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Generalitat de Catalunya. Budget. Commercial companies

Generalitat de Catalunya. Pressupost. Societats mercantils Catalonia
Activa Multimèdia Digital, SL 7.15
Administració, Promoció i Gestió, SA (ADIGSA) 89.99
Aeroports públics de Catalunya, SLU 7.21
Agència de Patrocini i Mecenatge, SA 0.69
Catalunya Ràdio SRG, SA 51.45
CCRTV Interactiva, SA 10.17
CCRTV Serveis Generals, SA 12.69
Centrals i Infraestructures per a la Mobilitat i les Activitats Logístiques, SA (CIMALSA) 114.71
Eficiència Energètica, SA 1.43
Empresa de Promoció i Localització Industrial de Catalunya, SA (EPLICSA) 2.11
Energètica d'Instal·lacions Sanitàries, SA (EISSA) 4.08
Ens per al Cessament Agrari 0.02
Equacat, SA 1.56
Forestal Catalana, SA 27.39
Gestió d'Infraestructures, SA (GISA) 1,101.77
ICF Equipaments, SAU 334.28
ICF Holding, SAU 35.69
Intracatalonia, SA 4.40
Logaritme Serveis Logístics AIE 15.10
Promotora d'Exportacions Catalanes, SA (PRODECA) 4.68
Reg Sistema Segarra-Garrigues, SA (REGSEGA) 110.75
Regs de Catalunya, SA (REGSA) 100.23
Sanejament Energia, SA 0.05
Sistema d'Emergències Mèdiques, SA (SEMSA) 241.08
Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, SA (TNC) 18.30
Televisió de Catalunya, SA (TVC) 412.52
Túnel del Cadí, SAC 20.29
Túnels i Accessos de Barcelona, SAC (TABASA) 33.95
TVC Edicions i Publicacions, SA 1.04
TVC Multimèdia, SL 4.16
UDIAT, Centre Diagnòstic, SA 27.81
Total 2,796.78
Units: Millions of euros.
Source: Departament d'Economia i Finances.

Last update: June 18, 2009.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Expression of the accounts for the economic plans of the public sector for a certain period of time (generally one year). Every public entity of a legal nature makes its own budget which shows, in disaggregated form, the corresponding forecasts for income and limitations of expenditure. Depending on the different phases, the budget may be:
Preventive or initial budget
Accounts document that shows the approved quantities both for income and for expenditure, with the characteristic that these have to be balanced, i.e. the total income and the total expenditure have to coincide quantitatively. When a budget is described without specifying its type, it is assumed to be preventative.

Methodological aspects

The public budget is the economic and financial plan associated with Government strategy. It is a tool used to plan, schedule, control, monitor and evaluate public sector activity. It is drawn up annually and specifies expected revenue and the maximum expenditure (credits) that can be endorsed during the financial year. It is approved by Parliament as a specific law.

The Generalitat's budget and contains the preventive budget, by functions and chapters, the consolidated budget and the liquidated budget, as well as real investments in Catalan counties. Also presented are the budgets of autonomous administrative, commercial and financial, public law and commercial entities, and of those that manage Social Security and the Catalan Radio and Television Corporation.

Included a table for income and expenditure, by chapters, in accordance with the metodology ESA, a coherent and detailed set of accounts and tables that enable a systematic, comparable and complete view of economic activity in the European Union member states.

The Generalitat de Catalunya subsector corresponds to its Administration. This is composed of the different ministries, the superior bodies (Parliament, the Public Audit Office, etc.) and the so-called non-ministerial funds (pensions, debt, expenses of different ministries, etc.).

The Budget Law for 2013 was not passed.

Recently, Law 23/2010, of July 22, divides Catalonia into eight territorial planning areas with the incorporation of the Penedès region. This new territorial area includes the counties of Alt Penedès, l'Anoia, el Baix Penedès and el Garraf. In consequence, the territorial boundaries of the area of Metropolità, Comarques centrals and Camp de Tarragona are modified, and their data is therefore not directly comparable with previous years.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".