
From 25 to 29 years 14.8 35.2 374.4 34.6 46.8 343.0 23.8 42.4 358.2 48.4 39.7 336.3 424.4
From 30 to 34 years 22.0 52.9 374.7 55.7 75.6 318.2 33.6 55.3 360.5 74.1 66.1 309.3 449.5
From 35 to 39 years 29.0 67.4 404.4 68.9 79.5 352.4 48.2 67.7 384.9 93.8 71.1 335.9 500.8
From 40 to 44 years 22.6 67.6 527.4 59.7 112.1 445.8 42.3 76.9 498.3 85.1 104.7 427.8 617.5
From 45 to 49 years 26.5 53.9 562.2 66.9 93.9 481.8 44.4 70.6 527.7 91.0 96.7 454.9 642.7
From 50 to 54 years 27.0 57.0 494.5 58.8 98.5 421.2 39.6 66.3 472.6 89.7 110.1 378.6 578.5
From 55 to 59 years 19.5 47.3 455.9 51.9 92.3 378.5 34.3 67.9 420.4 91.8 111.1 319.8 522.7
From 60 to 64 years 15.5 39.1 407.3 52.5 75.0 334.3 32.6 60.5 368.8 93.5 118.8 249.5 461.9
From 65 to 69 years 14.9 36.5 341.0 48.6 63.9 279.7 35.8 54.3 302.1 85.6 110.0 196.6 392.3
From 70 to 74 years 15.2 32.6 303.1 49.3 63.2 238.4 35.8 57.1 258.0 94.2 92.0 164.7 350.9
From 75 to 79 years 14.6 30.1 235.7 54.9 47.2 178.2 39.0 56.3 185.1 97.8 72.6 109.9 280.3
From 80 to 84 years 16.0 24.9 144.6 46.9 26.6 111.9 40.9 34.9 109.6 74.1 45.8 65.6 185.4
85 years or over 19.2 29.0 171.4 54.6 27.4 137.6 48.5 40.8 130.4 86.5 61.0 72.2 219.6
Total 303.0 684.6 6,479.1 778.3 1,086.0 5,602.4 704.4 910.3 5,852.0 1,327.4 1,323.0 4,816.3 7,466.7
Units: Milers de persones.
Source: Idescat, based on the INE's Survey on Main Characteristics of the Population and Housing.

Last update: July 6, 2023.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Knowledge of Catalan
The data in these statistics correspond to the population of two years or more by knowledge of catalan. It is considered: A person «understands» Catalan if they are able to understand a conversation in Catalan on an everyday subject. A person «can read» Catalan if they are able to read everyday texts, such as announcements, newspapers, etc. A person «can speak» Catalan if they are able to maintain a conversation in Catalan on an everyday subject. A person «can write» Catalan if they are able to write notes, postcards, etc. sufficiently correctly, even if not totally correctly.

Methodological aspects

The Statistics on Main Characteristics of the Population and Housing is a sample survey that complements the results of the Population and Housing Census. The main objective of the survey is to obtain information on variables for which there is no information from administrative registers and thus give continuity to the existing census series.

In the Statistics on Main Characteristics of the Population and Housing 2021, the question on knowledge of Catalan has changed with respect to that of the Population Census. Thus, instead of the answer options 'yes' and 'no' in the Statistics there are three options: 'well', 'with difficulty' and 'not at all'.

Idescat publishes information on the knowledge and uses of the 7 most popular languages in Catalonia: Catalan, Spanish, English, French, Arabic, Italian and German.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.