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Adult training. Centres, teachers and students by sex and age groups. Counties and Aran

Adult training. Centres, teachers and students by sex and age groups. Counties and Aran School year 2019/2020
Alumnes (homes) Alumnes (dones) Alumnes (total)
Centres Personal docent 16-24 25-64 65 i més Total 16-24 25-64 65 i més Total 16-24 25-64 65 i més Total
Alt Camp 1 7 24 45 11 80 20 125 38 183 44 170 49 263
Alt Camp 4 33 183 557 18 758 84 288 26 398 267 845 44 1,156
Alt Empordà 3 16 58 62 16 136 36 103 29 168 94 165 45 304
Alt Penedès 1 6 23 80 27 130 24 188 30 242 47 268 57 372
Alt Urgell 1 1 1 2 0 3 5 13 0 18 6 15 0 21
Alta Ribagorça 1 4 34 42 4 80 21 35 1 57 55 77 5 137
Anoia 1 3 7 57 3 67 6 129 8 143 13 186 11 210
Aran 3 34 95 427 33 555 64 362 61 487 159 789 94 1,042
Bages 4 39 207 344 52 603 174 645 62 881 381 989 114 1,484
Baix Camp 2 13 61 75 25 161 52 222 42 316 113 297 67 477
Baix Ebre 5 34 151 453 80 684 114 626 133 873 265 1,079 213 1,557
Baix Empordà 19 193 1,042 3,788 374 5,204 711 3,478 700 4,889 1,753 7,266 1,074 10,093
Baix Llobregat 2 13 67 62 9 138 64 167 20 251 131 229 29 389
Baix Penedès 49 488 2,267 3,799 1,135 7,201 1,903 8,044 2,352 12,299 4,170 11,843 3,487 19,500
Barcelonès 1 5 31 46 4 81 15 65 5 85 46 111 9 166
Berguedà 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cerdanya 1 4 13 22 6 41 11 63 10 84 24 85 16 125
Conca de Barberà 3 28 147 218 32 397 105 472 57 634 252 690 89 1,031
Garraf 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Garrigues 1 12 138 202 18 358 64 270 38 372 202 472 56 730
Garrotxa 4 52 513 544 27 1,084 301 975 51 1,327 814 1,519 78 2,411
Gironès 14 94 467 1,123 120 1,710 351 1,730 251 2,332 818 2,853 371 4,042
Maresme 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Moianès 1 6 49 59 20 128 23 198 24 245 72 257 44 373
Montsià 1 4 35 95 11 141 18 170 39 227 53 265 50 368
Noguera 6 44 167 380 36 583 113 480 74 667 280 860 110 1,250
Osona 1 3 8 42 18 68 11 105 13 129 19 147 31 197
Pallars Jussà 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pallars Sobirà 1 9 43 92 52 187 38 327 92 457 81 419 144 644
Pla d'Urgell 1 8 82 109 15 206 44 211 16 271 126 320 31 477
Pla de l'Estany 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Priorat 1 7 41 121 16 178 12 140 14 166 53 261 30 344
Ribera d'Ebre 1 3 8 45 9 62 7 66 6 79 15 111 15 141
Ripollès 1 4 27 72 9 108 13 115 15 143 40 187 24 251
Segarra 4 43 200 995 104 1,299 82 522 175 779 282 1,517 279 2,078
Segrià 5 40 228 336 31 595 157 636 49 842 385 972 80 1,437
Selva 1 7 22 73 12 107 20 135 27 182 42 208 39 289
Solsonès 7 74 341 737 120 1,198 267 824 137 1,228 608 1,561 257 2,426
Tarragonès 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Terra Alta 1 6 25 87 30 142 29 189 57 275 54 276 87 417
Urgell 19 169 945 1,602 428 2,975 743 3,442 920 5,105 1,688 5,044 1,348 8,080
Vallès Occidental 16 134 1,001 1,831 170 3,002 370 1,741 276 2,387 1,371 3,572 446 5,389
Vallès Oriental 187 1,640 8,751 18,624 3,075 30,450 6,072 27,301 5,848 39,221 14,823 45,925 8,923 69,671
Source: Ministry of Education.

Last update: January 27, 2022.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Adult training
Part of permanent training that tends to involve mastery by the adult person of the following areas: instrumental and basic training, training for employment and training for leisure and culture.

Methodological aspects

The figures referring to adult education refer to students in public centres and classes that depend on the Ministry of Education.

Data are provisional.