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Started buildings and surface area. By destination

Buildings started and surface area. By destination Catalonia
2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
Buildings 1,170 1,173 2,229 4,618 4,749 4,270 7,728 19,806 30,766 29,560 23,659 22,927 19,658 21,630 24,501
Residential 772 774 1,436 1,647 2,531 2,353 4,612 11,782 18,221 16,807 15,533 15,196 12,559 12,609 14,180
Non residential 398 399 793 2,971 2,218 1,917 3,116 8,024 12,545 12,753 8,126 7,731 7,099 9,021 10,321
Establishments 391 350 479 598 955 1,035 2,692 7,524 11,561 10,518 7,374 7,055 6,266 7,110 8,071
Industriy 1 0 4 45 81 53 44 46 88 207 248 210 147 209 205
Trade & warehouses 2 18 78 421 244 173 121 136 233 300 302 287 258 356 405
Offices 0 0 5 52 31 21 26 19 33 45 61 57 75 56 42
Hostelry 0 3 3 29 17 7 9 12 24 28 68 58 53 67 43
Others (1) 4 28 224 1,826 890 628 224 287 606 1,655 73 64 300 1,223 1,555
Surface (thousands m²) 725.9 590.6 1,326.8 3,899.1 3,986.4 2,791.6 4,729.3 13,336.2 19,810.0 18,114.0 17,398.8 16,767.5 14,158.1 13,635.2 15,354.3
Residential 656.4 481.5 811.2 1,254.2 1,921.9 1,573.6 3,047.1 9,029.9 13,660.9 11,574.9 11,250.1 11,010.0 9,184.9 8,414.5 9,952.2
Non residential 69.4 109.2 515.6 2,644.9 2,064.5 1,218.0 1,682.2 4,306.3 6,149.1 6,539.1 6,148.7 5,757.5 4,973.2 5,220.7 5,402.1
Establishments 68.7 48.8 145.8 145.0 672.1 441.0 1,189.3 3,685.6 5,176.5 4,641.1 4,231.9 4,087.5 2,604.5 2,777.9 3,196.3
Industriy 0.1 0.0 35.6 108.3 134.7 136.3 119.0 148.0 148.0 408.1 611.3 544.2 508.0 611.5 595.1
Trade & warehouses 0.2 34.3 93.0 498.5 257.3 58.9 42.6 156.1 95.2 371.4 526.9 470.7 541.1 282.7 569.0
Offices 0.0 0.0 73.6 277.4 100.6 121.4 119.3 31.5 326.4 453.2 381.9 282.7 402.4 279.1 138.5
Hostelry 0.0 6.6 9.8 96.1 81.1 27.2 56.2 74.6 147.0 126.0 356.2 338.4 323.5 456.1 223.8
Others (1) 0.4 19.4 157.8 1,519.6 818.6 433.3 155.8 210.5 256.0 539.2 40.4 33.9 593.7 813.4 679.3
Source: Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat. Secretaria d'Habitatge i Millora Urbana.
Note: (1) Includes agricultural and sports.

Last update: March 11, 2015.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Housing starts
Residential construction project supervised by the college of surveyors.
Structurally separate and independent area where economic activities dependent on a company are or could be carried out.

Methodological aspects

The information on buildings started comes from the building work approvals by the Official Associations of Surveyors, Architectural Technicians and Building Engineers of Catalonia.

Since these are administrative data from a set of professional associations, the total construction activity for non-residential buildings in Catalonia is not included.

From 2014 there is a break in the series due to the application of methodological changes.