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Publishing production. Legal deposit in Catalonia. By type of document. Provinces

Publishing production. Legal deposit in Catalonia (1). By type of document. Provinces 2008
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalonia
Monographs 50,586 1,108 1,595 837 54,126
Books (2) 38,556 567 584 248 39,955
Pamphlets (3) 6,139 412 719 452 7,722
Loose pages (4) 3,342 61 260 127 3,790
Cinema guides 43 0 0 0 43
Musical scores 575 2 1 0 578
Electronic resources (monographs) 1,931 66 31 10 2,038
CD-ROM 779 6 6 23 814
Periodical publications (no. 1) 1,337 127 46 75 1,585
Newspapers 0 0 0 0 0
Magazines 661 114 44 66 885
Official newsletters 0 1 0 0 1
Reports 380 5 1 6 392
Annuals 282 3 1 0 286
Electronic resources (periodical publ.) 14 4 0 3 21
Periodical publications (sec. no.) 27,820 7,232 4,323 2,777 42,152
Graphic documents 4,299 211 226 394 5,130
Posters 972 44 176 165 1,357
Laminas 1,090 19 6 1 1,116
Maps and plans 421 33 8 16 478
Postcards 1,358 74 0 122 1,554
Greeting cards 328 0 0 0 328
Others (5) 130 41 36 90 297
Sound, audiovisual and electronic docs 4,740 242 106 26 5,114
Vinyl discs 255 12 11 0 278
Compact discs (CD) 2,019 65 26 8 2,118
DVD 2,368 165 62 11 2,606
Videos 15 0 0 0 15
Blue-Ray/HD 36 0 0 0 36
Multimedia 25 0 6 7 38
Others 22 0 1 0 23
Total 88,782 8,920 6,296 4,109 108,107
Source: Biblioteca de Catalunya.
(1) The statistics reflect all documents presented to the Legal Deposit offices over the year, regardless of the year of the legal deposit and therefore the year of publication.
(2) Includes offprints of magazines (not magazine or newspaper supplements), revisions of pre-existing monographs and the first issue of collector's series.
(3) 5 to 48 page documents.
(4) Printed documents with 1 to 4 pages. Laminas, prayer sheets and auca (cartoon strips), for example, are not considered loose sheets.
(5) Sticker albums, stickers, trading cards, printed games, playing cards, etc.

Last update: June 18, 2009.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Legal Deposit
Office that receives editorial and audiovisual productions. Its main function is to collect and preserve all production on any support and enable access to the same. The items that are provided to the Legal Deposit of Catalonia can be consulted by users of three centres: the Library of Catalonia, the provincial public libraries of Barcelona, Girona, Lleida and Tarragona, and the National Library of Spain.

Methodological aspects

Data on publishing production is taken from different sources (INE, the Generalitat de Catalunya's Ministry of Culture data from the Spanish ISBN Agency, and the Library of Catalonia, with data on legal deposits). The divergence of the data is the result of each source relating to different phases of the publishing process. So, while the ISBN registration is made before publication and is in the name of the publisher, the legal deposit is made at the time of printing and is in the name of the printer.

The statistics reflect all documents presented to the Legal Deposit offices of Library of Catalonia over the year, regardless of the year of the legal deposit and therefore the year of publication.

  • Books: Includes offprints of magazines (not magazine or newspaper supplements), revisions of pre-existing monographs and the first issue of collector's series.
  • Coursebooks: contains explanations of a subject, and is used by school and university students.
  • Facsimile/collector's editions: editions that are published in limited quantities for a small audience. Copies are numbered and of a high, formal quality.
  • Pamphlets <16 pages: 5 to 16 page documents.
  • Pamphlets >16 pages: 17 to 48 page documents.
  • Loose pages: Printed documents with 1 to 4 pages. Laminas, prayer sheets and auca (cartoon strips), for example, are not considered loose sheets.
  • Electronic resources (periodical publ.): e-books and books that are published or disseminated via the internet. Includes doctoral theses published on TDC@t.
  • Others graphic documents: Sticker albums, stickers, trading cards, printed games, playing cards, etc.
  • Other audiovisual documents: audio and audiovisual files in other formats, for example memory cards.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".