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Hotel establishments. By types. Counties and Aran, and provinces

Hotel establishments. Establishments and beds. By types. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces 2020
Establishments Beds
Hotels Hostels and pensions Total Hotels Hostels and pensions Total
Alt Camp 6 0 6 408 0 408
Alt Empordà 151 78 229 12,453 2,479 14,932
Alt Penedès 9 15 24 552 196 748
Alt Urgell 23 19 42 1,092 393 1,485
Alta Ribagorça 25 21 46 1,372 432 1,804
Anoia 11 4 15 541 168 709
Aran 72 40 112 5,482 1,009 6,491
Bages 13 15 28 847 244 1,091
Baix Camp 55 15 70 11,462 357 11,819
Baix Ebre 24 11 35 2,690 157 2,847
Baix Empordà 164 41 205 14,695 1,050 15,745
Baix Llobregat 66 20 86 10,035 787 10,822
Baix Penedès 27 7 34 4,273 117 4,390
Barcelonès 470 302 772 79,207 6,734 85,941
Berguedà 20 28 48 603 472 1,075
Cerdanya 43 18 61 2,779 455 3,234
Conca de Barberà 15 5 20 693 98 791
Garraf 57 10 67 5,278 211 5,489
Garrigues 5 2 7 62 30 92
Garrotxa 22 24 46 676 507 1,183
Gironès 35 23 58 2,557 527 3,084
Maresme 113 48 161 31,277 1,377 32,654
Moianès 5 3 8 88 59 147
Montsià 22 11 33 1,256 298 1,554
Noguera 10 14 24 370 281 651
Osona 24 26 50 1,418 542 1,960
Pallars Jussà 13 5 18 572 135 707
Pallars Sobirà 37 22 59 2,298 536 2,834
Pla d'Urgell 4 3 7 157 60 217
Pla de l'Estany 8 7 15 282 121 403
Priorat 14 8 22 265 96 361
Ribera d'Ebre 6 10 16 154 280 434
Ripollès 33 34 67 1,629 842 2,471
Segarra 5 4 9 185 66 251
Segrià 22 10 32 2,394 454 2,848
Selva 180 69 249 40,972 2,655 43,627
Solsonès 16 9 25 507 188 695
Tarragonès 106 24 130 40,802 877 41,679
Terra Alta 9 8 17 479 111 590
Urgell 7 2 9 353 30 383
Vallès Occidental 36 18 54 6,124 311 6,435
Vallès Oriental 45 22 67 3,472 401 3,873
Catalonia 2,028 1,055 3,083 292,811 26,143 318,954
Metropolità 732 410 1,142 130,137 9,610 139,747
Comarques Gironines 593 276 869 73,264 8,181 81,445
Camp de Tarragona 196 52 248 53,630 1,428 55,058
Terres de l'Ebre 61 40 101 4,579 846 5,425
Ponent 53 35 88 3,521 921 4,442
Comarques Centrals 78 82 160 3,473 1,515 4,988
Alt Pirineu i Aran 213 125 338 13,595 2,960 16,555
Penedès 102 35 137 10,612 682 11,294
Barcelona 865 507 1,372 139,299 11,350 150,649
Girona 628 284 912 75,541 8,464 84,005
Lleida 251 165 416 15,489 3,938 19,427
Tarragona 284 99 383 62,482 2,391 64,873
Source: Idescat, based on data from the Ministry of Business and Labour.

Last update: July 2, 2021.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Hotel establishment
Commercial establishment for public use for accommodating people in transit in a place; they offer, at a price, collective accommodation with or without complementary services. Includes both hotels and pensions.
Establishment that offers accommodation in rooms with or without complementary services, in the form of hire, but that, both due to size and structure and the characteristics and types of services, do not come to the same level as that of a hotel. There are three categories, which are identified by silver stars. Boarding houses and hostels also included.
Hotel place
Place occupied by a person in a hotel establishment. The number of places equals the number of fixed beds in the establishment. Double beds are counted as two places; supplementary beds are not taken into account.

Methodological aspects

Tourist establishments are disaggregated into hotel establishments, camp sites and rural tourism establishments, according to their category and capacity.

The information presented herein is fundamentally structural and focused on tourist offering. Given the characteristics of this sector, the information has been clustered for certain municipalities.

Until 1994 the source for this data was the General Directorate of Tourist Companies and Activities, belonging to the Ministry of Transportation, Tourism and Communications. Since 1995, the General Directorate of Tourism, belonging to the Ministry for Business and Labour of the Generalitat de Catalunya, has been in charge of publishing data on the registry of tourist establishments: hotel establishments, camp sites, rural tourism establishments and housing for tourists' use.

Until year 2003, Terres de l'Ebre tourism brand was included in Costa Daurada and Val d'Aran formed part of the Pirineus. At the end 2011, the Catalan Tourism Agency approved the creation of a new tourism brand called Costa Barcelona. This region includes the territory of the former Costa del Garraf and Costa de Barcelona-Maresme.

In 2015, two changes were made to the tourism brands, approved by the Catalan Tourist Board. The first change is that the counties El Vallès Oriental and El Vallès Occidental, which used to be a part of the Catalunya Central brand, as of 2015 will come under the Costa Barcelona brand. The second change is to the name of the brand: Catalunya Central will now be known as Paisatges de Barcelona.

On the occasion of the creation of El Moianès county, the municipalities of Castellcir, Castellterçol, Granera and Sant Quirze Safaja (which were part of the Costa Barcelona brand), from 2015 they become part of Paisatges de Barcelona brand.

Thus Catalonia is divided into 9 tourism brands:

  • Barcelona: Barcelonès.
  • Costa Brava: Alt Empordà, Baix Empordà, Gironès, Pla de l'Estany i Selva.
  • Costa Daurada: Alt Camp, Baix Camp, Baix Penedès, Conca de Barberà, Priorat i Tarragonès.
  • Costa Barcelona: Alt Penedès, Baix Llobregat, Garraf, Maresme, Vallès Occidental i Vallès Oriental.
  • Paisatges Barcelona: Anoia, Bages, Moianès i Osona.
  • Pirineus: Alt Urgell, Alta Ribagorça, Berguedà, Cerdanya, Garrotxa, Pallars Jussà, Pallars Sobirà, Ripollès i Solsonès.
  • Terres de Lleida: Garrigues, Noguera, Pla d'Urgell, Segarra, Segrià i Urgell.
  • Terres de l'Ebre: Baix Ebre, Montsià, Ribera d'Ebre i Terra Alta.
  • Val d'Aran: Aran.

Until 2011, the territorial disaggregation by tourism brands was calculated using special estimators for small areas. This methodology does not guarantee that the total amount is exactly the same as the result for the whole of Catalonia using the traditional estimator. However, the discrepancies are of little significance.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".