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Tourist accommodations. Establishments and beds. By type. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Allotjaments turístics. Establiments i places. Per tipus. Comarques, àmbits i províncies 2004
Establiments Places
Establiments hotelers (1) Turisme rural Càmpings Total Establiments hotelers (1) Turisme rural Càmpings Total
Alt Camp 5 0 17 22 258 0 141 399
Alt Empordà 204 34 92 330 15,113 32,482 727 48,322
Alt Penedès 18 0 34 52 771 0 273 1,044
Alt Urgell 37 9 52 98 1,452 2,088 398 3,938
Alta Ribagorça 42 5 59 106 1,931 926 370 3,227
Anoia 15 1 24 40 754 63 149 966
Bages 30 3 44 77 1,111 420 343 1,874
Baix Camp 70 18 17 105 8,194 23,969 161 32,324
Baix Ebre 26 10 27 63 1,302 5,043 169 6,514
Baix Empordà 183 46 46 275 14,842 52,625 352 67,819
Baix Llobregat 69 4 0 73 5,193 9,614 0 14,807
Baix Penedès 46 6 5 57 4,043 4,304 41 8,388
Barcelonès 433 0 0 433 39,253 0 0 39,253
Berguedà 43 13 86 142 990 4,062 765 5,817
Cerdanya 58 7 29 94 2,496 3,883 224 6,603
Conca de Barberà 18 2 29 49 734 1,071 219 2,024
Garraf 61 7 2 70 4,538 7,683 24 12,245
Garrigues 4 0 7 11 48 0 64 112
Garrotxa 32 16 82 130 889 2,901 670 4,460
Gironès 36 2 19 57 1,506 1,013 189 2,708
Maresme 181 30 14 225 34,965 15,604 72 50,641
Montsià 30 6 26 62 1,626 1,754 256 3,636
Noguera 21 3 23 47 621 923 165 1,709
Osona 45 7 85 137 1,735 1,952 704 4,391
Pallars Jussà 19 5 50 74 713 1,496 408 2,617
Pallars Sobirà 62 20 71 153 2,896 6,148 535 9,579
Pla d'Urgell 13 0 3 16 383 0 33 416
Pla de l'Estany 9 3 53 65 220 1,576 447 2,243
Priorat 13 3 32 48 180 853 248 1,281
Ribera d'Ebre 10 1 7 18 315 163 68 546
Ripollès 57 12 62 131 1,870 3,567 498 5,935
Segarra 9 0 18 27 210 0 127 337
Segrià 42 2 5 49 3,058 628 35 3,721
Selva 292 26 29 347 45,213 19,836 278 65,327
Solsonès 21 5 61 87 637 1,923 349 2,909
Tarragonès 125 26 5 156 35,940 27,444 28 63,412
Terra Alta 10 1 16 27 297 335 149 781
Urgell 10 0 10 20 278 0 74 352
Val d'Aran 88 9 19 116 5,283 2,559 180 8,022
Vallès Occidental 34 0 2 36 3,465 0 14 3,479
Vallès Oriental 49 7 21 77 2,570 2,213 184 4,967
Catalunya 2,570 349 1,283 4,202 247,893 241,121 10,131 499,145
Metropolità 845 48 73 966 90,755 35,114 567 126,436
Comarques Gironines 813 139 383 1,335 79,653 114,000 3,161 196,814
Camp de Tarragona 277 55 105 437 49,349 57,641 838 107,828
Terres de l'Ebre 76 18 76 170 3,540 7,295 642 11,477
Ponent 99 5 66 170 4,598 1,551 498 6,647
Comarques Centrals 154 29 300 483 5,227 8,420 2,310 15,957
Alt Pirineu i Aran 306 55 280 641 14,771 17,100 2,115 33,986
Barcelona 970 69 302 1,341 95,087 40,920 2,462 138,469
Girona 859 145 410 1,414 81,585 116,528 3,365 201,478
Lleida 388 62 390 840 18,332 18,737 2,824 39,893
Tarragona 353 73 181 607 52,889 64,936 1,480 119,305
Source: Idescat, based on data from the Ministry for Business and Labour.
Note: (1) S'hi inclouen els paradors.

Last update: June 10, 2013.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Area of delimitated land that has been equipped and conditioned for use by people, on a regular basis and by paying a stipulated price, to use an area for living in the open air for a set period of time, for holidaying or tourism purposes and using as a residence mobile shelters such as caravans, tents or other similar elements that are easily transported. They are classified into four categories: luxury, first, second and third class.
Hotel establishment
Commercial establishment for public use for accommodating people in transit in a place; they offer, at a price, collective accommodation with or without complementary services. Includes both hotels and pensions.
Establishment that offers accommodation in rooms with or without complementary services, in the form of hire, but that, both due to size and structure and the characteristics and types of services, do not come to the same level as that of a hotel. There are three categories, which are identified by silver stars. Boarding houses and hostels also included.
Campsite place
Space occupied by a person in a tent, mobile shelter or caravan.
Hotel place
Place occupied by a person in a hotel establishment. The number of places equals the number of fixed beds in the establishment. Double beds are counted as two places; supplementary beds are not taken into account.
Rural tourism
Form of tourism in accommodation located in the rural environment. They tend to be in contact with agricultural operations and buildings built before 1950 in accordance with the architecture of the zone. They have drinking water, electricity, heating, sanitary services and the appropriate furniture. They are classified into four groups: shared country house, independent country house, masia and masoveria.

Methodological aspects

Tourist establishments are disaggregated into hotel establishments, camp sites and rural tourism establishments, according to their category and capacity.

The information presented herein is fundamentally structural and focused on tourist offering. Given the characteristics of this sector, the information has been clustered for certain municipalities.

Until 1994 the source for this data was the General Directorate of Tourist Companies and Activities, belonging to the Ministry of Transportation, Tourism and Communications. Since 1995, the General Directorate of Tourism, belonging to the Ministry for Business and Labour of the Generalitat de Catalunya, has been in charge of publishing data on the registry of tourist establishments: hotel establishments, camp sites, rural tourism establishments and housing for tourists' use.

Until year 2003, Terres de l'Ebre tourism brand was included in Costa Daurada and Val d'Aran formed part of the Pirineus. At the end 2011, the Catalan Tourism Agency approved the creation of a new tourism brand called Costa Barcelona. This region includes the territory of the former Costa del Garraf and Costa de Barcelona-Maresme.

In 2015, two changes were made to the tourism brands, approved by the Catalan Tourist Board. The first change is that the counties El Vallès Oriental and El Vallès Occidental, which used to be a part of the Catalunya Central brand, as of 2015 will come under the Costa Barcelona brand. The second change is to the name of the brand: Catalunya Central will now be known as Paisatges de Barcelona.

On the occasion of the creation of El Moianès county, the municipalities of Castellcir, Castellterçol, Granera and Sant Quirze Safaja (which were part of the Costa Barcelona brand), from 2015 they become part of Paisatges de Barcelona brand.

Thus Catalonia is divided into 9 tourism brands:

  • Barcelona: Barcelonès.
  • Costa Brava: Alt Empordà, Baix Empordà, Gironès, Pla de l'Estany i Selva.
  • Costa Daurada: Alt Camp, Baix Camp, Baix Penedès, Conca de Barberà, Priorat i Tarragonès.
  • Costa Barcelona: Alt Penedès, Baix Llobregat, Garraf, Maresme, Vallès Occidental i Vallès Oriental.
  • Paisatges Barcelona: Anoia, Bages, Moianès i Osona.
  • Pirineus: Alt Urgell, Alta Ribagorça, Berguedà, Cerdanya, Garrotxa, Pallars Jussà, Pallars Sobirà, Ripollès i Solsonès.
  • Terres de Lleida: Garrigues, Noguera, Pla d'Urgell, Segarra, Segrià i Urgell.
  • Terres de l'Ebre: Baix Ebre, Montsià, Ribera d'Ebre i Terra Alta.
  • Val d'Aran: Aran.

Until 2011, the territorial disaggregation by tourism brands was calculated using special estimators for small areas. This methodology does not guarantee that the total amount is exactly the same as the result for the whole of Catalonia using the traditional estimator. However, the discrepancies are of little significance.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".