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Foreign students. By place of origin. Counties and Aran

Foreign students. By place of origin. Counties and provinces School year 2014/2015
European Union Rest of Europe Maghreb Rest of Africa North America Central and South America Asia and Oceania Total
Alt Camp 231 51 644 22 0 120 24 1,092
Alt Empordà 987 188 2,793 309 9 996 154 5,436
Alt Penedès 192 93 1,494 56 5 446 101 2,387
Alt Urgell 157 230 60 8 0 110 23 588
Alta Ribagorça 24 9 19 0 1 8 2 63
Anoia 224 66 1,038 98 2 241 98 1,767
Bages 521 176 1,931 290 8 477 252 3,655
Baix Camp 1,140 215 3,118 126 17 848 272 5,736
Baix Ebre 620 147 1,054 30 4 256 220 2,331
Baix Empordà 656 225 2,181 174 9 539 106 3,890
Baix Llobregat 1,636 520 4,301 377 38 3,274 1,215 11,361
Baix Penedès 400 82 1,492 9 6 387 107 2,483
Barcelonès 4,786 2,631 6,356 1,377 251 17,379 13,458 46,238
Berguedà 139 12 271 11 4 113 26 576
Cerdanya 66 38 23 13 0 168 9 317
Conca de Barberà 129 27 205 24 1 21 31 438
Garraf 808 120 709 33 30 572 158 2,430
Garrigues 187 5 151 17 0 15 11 386
Garrotxa 183 69 236 215 4 171 376 1,254
Gironès 943 384 2,508 1,314 19 1,781 449 7,398
Maresme 866 274 3,720 1,017 36 1,362 639 7,914
Montsià 919 124 586 15 1 194 129 1,968
Noguera 390 35 387 96 0 87 16 1,011
Osona 407 78 2,417 562 12 408 413 4,297
Pallars Jussà 107 16 126 16 0 64 10 339
Pallars Sobirà 51 4 13 1 1 33 2 105
Pla d'Urgell 498 38 501 142 1 106 38 1,324
Pla de l'Estany 154 18 333 292 2 96 63 958
Priorat 62 10 80 0 1 17 2 172
Ribera d'Ebre 273 24 283 2 1 46 36 665
Ripollès 58 9 200 1 0 70 12 350
Segarra 363 237 215 187 1 76 28 1,107
Segrià 1,712 247 2,003 966 5 766 309 6,008
Selva 1,048 410 1,149 417 13 659 590 4,286
Solsonès 82 18 177 4 0 26 2 309
Tarragonès 1,360 433 3,240 444 14 1,267 524 7,282
Terra Alta 158 3 13 0 1 22 18 215
Urgell 356 64 555 136 3 100 37 1,251
Val d'Aran 93 7 32 0 0 67 4 203
Vallès Occidental 1,648 534 6,671 1,239 84 4,715 1,316 16,207
Vallès Oriental 634 231 2,449 923 30 1,530 466 6,263
Catalonia 25,268 8,102 55,734 10,963 614 39,633 21,746 162,060
Barcelona 11,858 4,737 31,355 5,981 500 30,519 18,142 103,092
Girona 4,090 1,338 9,425 2,735 56 4,472 1,758 23,874
Lleida 4,028 911 4,239 1,575 12 1,464 483 12,712
Tarragona 5,292 1,116 10,715 672 46 3,178 1,363 22,382
Source: Ministry of Education.
Note: The new county of El Moianès was created on 1 May 2015 (Law 4/2015, of 23 April, on the creation of the county of El Moianès) from the aggregation of five municipalities of the county of El Bages, one from the county of Osona and four from the county of El Vallès Oriental.

Last update: February 24, 2016.

Methodological note

Methodological aspects

The data on infant, primary and secondary education is taken from an exploitation of the data provided by the Generalitat de Catalunya's Ministry of Education or teaching centres at all education levels. The public sector includes data for the centres that depend on the Ministry of Education and other public administrations, while the private sector deals with privately owned centres.

In 1990 the Law for general ordering of the education system (LOGSE) was passed, which modifies the previous education system (LGE) of 1970. In the 1991/92 academic year the teaching approved by the new law was gradually introduced and the 2000/01 academic year was the first in which none of the teaching relating to the previous education system was still in existence.

However, the two education models coexisted over the long period of experimentation and implantation of the new education law.

The data on centres and teaching staff is given, on the one hand, for infant and primary education as a whole, and on the other, for secondary education, although it is often the case that centres and teachers overlap in terms of the different levels given.

The data on special education presented here corresponds to specific special education centres and specific special education groups located in ordinary centres. Integrated pupils are excluded.

The centres that provide specialist education in music, applied arts and design, dance, languages, dramatic art and the restoration and conservation of cultural assets are also in the process of adaptation to new curricular designs regulated by the implantation of the LOGSE.

The figures referring to adult education refer to students in public centres and classes that depend on the Ministry of Education.

Data are provisional.