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Mining sector. Main results. Provinces

Sector miner. Principals resultats. Províncies 1998
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalunya Espanya % Cat./Spa.
Ocupació total 1,853 325 330 497 3,005 44,798 6.7
Obrers 1,428 264 256 392 2,340 36,644 6.4
Hores treballades (1) 2,864 401 407 732 4,404 68,211 6.5
Potència instal·lada (CV) (1) 304.6 63.7 52.1 110.0 530.3 4,557.7 11.6
Consum d'energia elèctrica (MWh) (1) 203.2 14.0 9.6 18.0 244.7 2,305.1 10.6
Costos de producció (2) 135.99 12.02 12.30 24.94 185.25 2,439.19 7.60
Costos de personal 50.10 4.99 5.07 10.44 70.60 1,131.51 6.20
Combustibles i energia 17.21 2.19 2.39 3.91 25.70 258.13 10.00
Primeres matèries 28.90 2.64 1.92 5.27 38.73 367.92 10.50
Altres despeses 39.78 2.20 2.91 5.32 50.21 681.64 7.40
Valor de producció (2) 184.69 20.40 17.79 77.87 300.74 3,024.32 9.90
Source: Ministerio de Industria y Energía. Secretaría General Técnica. Estadística minera de España. Anual.
(1) Thousands.
(2) Millions of euros.

Last update: May 19, 2010.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Industrial activity involving the selective extraction, by applying mining techniques and the use of explosives, of substances and minerals existing in the earth crust, so that it is economically profitable. Broadly, the term mining includes, besides the surface and underground operations, which occur in the treatment of minerals substances extracted, such as crushing, size separation, washing, concentration, etc., in order to put these substances for sale and conversion, and also the jobs requiring the application of mining techniques or the use of explosives.

Methodological aspects

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