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Infant education. School units and pupils. By ownership of centre and sex. Counties and Aran

Infant education (1). School units and pupils (2). By ownership of centre and sex. Total. Counties, areas and provinces School year 2004/2005
Units Boys Girls Total
Alt Camp 89 850 780 1,630
Alt Empordà 246 2,277 2,255 4,532
Alt Penedès 215 2,034 1,914 3,948
Alt Urgell 38 355 336 691
Alta Ribagorça 10 65 71 136
Anoia 249 2,570 2,201 4,771
Bages 389 3,583 3,356 6,939
Baix Camp 361 3,591 3,517 7,108
Baix Ebre 144 1,300 1,199 2,499
Baix Empordà 244 2,379 2,213 4,592
Baix Llobregat 1,435 15,163 14,345 29,508
Baix Penedès 155 1,518 1,496 3,014
Barcelonès 3,728 37,187 35,240 72,427
Berguedà 86 670 669 1,339
Cerdanya 33 329 316 645
Conca de Barberà 53 421 382 803
Garraf 213 2,270 2,261 4,531
Garrigues 38 315 278 593
Garrotxa 124 1,096 942 2,038
Gironès 386 3,902 3,722 7,624
Maresme 838 8,559 8,024 16,583
Montsià 94 1,020 914 1,934
Noguera 72 644 578 1,222
Osona 339 3,165 2,924 6,089
Pallars Jussà 24 174 172 346
Pallars Sobirà 19 122 121 243
Pla d'Urgell 79 634 636 1,270
Pla de l'Estany 66 596 590 1,186
Priorat 18 124 121 245
Ribera d'Ebre 51 356 310 666
Ripollès 55 445 375 820
Segarra 55 451 414 865
Segrià 409 3,773 3,556 7,329
Selva 292 2,946 2,736 5,682
Solsonès 30 289 272 561
Tarragonès 414 4,174 4,083 8,257
Terra Alta 22 144 160 304
Urgell 75 709 661 1,370
Val d'Aran 24 191 160 351
Vallès Occidental 1,663 17,797 16,526 34,323
Vallès Oriental 771 7,885 7,456 15,341
Catalonia 13,646 136,073 128,282 264,355
Metropolità 8,863 90,895 85,766 176,661
Comarques Gironines 1,413 13,641 12,833 26,474
Camp de Tarragona 1,090 10,678 10,379 21,057
Terres de l'Ebre 311 2,820 2,583 5,403
Ponent 728 6,526 6,123 12,649
Comarques Centrals 1,093 10,277 9,422 19,699
Alt Pirineu i Aran 148 1,236 1,176 2,412
Barcelona 9,922 100,860 94,892 195,752
Girona 1,444 13,950 13,131 27,081
Lleida 879 7,765 7,297 15,062
Tarragona 1,401 13,498 12,962 26,460
Source: Departament d'Educació. Servei d'Estadística, Informació i Documentació.
(1) Only includes data for centres authorised by the Department of Education.
(2) From 0 to 5 years (1st and 2nd cycle).
Infant education (1). School units and pupils (2). By ownership of centre and sex. Public sector. Counties, areas and provinces School year 2004/2005
Units Boys Girls Total
Alt Camp 62 574 501 1,075
Alt Empordà 208 1,886 1,897 3,783
Alt Penedès 169 1,565 1,455 3,020
Alt Urgell 27 238 232 470
Alta Ribagorça 10 65 71 136
Anoia 165 1,686 1,414 3,100
Bages 267 2,383 2,197 4,580
Baix Camp 200 2,048 1,977 4,025
Baix Ebre 105 973 886 1,859
Baix Empordà 174 1,676 1,615 3,291
Baix Llobregat 915 9,890 9,295 19,185
Baix Penedès 137 1,310 1,304 2,614
Barcelonès 1,394 14,623 13,613 28,236
Berguedà 56 447 427 874
Cerdanya 27 258 252 510
Conca de Barberà 38 286 271 557
Garraf 164 1,725 1,722 3,447
Garrigues 33 260 236 496
Garrotxa 92 813 694 1,507
Gironès 214 2,198 2,123 4,321
Maresme 502 5,195 4,939 10,134
Montsià 86 935 826 1,761
Noguera 54 457 406 863
Osona 198 1,873 1,700 3,573
Pallars Jussà 18 126 134 260
Pallars Sobirà 19 122 121 243
Pla d'Urgell 61 459 464 923
Pla de l'Estany 48 440 454 894
Priorat 18 124 121 245
Ribera d'Ebre 44 296 256 552
Ripollès 33 267 248 515
Segarra 41 367 309 676
Segrià 246 2,310 2,133 4,443
Selva 237 2,366 2,205 4,571
Solsonès 18 161 164 325
Tarragonès 253 2,635 2,558 5,193
Terra Alta 21 137 145 282
Urgell 48 439 423 862
Val d'Aran 24 191 160 351
Vallès Occidental 922 10,336 9,413 19,749
Vallès Oriental 522 5,546 5,216 10,762
Catalonia 7,870 79,686 74,577 154,263
Metropolità 4,588 48,880 45,653 94,533
Comarques Gironines 1,006 9,646 9,236 18,882
Camp de Tarragona 708 6,977 6,732 13,709
Terres de l'Ebre 256 2,341 2,113 4,454
Ponent 483 4,292 3,971 8,263
Comarques Centrals 704 6,550 5,902 12,452
Alt Pirineu i Aran 125 1,000 970 1,970
Barcelona 5,270 55,246 51,367 106,613
Girona 1,031 9,884 9,470 19,354
Lleida 605 5,238 4,895 10,133
Tarragona 964 9,318 8,845 18,163
Source: Departament d'Educació. Servei d'Estadística, Informació i Documentació.
(1) Only includes data for centres authorised by the Department of Education.
(2) From 0 to 5 years (1st and 2nd cycle).
Infant education (1). School units and pupils (2). By ownership of centre and sex. Private sector. Counties, areas and provinces School year 2004/2005
Units Boys Girls Total
Alt Camp 27 276 279 555
Alt Empordà 38 391 358 749
Alt Penedès 46 469 459 928
Alt Urgell 11 117 104 221
Alta Ribagorça 0 0 0 0
Anoia 84 884 787 1,671
Bages 122 1,200 1,159 2,359
Baix Camp 161 1,543 1,540 3,083
Baix Ebre 39 327 313 640
Baix Empordà 70 703 598 1,301
Baix Llobregat 520 5,273 5,050 10,323
Baix Penedès 18 208 192 400
Barcelonès 2,334 22,564 21,627 44,191
Berguedà 30 223 242 465
Cerdanya 6 71 64 135
Conca de Barberà 15 135 111 246
Garraf 49 545 539 1,084
Garrigues 5 55 42 97
Garrotxa 32 283 248 531
Gironès 172 1,704 1,599 3,303
Maresme 336 3,364 3,085 6,449
Montsià 8 85 88 173
Noguera 18 187 172 359
Osona 141 1,292 1,224 2,516
Pallars Jussà 6 48 38 86
Pallars Sobirà 0 0 0 0
Pla d'Urgell 18 175 172 347
Pla de l'Estany 18 156 136 292
Priorat 0 0 0 0
Ribera d'Ebre 7 60 54 114
Ripollès 22 178 127 305
Segarra 14 84 105 189
Segrià 163 1,463 1,423 2,886
Selva 55 580 531 1,111
Solsonès 12 128 108 236
Tarragonès 161 1,539 1,525 3,064
Terra Alta 1 7 15 22
Urgell 27 270 238 508
Val d'Aran 0 0 0 0
Vallès Occidental 741 7,461 7,113 14,574
Vallès Oriental 249 2,339 2,240 4,579
Catalonia 5,776 56,387 53,705 110,092
Metropolità 4,275 42,015 40,113 82,128
Comarques Gironines 407 3,995 3,597 7,592
Camp de Tarragona 382 3,701 3,647 7,348
Terres de l'Ebre 55 479 470 949
Ponent 245 2,234 2,152 4,386
Comarques Centrals 389 3,727 3,520 7,247
Alt Pirineu i Aran 23 236 206 442
Barcelona 4,652 45,614 43,525 89,139
Girona 413 4,066 3,661 7,727
Lleida 274 2,527 2,402 4,929
Tarragona 437 4,180 4,117 8,297
Source: Departament d'Educació. Servei d'Estadística, Informació i Documentació.
(1) Only includes data for centres authorised by the Department of Education.
(2) From 0 to 5 years (1st and 2nd cycle).

Last update: June 18, 2009.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Infant education
Etapa educativa preobligatòria que s'imparteix als infants de 0 a 6 anys. S'organitza en dos cicles de tres cursos: primer cicle o primera infància (de 0 a 3 anys) i segon cicle o primer ensenyament (de 3 a 6 anys). Poden impartir el primer cicle d'educació infantil els centres creats o autoritzats per l'Administració educativa. Els centres que únicament imparteixen el primer cicle d'educació infantil tenen la denominació genèrica de llar d'infants o escola bressol.

Methodological aspects

The data on infant, primary and secondary education is taken from an exploitation of the data provided by the Generalitat de Catalunya's Ministry of Education or teaching centres at all education levels. The public sector includes data for the centres that depend on the Ministry of Education and other public administrations, while the private sector deals with privately owned centres.

In 1990 the Law for general ordering of the education system (LOGSE) was passed, which modifies the previous education system (LGE) of 1970. In the 1991/92 academic year the teaching approved by the new law was gradually introduced and the 2000/01 academic year was the first in which none of the teaching relating to the previous education system was still in existence.

However, the two education models coexisted over the long period of experimentation and implantation of the new education law.

The data on centres and teaching staff is given, on the one hand, for infant and primary education as a whole, and on the other, for secondary education, although it is often the case that centres and teachers overlap in terms of the different levels given.

Data are provisional.