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Authorisations for road transport. Provinces

Authorisations for road transport. Provinces 2013
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalonia
Passengers 13,600 1,542 763 1,494 17,399
Public vehicles < 9 seats 10,544 574 448 593 12,159
Public service buses 3,056 968 315 901 5,240
Goods 41,796 7,012 6,743 6,956 62,507
Public service vehicles 32,100 4,943 4,923 5,292 47,258
Private service vehicles 9,696 2,069 1,820 1,664 15,249
Total 55,396 8,554 7,506 8,450 79,906
Source: Ministry of Territory and Sustainability.
Public vehicles < 9 seats: Includes funeral vehicles and public transport with less than nine seats (hire vans, taxis, etc).
Public service vehicles: Includes heavy and light vehicles.

Last update: July 1, 2014.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Authorisations for transport
Permits of an administrative nature to be able to travel by land and for reasons established by applicable legislation (school transport, dangerous substances, loaded vehicles and of a certain weight, etc.).
General goods
Goods packaged in load units (sacks, crates, boxes, etc.) or units that can be counted.

Methodological aspects

Data is provided for the regular transport of road travellers inside Catalonia. The Ministry of Territory and Sustainability obtained these figures directly from companies authorised to provide these services.

Data is offered on the transport of goods by road which was obtained from the Permanent survey on the transport of goods by road published by the Ministry of Public Works.

The section on urban public transport provides information on surface transport in the most populated cities of Catalonia, provided by the Ministry of Territory and Sustainability, and also underground metropolitan transport and urban railways. With the introduction of the integrated fare in 2001, the method for counting travellers in Barcelona has changed. Travellers are now counted as each journey registered on travel tickets and not the journeys sold for each type of ticket.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".