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Driving licenses issued. By classes. Provinces

Driving licenses issued. By classes. Provinces 2015
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalonia Spain % Cat./Spa.
AM 2,312 751 321 819 4,203 25,646 16.4
A1 3,037 605 161 382 4,185 15,576 26.9
A2 9,429 986 448 1,009 11,872 59,635 19.9
A 4,734 486 273 601 6,094 31,528 19.3
B 54,031 7,736 5,263 7,293 74,323 466,372 15.9
BTP 2,380 201 99 246 2,926 25,841 11.3
C1 427 62 16 63 568 7,373 7.7
C 1,955 510 689 753 3,907 29,610 13.2
D1 34 32 9 3 78 475 16.4
D 919 134 177 234 1,464 8,413 17.4
E 1,996 728 829 887 4,440 42,545 10.4
Total 81,254 12,231 8,285 12,290 114,060 713,014 16.0
Source: Directorate General of Traffic.
Note: See definitions.

Last update: November 3, 2016.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Driving licences

Documents that authorise people to drive a vehicle. They can be of the following types:

  • AM-Authorises driving of two or three wheeled moped and light four-wheeled vehicles.
  • A1-Authorises driving of mopeds of less than 125 cc.
  • A2- Authorises driving of motorbikes below 35 kW.
  • A-Authorises driving of motorcycles and tricycles.
  • B-Authorises driving of automobiles of a mass of no greater than 3,500 kg and in which the number of seats, including the driver's is no greater than nine. These vehicles can tow a trailer that weighs no more than 750 kg.
  • BTP- Only valid in national territory. Authorises driving of public service, for emergency services, school transport, estate cars of a maximum authorised weight of no more than 3,500 kg and in which the number of seats, including the driver's is no greater than nine.
  • C1-Authorises driving of trucks and estate cars of a weight greater than 3,500 kg, and below 7,500 kg. and in which the number of seats, including the driver's is no greater than nine.
  • C-Authorises driving of automobiles different to class D1 or D, of a weight greater than 3,500 kg. but whose number of seats, including the driver's, is no greater than nine.
  • D-Authorises driving of automobiles used for the transport of people, in which the number of seats, including that of the driver, is greater than nine. These automobiles may tow a trailer, the maximum authorised weight of which must be no greater than 750 kg.
  • D1-Authorises driving of automobiles used for the transport of people, the number of seats of which including that of the driver, no greater than seventeen of a length of less than nine metres. These automobiles may tow a trailer, the maximum authorised weight of which may be no greater than 750 kg.
  • E-Authorises driving of vehicles while towing non-light trailers. The trailer will be connected to the vehicles for which the corresponding class of driving licence allows.

Methodological aspects

Provisonal data.

As of 27 June 1997, the new General Regulations for Drivers (Royal Decree 772/97 of 30 May 1997) came into force, incorporating new driving licence categories in order to adapt to European regulations.

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