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Students and teachers. By education levels Catalonia
Students Infant education Primary education Special education Secondary education University education Infant education (%) Primary education (%) Special education (%) Secondary education (%) University education (%) Teachers Infant and primary education Special education Secondary education University education Infant and primary education (%) Special education (%) Secondary education (%) University education (%)
SY 2022/23 1,705,740 269,225 457,503 8,207 670,261 300,544 15.8 26.8 0.5 39.3 17.6 149,810 66,210 2,255 59,085 22,260 44.2 1.5 39.4 14.9
SY 2021/22 1,682,253 269,440 460,311 8,067 645,972 298,463 16.0 27.4 0.5 38.4 17.7 143,359 65,293 2,067 54,223 21,776 45.5 1.4 37.8 15.2
SY 2020/21 1,655,051 269,474 469,179 7,818 619,211 289,369 16.3 28.3 0.5 37.4 17.5 139,726 63,624 2,213 52,372 21,517 45.5 1.6 37.5 15.4
SY 2019/20 1,657,327 291,596 479,958 7,456 595,539 282,778 17.6 29.0 0.4 35.9 17.1 137,697 64,897 1,759 50,343 20,698 47.1 1.3 36.6 15.0
SY 2018/19 1,632,813 292,167 483,712 7,087 573,252 276,595 17.9 29.6 0.4 35.1 16.9 137,704 65,362 1,986 50,050 20,306 47.5 1.4 36.3 14.7
SY 2017/18 1,589,053 296,123 484,029 6,839 533,090 268,972 18.6 30.5 0.4 33.5 16.9 133,521 64,964 1,796 47,149 19,612 48.7 1.3 35.3 14.7
SY 2016/17 1,576,024 300,662 483,653 6,919 519,126 265,664 19.1 30.7 0.4 32.9 16.9 129,000 63,131 1,719 44,892 19,258 48.9 1.3 34.8 14.9
SY 2015/16 1,567,352 307,785 481,663 7,286 511,939 258,679 19.6 30.7 0.5 32.7 16.5 128,295 63,517 1,668 44,593 18,517 49.5 1.3 34.8 14.4
SY 2014/15 1,549,729 313,402 476,558 7,147 501,033 251,589 20.2 30.8 0.5 32.3 16.2 125,669 62,733 1,626 43,322 17,988 49.9 1.3 34.5 14.3
SY 2013/14 1,542,299 323,686 466,813 6,929 492,330 252,541 21.0 30.3 0.4 31.9 16.4 124,670 62,679 1,604 43,101 17,286 50.3 1.3 34.6 13.9
SY 2012/13 1,525,829 329,718 460,584 6,744 487,779 241,004 21.6 30.2 0.4 32.0 15.8 122,909 61,691 1,565 42,273 17,380 50.2 1.3 34.4 14.1
SY 2011/12 1,522,498 338,979 452,887 6,568 476,295 247,769 22.3 29.7 0.4 31.3 16.3 127,503 63,998 1,554 43,403 18,548 50.2 1.2 34.0 14.5
SY 2010/11 1,504,377 330,427 442,494 6,369 476,103 248,984 22.0 29.4 0.4 31.6 16.6 126,791 64,089 1,575 42,745 18,382 50.5 1.2 33.7 14.5
SY 2009/10 1,446,133 324,843 428,845 6,615 454,321 231,509 22.5 29.7 0.5 31.4 16.0 124,983 62,768 1,567 42,639 18,009 50.2 1.3 34.1 14.4
SY 2008/09 1,403,364 318,158 418,914 6,868 442,223 217,201 22.7 29.9 0.5 31.5 15.5 123,482 61,706 1,653 42,747 17,376 50.0 1.3 34.6 14.1
SY 2007/08 1,362,516 304,809 404,456 6,810 428,733 217,708 22.4 29.7 0.5 31.5 16.0 119,072 59,204 1,627 41,786 16,455 49.7 1.4 35.1 13.8
SY 2006/07 1,331,157 288,104 389,878 6,828 420,263 226,084 21.6 29.3 0.5 31.6 17.0 114,060 55,421 1,595 40,674 16,370 48.6 1.4 35.7 14.4
SY 2005/06 1,303,633 276,743 376,585 6,779 416,469 227,057 21.2 28.9 0.5 31.9 17.4 106,205 49,120 1,506 39,747 15,832 46.3 1.4 37.4 14.9
SY 2004/05 1,280,621 264,355 368,267 6,716 415,314 225,969 20.6 28.8 0.5 32.4 17.6 103,333 47,292 1,450 39,102 15,489 45.8 1.4 37.8 15.0
SY 2003/04 1,265,285 251,419 362,817 6,514 413,599 230,936 19.9 28.7 0.5 32.7 18.3 100,111 45,056 1,372 38,360 15,323 45.0 1.4 38.3 15.3
SY 2002/03 1,236,685 237,488 354,597 6,262 412,779 225,559 19.2 28.7 0.5 33.4 18.2 97,237 43,304 1,278 37,712 14,943 44.5 1.3 38.8 15.4
SY 2001/02 1,217,512 224,892 348,665 6,026 413,114 224,815 18.5 28.6 0.5 33.9 18.5 96,643 42,236 1,232 37,942 15,233 43.7 1.3 39.3 15.8
SY 1996/97 1,295,569 210,331 368,261 5,698 511,002 200,277 16.2 28.4 0.4 39.4 15.5 91,164 43,532 945 34,070 12,617 47.8 1.0 37.4 13.8
SY 1990/91 1,399,918 150,983 493,407 6,974 583,564 164,990 10.8 35.2 0.5 41.7 11.8 77,484 42,578 1,032 25,667 8,207 55.0 1.3 33.1 10.6
SY 1986/87 1,471,930 171,204 613,312 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 549,083 138,331 11.6 41.7 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 37.3 9.4 71,218 42,667 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 22,395 6,156 59.9 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 31.4 8.6
SY 1980/81 1,431,438 221,545 645,761 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 465,429 98,703 15.5 45.1 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 32.5 6.9 64,802 41,291 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 17,391 6,120 63.7 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 26.8 9.4
SY 1980/81-SY 2018/19: Ministry of Education; Ministry of Economy and Knowledge.
SY 2019/20: Ministry of Education; Ministry of Research and Universities.
SY 2019/20: Ministry of Education; Ministry of Economy and Knowledge.
SY 2020/21-SY 2022/23: Ministry of Education; Ministry of Research and Universities.
The secondary education includes the students of the Programs for Initial Professional Qualification (PIPQ) since the school year 2008-2009.
University education: the university education includes the students of the cycles, degrees, masters and PDH curses since the school year 2010-2011.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.

Last update: April 3, 2024. Revised series on September 9, 2024.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Special education
Education that involves curricular care and adaptations designed for disabled pupils to carry out their education process while integrated in ordinary centres or specific centres when this is recommendable due to the seriousness and circumstances of the disability.
Infant education
Etapa educativa preobligatòria que s'imparteix als infants de 0 a 6 anys. S'organitza en dos cicles de tres cursos: primer cicle o primera infància (de 0 a 3 anys) i segon cicle o primer ensenyament (de 3 a 6 anys). Poden impartir el primer cicle d'educació infantil els centres creats o autoritzats per l'Administració educativa. Els centres que únicament imparteixen el primer cicle d'educació infantil tenen la denominació genèrica de llar d'infants o escola bressol.
Primary education
Education that covers six years, from six years to twelve, and is compulsory. It is structured into three cycles, each of two academic years.
Secondary education
Educational that level that covers: obligatory secondary education (ESO), Batxillerat and specific vocational training of medium and higher level.
Medium grade vocational training
Training that includes education providing the capacity to develop various professions. Of a variable duration depending on the profession. To access this, the secondary education graduates certificate or any equivalent is required. The pupils that pass these courses receive the specialist qualification for the corresponding profession.
University education
Education that seeks to prepare and specialise professionals, foster cultural progress and develop research. Access to university requires candidates to pass PAAU (university entrance aptitude tests). In the case of university colleges there is a set of reserved places for students proceeding from CFGS or FP2. University can also be accessed by people aged over twenty-five years that pass regulatory university entrance exams as proposed by universities, even though they do not possess the batxiller certificate. University education taken in higher technical colleges and faculties involves three cycles: first cycle studies, first and second cycle studies, second cycle studies and third cycle studies. Since the Bologna Plan came into force, university certificates are structured into three cycles: bachelor's degree, masters and doctorate. Bachelor's degrees replace diplomas and licentiates. Masters courses are for acquiring specialised training focused on research and the professional world. The aim of doctorate courses is to offer students advanced training in research techniques.
Programmes for Initial Professional Qualification (PIPQ)
Es dirigeixen a alumnes més grans de 16 anys que no han obtingut el títol de GESO (graduat/ada en ESO)Incorporen tres tipus de mòduls, que proporcionen: competències professionals (mòduls A), formació de caràcter general (mòduls B), el títol de GESO (mòduls voluntaris C). Les proves d'accés amb exempcions se suprimiran a partir del curs 2012-2013.

Methodological aspects

The data on infant, primary and secondary education is taken from an exploitation of the data provided by the Generalitat de Catalunya's Ministry of Education or teaching centres at all education levels. The public sector includes data for the centres that depend on the Ministry of Education and other public administrations, while the private sector deals with privately owned centres.

In 1990 the Law for general ordering of the education system (LOGSE) was passed, which modifies the previous education system (LGE) of 1970. In the 1991/92 academic year the teaching approved by the new law was gradually introduced and the 2000/01 academic year was the first in which none of the teaching relating to the previous education system was still in existence.

However, the two education models coexisted over the long period of experimentation and implantation of the new education law.

The data on centres and teaching staff is given, on the one hand, for infant and primary education as a whole, and on the other, for secondary education, although it is often the case that centres and teachers overlap in terms of the different levels given.

In the area of university education we have used the information provided by the Generalitat de Catalunya's Ministry of Economy and Knowledge, obtained from the statistics services of Catalan universities. Data is offered on the number of teachers, and students enrolled at and qualified by the private and public universities that make up the Catalan university system. Data is also included in relation to the number of students taking third cycle (PhD and continuing education) courses. Since the Bologna Plan came into force, information has been included on students enrolled for official degrees and masters. At the moment there are two coexisting systems until the expiry of the old plan. Data is also provided on PhD theses, and on students on the different student mobility programmes.

Provisional data.