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Infant education. School units and pupils. By ownership of centre and sex. Counties and Aran

Infant education. School units and pupils. By ownership of centre and sex. Total. Countiess and provinces School year 2014/2015
Units Boys Girls Total
Alt Camp 120 1,003 992 1,995
Alt Empordà 344 3,047 2,924 5,971
Alt Penedès 315 2,698 2,617 5,315
Alt Urgell 46 363 374 737
Alta Ribagorça 11 73 78 151
Anoia 306 2,866 2,627 5,493
Bages 468 4,283 3,982 8,265
Baix Camp 464 4,507 4,212 8,719
Baix Ebre 175 1,611 1,439 3,050
Baix Empordà 294 2,849 2,555 5,404
Baix Llobregat 1,752 18,089 16,989 35,078
Baix Penedès 218 2,203 2,039 4,242
Barcelonès 4,106 41,325 39,009 80,334
Berguedà 105 766 733 1,499
Cerdanya 41 307 292 599
Conca de Barberà 55 408 409 817
Garraf 272 2,888 2,598 5,486
Garrigues 53 372 335 707
Garrotxa 146 1,255 1,217 2,472
Gironès 525 5,112 4,757 9,869
Maresme 963 9,850 9,316 19,166
Montsià 131 1,278 1,197 2,475
Noguera 105 874 777 1,651
Osona 423 3,733 3,523 7,256
Pallars Jussà 29 258 235 493
Pallars Sobirà 18 142 134 276
Pla d'Urgell 108 930 841 1,771
Pla de l'Estany 88 848 781 1,629
Priorat 17 143 136 279
Ribera d'Ebre 61 476 396 872
Ripollès 66 489 499 988
Segarra 68 541 480 1,021
Segrià 524 4,696 4,459 9,155
Selva 331 3,231 3,119 6,350
Solsonès 35 296 259 555
Tarragonès 568 5,650 5,338 10,988
Terra Alta 31 194 205 399
Urgell 99 840 801 1,641
Val d'Aran 24 175 176 351
Vallès Occidental 2,068 21,651 20,218 41,869
Vallès Oriental 921 9,406 8,608 18,014
Catalonia 16,494 161,726 151,676 313,402
Barcelona 11,699 117,567 110,238 227,805
Girona 1,826 17,059 16,066 33,125
Lleida 1,129 9,627 9,009 18,636
Tarragona 1,840 17,473 16,363 33,836
Source: Ministry of Education.
Note: Only includes data for centres authorised by the Department of Education.
Infant education. School units and pupils. By ownership of centre and sex. Public sector. Counties, provinces School year 2014/2015
Units Boys Girls Total
Alt Camp 97 758 739 1,497
Alt Empordà 310 2,687 2,580 5,267
Alt Penedès 258 2,185 2,080 4,265
Alt Urgell 35 258 274 532
Alta Ribagorça 11 73 78 151
Anoia 216 2,008 1,785 3,793
Bages 352 3,121 2,958 6,079
Baix Camp 327 3,193 2,901 6,094
Baix Ebre 136 1,292 1,179 2,471
Baix Empordà 245 2,324 2,045 4,369
Baix Llobregat 1,213 12,893 11,961 24,854
Baix Penedès 193 1,912 1,739 3,651
Barcelonès 1,918 20,274 18,778 39,052
Berguedà 73 507 510 1,017
Cerdanya 34 253 226 479
Conca de Barberà 41 289 295 584
Garraf 215 2,326 2,088 4,414
Garrigues 46 315 285 600
Garrotxa 123 1,032 1,007 2,039
Gironès 366 3,668 3,371 7,039
Maresme 648 6,734 6,185 12,919
Montsià 119 1,167 1,050 2,217
Noguera 89 698 614 1,312
Osona 311 2,634 2,467 5,101
Pallars Jussà 20 196 166 362
Pallars Sobirà 18 142 134 276
Pla d'Urgell 96 802 714 1,516
Pla de l'Estany 75 734 682 1,416
Priorat 17 143 136 279
Ribera d'Ebre 55 412 335 747
Ripollès 54 380 399 779
Segarra 60 472 432 904
Segrià 394 3,522 3,286 6,808
Selva 281 2,754 2,589 5,343
Solsonès 24 189 176 365
Tarragonès 399 4,037 3,769 7,806
Terra Alta 31 194 205 399
Urgell 72 585 567 1,152
Val d'Aran 24 175 176 351
Vallès Occidental 1,251 13,802 12,854 26,656
Vallès Oriental 708 7,363 6,720 14,083
Catalonia 10,955 108,503 100,535 209,038
Barcelona 7,163 73,859 68,404 142,263
Girona 1,479 13,753 12,821 26,574
Lleida 898 7,494 6,962 14,456
Tarragona 1,415 13,397 12,348 25,745
Source: Ministry of Education.
Note: Only includes data for centres authorised by the Department of Education.
Infant education. School units and pupils. By ownership of centre and sex. Private sector. Counties and provinces School year 2014/2015
Units Boys Girls Total
Alt Camp 23 245 253 498
Alt Empordà 34 360 344 704
Alt Penedès 57 513 537 1,050
Alt Urgell 11 105 100 205
Alta Ribagorça 0 0 0 0
Anoia 90 858 842 1,700
Bages 116 1,162 1,024 2,186
Baix Camp 137 1,314 1,311 2,625
Baix Ebre 39 319 260 579
Baix Empordà 49 525 510 1,035
Baix Llobregat 539 5,196 5,028 10,224
Baix Penedès 25 291 300 591
Barcelonès 2,188 21,051 20,231 41,282
Berguedà 32 259 223 482
Cerdanya 7 54 66 120
Conca de Barberà 14 119 114 233
Garraf 57 562 510 1,072
Garrigues 7 57 50 107
Garrotxa 23 223 210 433
Gironès 159 1,444 1,386 2,830
Maresme 315 3,116 3,131 6,247
Montsià 12 111 147 258
Noguera 16 176 163 339
Osona 112 1,099 1,056 2,155
Pallars Jussà 9 62 69 131
Pallars Sobirà 0 0 0 0
Pla d'Urgell 12 128 127 255
Pla de l'Estany 13 114 99 213
Priorat 0 0 0 0
Ribera d'Ebre 6 64 61 125
Ripollès 12 109 100 209
Segarra 8 69 48 117
Segrià 130 1,174 1,173 2,347
Selva 50 477 530 1,007
Solsonès 11 107 83 190
Tarragonès 169 1,613 1,569 3,182
Terra Alta 0 0 0 0
Urgell 27 255 234 489
Val d'Aran 0 0 0 0
Vallès Occidental 817 7,849 7,364 15,213
Vallès Oriental 213 2,043 1,888 3,931
Catalonia 5,539 53,223 51,141 104,364
Barcelona 4,536 43,708 41,834 85,542
Girona 347 3,306 3,245 6,551
Lleida 231 2,133 2,047 4,180
Tarragona 425 4,076 4,015 8,091
Source: Ministry of Education.
Note: Only includes data for centres authorised by the Department of Education.

Last update: February 24, 2016.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Infant education
Etapa educativa preobligatòria que s'imparteix als infants de 0 a 6 anys. S'organitza en dos cicles de tres cursos: primer cicle o primera infància (de 0 a 3 anys) i segon cicle o primer ensenyament (de 3 a 6 anys). Poden impartir el primer cicle d'educació infantil els centres creats o autoritzats per l'Administració educativa. Els centres que únicament imparteixen el primer cicle d'educació infantil tenen la denominació genèrica de llar d'infants o escola bressol.

Methodological aspects

The data on infant, primary and secondary education is taken from an exploitation of the data provided by the Generalitat de Catalunya's Ministry of Education or teaching centres at all education levels. The public sector includes data for the centres that depend on the Ministry of Education and other public administrations, while the private sector deals with privately owned centres.

In 1990 the Law for general ordering of the education system (LOGSE) was passed, which modifies the previous education system (LGE) of 1970. In the 1991/92 academic year the teaching approved by the new law was gradually introduced and the 2000/01 academic year was the first in which none of the teaching relating to the previous education system was still in existence.

However, the two education models coexisted over the long period of experimentation and implantation of the new education law.

The data on centres and teaching staff is given, on the one hand, for infant and primary education as a whole, and on the other, for secondary education, although it is often the case that centres and teachers overlap in terms of the different levels given.

Data are provisional.