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Preu mitjà de venda d'habitatges de segona mà. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Preu mitjà de venda d'habitatges de segona mà. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
Alt Camp 1,212.29 1,106.41 1,154.45 1,077.21 1,045.53 1,058.25 1,079.10 978.76 1,007.26 1,012.58
Alt Empordà 2,379.98 2,076.36 2,062.06 1,923.79 1,862.31 1,876.15 1,785.13 1,837.30 1,824.14 1,897.02
Alt Penedès 1,506.96 1,403.42 1,323.84 1,312.48 1,206.97 1,188.03 1,052.44 1,023.70 978.81 1,154.55
Alt Urgell 1,133.05 1,108.12 996.69 955.98 997.67 794.38 950.78 917.43 958.64 942.73
Alta Ribagorça 1,313.04 1,312.28 982.53 1,451.41 1,124.58 1,128.11 1,092.83 920.60 1,138.18 938.71
Anoia 1,327.30 1,298.73 1,123.01 1,106.69 1,011.70 971.42 950.71 911.13 952.83 1,083.78
Aran 3,175.27 2,707.62 2,556.51 2,469.70 2,346.75 2,498.79 2,017.72 1,828.05 1,913.13 1,875.31
Bages 1,305.12 1,298.15 1,224.10 1,180.56 1,114.35 1,091.16 1,034.27 979.01 980.02 1,072.71
Baix Camp 1,611.82 1,492.36 1,459.33 1,425.36 1,442.22 1,329.36 1,312.75 1,353.83 1,355.31 1,443.67
Baix Ebre 1,169.07 1,124.11 1,044.26 1,105.61 1,169.04 1,061.74 1,040.93 1,035.03 1,118.57 1,094.34
Baix Empordà 2,505.27 2,281.48 2,104.41 2,116.35 1,976.43 1,980.75 1,800.38 1,852.06 1,833.86 1,797.19
Baix Llobregat 2,715.87 2,539.03 2,485.68 2,442.50 2,270.83 2,143.31 1,965.83 1,830.02 1,737.63 1,915.17
Baix Penedès 1,662.70 1,531.19 1,413.91 1,403.52 1,284.94 1,277.22 1,226.50 1,185.93 1,154.07 1,262.65
Barcelonès 3,621.62 3,506.84 3,509.01 3,472.39 3,321.78 3,185.27 2,756.05 2,605.35 2,447.24 2,404.26
Berguedà 1,116.93 1,109.84 1,105.07 936.13 906.76 926.95 863.62 870.12 869.48 1,123.58
Cerdanya 3,160.40 2,833.94 2,872.11 2,590.11 2,503.11 2,322.55 2,394.68 2,059.72 1,995.72 2,006.00
Conca de Barberà 938.29 786.57 776.41 851.71 712.92 743.97 612.37 734.45 767.41 687.36
Garraf 2,843.06 2,700.41 2,601.28 2,613.99 2,425.24 2,365.14 2,221.00 2,279.50 2,167.44 2,290.39
Garrigues 638.93 626.39 501.15 625.97 515.13 556.61 517.52 535.49 433.25 458.13
Garrotxa 1,418.88 1,388.40 1,213.82 1,252.67 1,143.23 1,094.58 1,054.65 1,011.11 1,142.49 1,220.32
Gironès 1,852.18 1,776.35 1,655.61 1,589.63 1,580.70 1,464.08 1,368.03 1,264.34 1,183.81 1,196.37
Maresme 2,435.26 2,382.89 2,336.55 2,224.60 1,986.37 1,858.29 1,702.00 1,586.67 1,562.12 1,582.76
Moianès 1,491.14 1,277.92 1,399.76 1,342.09 1,187.44 1,344.18 1,117.74 1,568.75 0.00 0.00
Montsià 939.00 837.22 836.87 816.90 771.42 776.55 815.61 786.52 786.30 863.61
Noguera 912.46 614.63 685.81 647.00 665.22 639.31 686.47 713.47 852.00 821.17
Osona 1,565.55 1,368.89 1,353.46 1,263.93 1,245.30 1,217.08 1,171.29 1,142.24 1,023.33 881.67
Pallars Jussà 802.48 759.24 716.32 678.49 700.61 761.20 754.79 814.27 801.11 844.14
Pallars Sobirà 1,522.39 1,376.63 1,158.99 1,298.09 1,196.83 1,057.32 1,099.83 1,032.33 922.00 1,227.99
Pla de l'Estany 1,594.11 1,531.27 970.03 1,415.11 1,351.28 1,244.59 1,136.15 1,077.49 1,099.04 1,170.62
Pla d'Urgell 894.44 798.36 667.70 713.48 679.30 609.93 640.93 645.77 620.66 758.70
Priorat 1,122.37 840.53 931.95 1,029.55 1,074.89 843.30 782.79 948.82 1,265.38 1,139.91
Ribera d'Ebre 776.15 718.55 621.06 580.65 667.90 582.15 745.09 611.31 601.79 623.29
Ripollès 1,591.51 1,544.07 1,233.21 1,589.55 1,430.55 1,523.14 1,635.89 1,351.03 1,705.84 1,362.62
Segarra 872.48 919.26 851.44 780.11 711.91 818.07 791.44 773.89 905.63 927.40
Segrià 1,122.58 1,024.29 996.96 969.86 838.31 880.13 873.74 942.53 880.48 923.36
Selva 1,813.88 1,745.70 1,595.44 1,615.74 1,618.79 1,470.77 1,621.43 1,698.99 1,667.86 1,916.12
Solsonès 1,168.59 1,009.99 1,058.57 938.46 1,091.04 916.43 1,164.06 1,028.94 1,092.92 1,181.88
Tarragonès 1,729.52 1,636.26 1,599.79 1,552.85 1,462.74 1,402.31 1,356.81 1,361.17 1,413.35 1,337.85
Terra Alta 1,288.82 886.70 711.55 875.63 774.80 747.16 810.09 803.78 722.02 755.96
Urgell 952.83 758.21 857.26 774.84 723.91 684.05 746.55 771.03 656.44 759.59
Vallès Occidental 2,300.93 2,251.76 2,206.60 2,115.90 1,938.97 1,681.43 1,563.57 1,449.84 1,367.55 1,451.19
Vallès Oriental 1,950.19 1,867.63 1,762.24 1,708.43 1,602.52 1,466.32 1,373.05 1,307.54 1,362.60 1,383.35
Catalunya 2,376.76 2,226.34 2,171.46 2,171.74 2,067.49 2,002.18 1,838.65 1,785.68 1,757.16 1,770.18
Metropolità 2,896.72 2,749.79 2,704.91 2,649.89 2,494.35 2,381.36 2,133.97 2,046.42 1,986.29 1,992.50
Comarques Gironines 2,148.01 1,980.12 1,834.23 1,828.67 1,768.84 1,716.63 1,662.88 1,705.17 1,711.27 1,816.12
Camp de Tarragona 1,653.10 1,548.50 1,257.34 1,478.87 1,433.93 1,354.81 1,329.68 1,344.78 1,368.59 1,379.99
Terres de l'Ebre 1,045.63 965.71 912.08 940.96 956.14 912.91 921.90 884.19 934.34 958.37
Ponent 1,012.21 910.68 891.06 874.60 771.21 794.66 791.64 841.80 813.36 864.63
Comarques Centrals 1,383.16 1,286.06 1,257.34 1,187.38 1,146.58 1,126.47 1,074.84 1,048.98 977.47 1,005.67
Alt Pirineu i Aran 2,305.23 2,098.77 1,881.40 1,970.15 1,874.32 1,919.56 1,732.41 1,567.13 1,553.43 1,421.80
Penedès 1,965.34 1,891.14 1,767.60 1,813.33 1,703.95 1,607.51 1,475.52 1,510.10 1,509.02 1,567.66
Barcelona 2,712.11 2,568.65 2,521.00 2,487.66 2,351.85 2,259.09 2,036.21 1,963.25 1,915.06 1,920.78
Girona 2,187.14 2,016.33 1,867.06 1,856.02 1,794.83 1,740.83 1,690.00 1,718.10 1,721.35 1,820.82
Lleida 1,342.57 1,138.11 1,094.65 1,113.80 1,017.34 1,039.93 1,002.43 991.52 958.08 963.05
Tarragona 1,545.29 1,443.89 1,387.39 1,377.44 1,322.55 1,268.28 1,243.48 1,242.10 1,253.27 1,256.23
Units: Euros per metre squared built.
2013-2017: Ministry of Governance, Public Adminstrations and Housing.
2018: Ministry of Territory and Sustainability.
2019-2022: Ministry of Territory and Sustainability.
The new county of El Moianès was created on 1 May 2015 from the aggregation of five municipalities of the county of El Bages, one from the county of Osona and four from the county of El Vallès Oriental.
From March 2014 onwards, eight municipalities in L'Anoia will change designation and will belong to El Penedès region of the Central Counties.

Last update: May 9, 2023.

Methodological note

Methodological aspects

L'objectiu principal d'aquesta estadística és fer el seguiment de les compravendes d'habitatge que es registren a Catalunya i el preu de venda registrat d'aquests habitatges.

A partir de l'any 2013, la font primària de les dades és el Colegio de Registradores de la Propiedad, Bienes Muebles y Mercantiles de España, i la informació és elaborada pel Departament de Governació, Administracions Públiques i Habitatges a nivell comarcal .

Els anys anteriors, la informació s'oferia pels municipis amb més de 100.000 habitants i les dades provenien de l'enquesta realitzada per l'empresa TECNIGRAMA.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".