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Traffic accidents with victims. Accidents and victims. By severity. Counties and Aran, and areas

Traffic accidents with victims. Accidents and victims. By severity. Counties and areas 2010
Accidents Victims
With deaths Total Dead Severe injured Mild injured Total
Alt Camp 4 170 4 20 222 246
Alt Empordà 17 517 19 54 636 709
Alt Penedès 3 328 6 42 416 464
Alt Urgell 4 84 4 25 120 149
Alta Ribagorça 0 24 0 6 22 28
Anoia 4 317 4 28 407 439
Bages 18 617 23 82 819 924
Baix Camp 10 478 14 58 561 633
Baix Ebre 9 196 11 51 260 322
Baix Empordà 10 404 13 39 518 570
Baix Llobregat 6 2,038 6 139 2,506 2,651
Baix Penedès 5 310 8 28 396 432
Barcelonès 54 9,735 55 348 12,393 12,796
Berguedà 3 164 3 40 232 275
Cerdanya 4 41 5 9 44 58
Conca de Barberà 3 68 3 11 85 99
Garraf 3 462 3 36 582 621
Garrigues 1 55 1 5 77 83
Garrotxa 5 179 7 23 204 234
Gironès 15 709 17 64 873 954
Maresme 9 979 10 99 1,162 1,271
Montsià 13 124 15 33 153 201
Noguera 9 150 12 18 211 241
Osona 8 287 8 44 329 381
Pallars Jussà 1 25 1 3 31 35
Pallars Sobirà 0 32 0 7 34 41
Pla d'Urgell 6 105 6 11 128 145
Pla de l'Estany 3 138 3 17 162 182
Priorat 1 39 1 3 45 49
Ribera d'Ebre 2 67 3 8 77 88
Ripollès 4 78 4 7 104 115
Segarra 3 57 3 12 73 88
Segrià 9 567 9 91 660 760
Selva 12 587 12 95 758 865
Solsonès 1 54 1 6 70 77
Tarragonès 7 655 7 77 809 893
Terra Alta 0 21 0 3 26 29
Urgell 2 122 2 10 160 172
Val d'Aran 1 34 1 3 44 48
Vallès Occidental 21 1,956 21 247 2,479 2,747
Vallès Oriental 13 1,112 14 105 1,383 1,502
Catalonia 303 24,085 339 2,007 30,271 32,617
Metropolità 103 15,820 106 938 19,923 20,967
Comarques Gironines 66 2,612 75 299 3,255 3,629
Camp de Tarragona 25 1,410 29 169 1,722 1,920
Terres de l'Ebre 24 408 29 95 516 640
Ponent 30 1,056 33 147 1,309 1,489
Comarques Centrals 30 1,122 35 172 1,450 1,657
Alt Pirineu i Aran 10 240 11 53 295 359
Penedès 15 1,417 21 134 1,801 1,956
Source: Ministry of Home Affairs.
Note: The total number of accidents includes fatal accidents. Death count made 24 hours after the accident occurred.

Last update: October 30, 2014.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Traffic accidents with casualties
Accidents that take place or are caused on a road or terrain covered by legislation on traffic, motor vehicle circulation and road safety, and as a result of which one or more persons are killed and/or injured.

Methodological aspects

The information related to traffic accidents with casualties comes from the Catalan Traffic Service provides the data by counties and the accident rates in Catalonia.

Note that any person who, as a result of an accident, dies either during the accident or in the following 24 hours or 30 days counts as a fatality.

Persons injured in a traffic accident requiring hospitalisation for more than 24 hours are considered seriously injured.

Persons injured in a traffic accident but who do not meet the definition of seriously injured are considered slightly injured.