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Traffic accidents with victims. Accidents and victims. By severity. Counties and Aran, and areas

Traffic accidents with victims. Accidents and victims. By severity. Counties and areas 2007
Accidents Victims
With deaths Total Dead Severe injured Mild injured Total
Alt Camp 4 171 4 33 209 246
Alt Empordà 20 509 22 89 629 740
Alt Penedès 6 310 6 60 397 463
Alt Urgell 6 96 8 37 119 164
Alta Ribagorça 0 21 0 4 34 38
Anoia 7 272 7 42 314 363
Bages 14 692 17 130 858 1,005
Baix Camp 17 592 21 85 706 812
Baix Ebre 18 307 18 62 349 429
Baix Empordà 6 302 11 40 355 406
Baix Llobregat 20 1,602 20 148 1,930 2,098
Baix Penedès 8 312 9 39 386 434
Barcelonès 50 11,354 51 465 14,326 14,842
Berguedà 5 121 5 37 155 197
Cerdanya 1 53 1 12 75 88
Conca de Barberà 7 65 8 19 62 89
Garraf 3 459 4 37 568 609
Garrigues 4 73 5 11 92 108
Garrotxa 2 210 2 30 228 260
Gironès 11 842 11 83 1,050 1,144
Maresme 10 1,000 12 133 1,163 1,308
Montsià 8 202 8 59 217 284
Noguera 12 189 17 26 264 307
Osona 13 390 18 59 467 544
Pallars Jussà 1 46 2 7 60 69
Pallars Sobirà 2 31 2 3 37 42
Pla d'Urgell 7 170 7 16 210 233
Pla de l'Estany 5 106 5 24 118 147
Priorat 2 48 2 12 48 62
Ribera d'Ebre 3 60 4 17 78 99
Ripollès 5 92 6 19 127 152
Segarra 3 84 7 13 111 131
Segrià 25 548 26 88 657 771
Selva 25 665 28 91 792 911
Solsonès 1 42 1 7 53 61
Tarragonès 14 798 14 97 929 1,040
Terra Alta 4 45 5 13 43 61
Urgell 6 135 6 5 176 187
Val d'Aran 2 31 2 8 42 52
Vallès Occidental 25 1,959 25 248 2,358 2,631
Vallès Oriental 25 1,059 26 155 1,278 1,459
Catalonia 407 26,063 453 2,563 32,070 35,086
Metropolità 130 16,974 134 1,149 21,055 22,338
Comarques Gironines 74 2,726 85 376 3,299 3,760
Camp de Tarragona 44 1,674 49 246 1,954 2,249
Terres de l'Ebre 33 614 35 151 687 873
Ponent 57 1,199 68 159 1,510 1,737
Comarques Centrals 33 1,245 41 233 1,533 1,807
Alt Pirineu i Aran 12 278 15 71 367 453
Penedès 24 1,353 26 178 1,665 1,869
Source: Ministry of Home Affairs.
Note: The total number of accidents includes fatal accidents. Death count made 24 hours after the accident occurred.

Last update: October 30, 2014.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Traffic accidents with casualties
Accidents that take place or are caused on a road or terrain covered by legislation on traffic, motor vehicle circulation and road safety, and as a result of which one or more persons are killed and/or injured.

Methodological aspects

The information related to traffic accidents with casualties comes from the Catalan Traffic Service provides the data by counties and the accident rates in Catalonia.

Note that any person who, as a result of an accident, dies either during the accident or in the following 24 hours or 30 days counts as a fatality.

Persons injured in a traffic accident requiring hospitalisation for more than 24 hours are considered seriously injured.

Persons injured in a traffic accident but who do not meet the definition of seriously injured are considered slightly injured.