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Transport of goods by road. Transport operations

Transport of goods by road. Transport operations. Origin in Catalonia Catalonia. 2007
Operations Operations with load % Tons transported (thousands) Tons per km (millions)
Andalusia 191,851 183,417 95.6 2,837.0 2,772
Aragon 851,564 632,740 74.3 10,940.0 2,489
Asturias 33,842 31,550 93.2 470.0 414
Balearic Is .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Canary Islands .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Cantabria 36,347 33,228 91.4 516.0 346
Castile and Leon 154,386 144,401 93.5 2,197.0 1,440
Castile-La Mancha 150,170 133,011 88.6 1,874.0 1,116
Valencia 833,123 614,985 73.8 8,568.0 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Ceuta .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Extremadura 29,056 27,431 94.4 351.0 321
Galicia 87,045 85,482 98.2 1,251.0 1,389
Madrid 366,414 353,523 96.5 4,724.0 2,932
Melilla .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Murcia 95,572 88,542 92.6 1,361.0 826
Navarra 93,327 88,212 94.5 1,470.0 628
Basque Country 157,399 146,832 93.3 2,315.0 1,307
Rioja, la 36,400 33,466 91.9 537.0 254
Total 3,205,071 2,684,419 83.8 40,879.0 19,134
Source: Ministerio de Fomento. Dirección General de Programación Económica y Presupuestaria. Permanent survey of transport of goods by road.
As this is road transport, non continental traffic flows in, Ceuta and Melilla are not significant, but are included in the totals.
Excluding transport inside Catalonia.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.
Transport of goods by road. Transport operations. Destination in Catalonia Catalonia. 2007
Operations Operations with load % Tons transported (thousands) Tons per km (millions)
Andalusia 159,767 135,447 84.8 2,443.0 2,298
Aragón 837,575 511,441 61.1 8,088.0 2,086
Asturias 32,384 28,051 86.6 529.0 463
Balearics .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Canary Islands .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Cantabria 43,396 40,155 92.5 749.0 528
Castile and León 153,228 142,586 93.1 2,362.0 1,502
Castile-La Mancha 167,891 142,201 84.7 2,180.0 1,304
C. Valenciana 782,173 589,635 75.4 8,785.0 2,806
Ceuta .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Extremadura 25,118 22,789 90.7 387.0 366
Galicia 65,584 62,115 94.7 1,167.0 1,296
Madrid 419,704 396,852 94.6 3,944.0 2,416
Melilla .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Murcia 1,284,213 1,269,485 98.9 1,159.0 698
Navarra 41,093 27,743 67.5 1,168.0 527
Basque Country 94,832 86,667 91.4 2,503.0 1,443
Rioja, la 13,073 7,318 56.0 436.0 201
Total 3,063,432 2,350,979 76.7 36,235.0 17,959
Source: Ministerio de Fomento. Dirección General de Programación Económica y Presupuestaria. Permanent survey of transport of goods by road.
As this is road transport, non continental traffic flows in, Ceuta and Melilla are not significant, but are included in the totals.
Excluding transport inside Catalonia.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.
Transport of goods by road. Transport operations. Transport within Catalonia Catalonia. 2007
Operations Operations with load Operations with load (%) Tons transported (thousands) Tons per km (millions)
Total 46,392,034 23,823,734 51.4 305,475.0 10,895
Source: Ministerio de Fomento. Dirección General de Programación Económica y Presupuestaria. Permanent survey of transport of goods by road.
Note: As this is road transport, non continental traffic flows in, Ceuta and Melilla are not significant, but are included in the totals.

Last update: September 23, 2009.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Transport operation
Displacement of a single kind of merchandise from one loading point to one unloading point. Therefore, displacement in the same vehicle of two different types of merchandise is considered two separate transport operations. When the vehicle is empty, this is also considered a transport operation.
Tonnes transported
It reflects the weight of the merchandise transported in each operation of transport. The gross weight is considered, that is, besides the weight of the tonnes transported, the weight of the packing, and, if necessary, the weight of the container are included.

Methodological aspects

Data about road freight transport from the Permanent Survey on Road Freight Transport (EPTMC) issued by the Ministry of Developement are presented. The object of this survey is a continous sampling investigation, its main aim is to investigate the transport operations of heavy goods vehicles registered in Spain in order to be able to measure the activity level of this sector.

Transport operations: when dealing with road transport, the flows with outermost communities, Ceuta and Melilla are not significant, although they are included in the totals.

Freight transport is not included when the origin and destination is Catalonia (internal transport).

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".