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Urban public transport. Buses

Urban public transport. Buses. Passengers transported. Provinces
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalonia
2022 310,335 2,890 5,147 11,204 329,576
2021 252,890 2,256 4,342 9,527 269,015
2020 198,000 1,658 3,341 7,386 210,385
2019 363,100 3,345 6,542 13,110 386,098
2018 346,200 3,341 6,458 12,627 368,626
2017 333,600 3,207 6,295 12,240 355,343
2016 322,214 3,174 6,312 11,824 343,524
2015 309,900 3,057 6,213 11,492 330,662
2014 302,074 2,947 5,599 11,143 321,763
2013 295,580 2,850 5,818 10,974 315,222
2012 292,100 2,891 6,756 11,169 312,916
2011 304,500 2,888 7,323 12,021 326,732
2010 303,642 2,773 7,447 11,798 325,660
2009 310,000 2,595 7,426 12,079 332,100
Units: Thousands.
2009-2020: Ministry of the Vice-presidency, Digital Policies and Territory.
2021-2022: Ministry of Territory.
Barcelona demarcation: city buses in the province of Barcelona (inclou TB, AMB i AMTU).
Tarragona demarcation: city buses in Tarragona and Reus.
Girona demarcation: city buses in Girona.
Lleida demarcation: city buses in Lleida.

Last update: November 3, 2023.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Vehicles used for the transport of travellers with a capacity of more than nine places including the driver.
Regular public transport
Displacement that takes place in passenger vehicles or in mixed vehicles (passengers and godos) which have previously determined schedules and routes, and an individual fare.

Methodological aspects

Data is provided for the regular transport of road travellers inside Catalonia. The Ministry of Territory and Sustainability obtained these figures directly from companies authorised to provide these services.

Data is offered on the transport of goods by road which was obtained from the Permanent survey on the transport of goods by road published by the Ministry of Public Works.

The section on urban public transport provides information on surface transport in the most populated cities of Catalonia, provided by the Ministry of Territory and Sustainability, and also underground metropolitan transport and urban railways. With the introduction of the integrated fare in 2001, the method for counting travellers in Barcelona has changed. Travellers are now counted as each journey registered on travel tickets and not the journeys sold for each type of ticket.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".