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Legal entities. By types Catalonia
Legal entities Associations Councils and professional colleges Cooperatives Foundations Federations Mutual benefit society
2022 81,272 77,625 126 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 2,665 856 35
2021 79,578 75,940 142 4,526 2,648 848 37
2020 82,500 74,438 142 4,419 2,621 838 42
2019 80,932 72,962 143 4,337 2,617 827 46
2018 78,926 71,112 143 4,215 2,589 821 46
2017 76,872 69,187 142 4,089 2,584 818 52
2016 77,474 69,847 144 4,000 2,602 824 57
2015 77,689 69,468 151 4,193 2,939 878 60
2014 75,101 66,970 151 4,177 2,877 861 65
2013 73,485 65,526 150 4,170 2,797 842 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
2012 71,457 63,607 148 4,122 2,752 828 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
2011 64,685 61,012 148 4,071 2,713 812 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
2010 65,918 58,223 147 4,023 2,658 787 80
2009 62,799 55,252 145 3,952 2,599 767 84
2008 57,666 50,088 145 4,056 2,539 747 91
2007 55,824 47,671 145 4,797 2,391 716 104
2006 59,764 45,458 145 11,088 2,278 681 114
2005 57,470 43,253 166 11,113 2,149 659 130
2004 57,332 43,302 140 11,076 2,061 613 140
2003 55,044 41,241 139 11,010 1,923 575 156
2002 52,760 39,282 144 10,912 1,744 538 140
2001 50,469 37,269 144 10,790 1,607 504 155
2000 48,153 35,342 139 10,552 1,489 477 154
1999 45,797 33,412 143 10,333 1,306 450 153
1998 43,198 31,296 143 9,997 1,194 417 151
1998-2020: Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Families; Ministry of the Vice-presidency and of the Economy and Finance.
2021-2022: Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Business and Labour; Ministry of the Economy and Finance.
The data of the mutual benefit society of the year 2023, are to March 15, 2023.
The data of the mutual benefit society of the year 2021, are to March 10, 2022.
The data of the mutual benefit society of the year 2019, are to March 10, 2020.
Les dades de les mutualitats de l'any 2018, són a 27 de febrer del 2019.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.

Last update: March 17, 2023.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Non-profit organization, voluntarily formed by three or more persons to serve an objective of general or specific interest, through the sharing of personal resources or property temporarily or indefinitely.
Professional association
Corporation governed by public law that is set to an instance of management of public interests related to the exercise of a given profession and as a vehicle for collegial participation of people in the administration of such interests.
Company formed by natural or legal persons who voluntarily join together to meet the needs and economic aspirations and the social and cultural similarities, through a jointly owned and democratically controlled company. Is formed with at least three members. An exception is made for cooperatives of consumers and users and for cooperatives of the second degree. The cooperative venture is based on principles established by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA). Among the principles that a cooperative is identified, it should be highlighted business democracy, member economic participation, interest in providing training and information to members, as well as the economic and social improvement of both the components and the surrounding community.
Constitution of various associations. In turn, various federations can constitute confederations.
Non-profit organization formed by one or several founders by affecting some goods or economic rights and the destination of their income or resources obtained by other means to pursue tasks of general interest. The foundation acquires definitive legal personality with the registration of the founding charter in the Register of Foundations from the Ministery of Justice.

Methodological aspects

On December, 31.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".