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Associations. By type of activity. Counties and Aran, and areas

Associations. By type of activity. Counties and Aran, and areas 2020
Social care Culture Teaching & research Rights Sectors Space Health Others Total
Alt Camp 6 234 44 81 52 59 4 28 508
Alt Empordà 44 708 135 211 183 119 26 256 1,682
Alt Penedès 32 752 102 131 128 101 18 164 1,428
Alt Urgell 10 149 26 47 34 25 7 1 299
Alta Ribagorça 1 50 6 28 9 7 1 0 102
Anoia 39 674 132 128 127 133 19 134 1,386
Aran 4 66 21 13 31 10 1 1 147
Bages 66 873 170 194 177 90 27 172 1,769
Baix Camp 47 929 149 245 144 131 21 92 1,758
Baix Ebre 30 367 87 163 71 61 20 123 922
Baix Empordà 39 705 136 200 159 121 26 221 1,607
Baix Llobregat 222 2,429 612 662 494 294 71 543 5,327
Baix Penedès 29 467 58 136 75 99 11 33 908
Barcelonès 1,141 9,816 2,432 2,354 3,165 603 564 2,142 22,217
Berguedà 7 322 47 71 57 44 7 66 621
Cerdanya 7 87 26 41 39 22 10 30 262
Conca de Barberà 4 211 31 50 21 38 2 8 365
Garraf 54 721 108 146 167 117 18 139 1,470
Garrigues 9 186 45 33 20 18 3 0 314
Garrotxa 32 363 67 126 57 65 11 119 840
Gironès 148 1,074 242 440 272 134 58 504 2,872
Maresme 171 1,773 353 439 473 219 51 413 3,892
Moianès 8 124 20 16 18 26 0 27 239
Montsià 23 316 57 103 61 40 8 109 717
Noguera 22 287 72 107 53 49 10 1 601
Osona 67 823 177 154 140 104 26 163 1,654
Pallars Jussà 6 136 25 45 32 25 3 0 272
Pallars Sobirà 1 107 15 46 43 29 2 0 243
Pla d'Urgell 16 241 50 52 25 19 6 0 409
Pla de l'Estany 20 202 39 70 42 27 7 84 491
Priorat 3 152 28 26 12 16 2 4 243
Ribera d'Ebre 4 165 26 42 20 19 3 41 320
Ripollès 10 169 41 55 28 35 6 44 388
Segarra 6 216 34 103 29 36 9 0 433
Segrià 129 1,144 239 362 205 102 39 1 2,221
Selva 70 693 122 253 151 162 34 275 1,760
Solsonès 6 120 23 33 26 23 5 0 236
Tarragonès 86 1,249 217 388 205 144 27 113 2,429
Terra Alta 1 112 22 20 10 13 1 22 201
Urgell 20 243 50 96 40 30 5 1 485
Vallès Occidental 296 3,074 744 771 722 330 109 627 6,673
Vallès Oriental 157 1,732 321 481 381 231 51 373 3,727
Catalonia 3,093 34,261 7,351 9,162 8,198 3,970 1,329 7,074 74,438
Metropolità 1,987 18,824 4,462 4,707 5,235 1,677 846 4,098 41,836
Comarques Gironines 363 3,914 782 1,355 892 663 168 1,503 9,640
Camp de Tarragona 146 2,775 469 790 434 388 56 245 5,303
Terres de l'Ebre 58 960 192 328 162 133 32 295 2,160
Ponent 202 2,317 490 753 372 254 72 3 4,463
Comarques Centrals 154 2,262 437 468 418 287 65 428 4,519
Alt Pirineu i Aran 29 595 119 220 188 118 24 32 1,325
Penedès 154 2,614 400 541 497 450 66 470 5,192
Source: Ministry of Justice.
Rights: Fostering and defending public, social personal rights.
Sectors: Interests of economic, geographical and professional sectors.
Space: Land planning, ecology and housing.

Last update: March 5, 2021.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Non-profit organization, voluntarily formed by three or more persons to serve an objective of general or specific interest, through the sharing of personal resources or property temporarily or indefinitely.

Methodological aspects

The Directorate General for Law and Legal Entities is responsible for registering ordinary associations. Political, religious, competitive sports and professional associations which regulate working rights are excluded because they have specific registers.

The Directorate General for Law and Legal Entities is also responsible for registering and supervising foundations.

Associations and foundations are founded by three or more persons with a common objective. The most significant differences between an association and a foundation are these:

  • The creation of a foundation requires assets.
  • An association may pursue a general or specific objective (whatever the members want, as long as it is legal). In contrast, a foundation may only pursue objectives of general interest.
  • The governing bodies of an association are the general assembly and the board of directors, while the foundation has a board of trustees.

On December, 31.

The new county of El Moianès was created on 1 May 2015 (Law 4/2015, of 23 April, on the creation of the county of El Moianès) from the aggregation of five municipalities of the county of El Bages, one from the county of Osona and four from the county of El Vallès Oriental.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".