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University education. Students enrolled. By branches of study and universities

University education. Students enrolled in degrees oficials. By branches of study and universities Catalonia. School year 2018/2019
Art & Humanities Sciences Health sciences Social and legal science Enginnering and architecture Total
Students enrolled 22,471 12,731 44,822 93,943 39,413 213,380
State university system 16,326 12,032 29,027 58,195 32,143 147,723
University of Barcelona 7,291 5,267 10,065 20,357 1,462 44,442
Autonomous University of Barcelona 4,584 4,045 8,007 11,633 2,657 30,926
Polytechnic University of Catalonia 83 187 386 1,314 20,427 22,397
Pompeu Fabra University 1,799 0 1,801 9,844 2,357 15,801
University of Girona 976 1,327 2,774 6,551 1,829 13,457
University of Lleida 744 351 3,021 3,291 1,348 8,755
Rovira i Virgili University 849 855 2,973 5,205 2,063 11,945
Private university system 1,964 699 7,760 13,041 2,298 25,762
Ramon Llull University 585 257 2,275 7,763 1,729 12,609
University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia 1,306 442 3,264 2,574 362 7,948
Internacional University of Catalonia 73 0 2,038 1,319 207 3,637
Abat Oliba CEU University 0 0 183 1,385 0 1,568
Open University of Catalonia 4,181 0 8,035 22,707 4,972 39,895
Source: Ministry of Business and Knowledge.
Note: Integrated and attached centers.

Last update: June 22, 2020.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

University education
Education that seeks to prepare and specialise professionals, foster cultural progress and develop research. Access to university requires candidates to pass PAAU (university entrance aptitude tests). In the case of university colleges there is a set of reserved places for students proceeding from CFGS or FP2. University can also be accessed by people aged over twenty-five years that pass regulatory university entrance exams as proposed by universities, even though they do not possess the batxiller certificate. University education taken in higher technical colleges and faculties involves three cycles: first cycle studies, first and second cycle studies, second cycle studies and third cycle studies. Since the Bologna Plan came into force, university certificates are structured into three cycles: bachelor's degree, masters and doctorate. Bachelor's degrees replace diplomas and licentiates. Masters courses are for acquiring specialised training focused on research and the professional world. The aim of doctorate courses is to offer students advanced training in research techniques.

Methodological aspects

We have used the information obtained from the statistics services of Catalan universities. Data is offered on the number of teachers, and students enrolled at and qualified by the private and public universities that make up the Catalan university system. Data is also included in relation to the number of students taking third cycle (PhD and continuing education) courses. Since the Bologna Plan came into force (2010), information has been included on students enrolled for official degrees and masters. At the moment there are two coexisting systems until the expiry of the old plan. Data is also provided on PhD theses, and on students on the different student mobility programmes.

The mobility data for the Catalan university system are made up of all the students who take part in mobility actions, whether through international programmes or bilateral agreements with the different universities, and both the students who come and those who leave.

Catalan universities are:

Name Year established
University of Barcelona (UB) 1837
Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) 1968
Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) 1971
Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) 1990
University of Lleida (UdL) 1991
University of Girona (UdG) 1991
Rovira i Virgili University (URV) 1991
Open University of Catalonia (UOC) 1995
Ramon Llull University (URL) 1991
University of Vic (UVic) the 2014 renamed University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) 1997
Internacional University of Catalonia (UIC) 1997
Abat Oliba CEU University (UAO) 2003