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In-house R&D expenditure. By origin of funds and sectors performance

In-house R&D expenditure. By origin of funds and sectors performance 2019
Public administration Higher education Businesses and PNP Catalonia Spain % Cat./Spa.
Origin of funds
Public administration and Higher education 456,880 632,587 110,041 1,199,508 6,552,061 18.3
Businesses and PNP 107,870 50,981 1,972,076 2,130,927 7,748,553 27.5
Abroad 102,837 77,214 86,161 266,211 1,271,437 20.9
Total 667,586 760,782 2,168,278 3,596,646 15,572,052 23.1
Units: Thousands of euros.
Source: Idescat, based on the INE Statistics on R&D Activities
PNP: Private non-profit.

Last update: April 30, 2021.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Internal expenditure on R&D
Quantities spent on the finance of R&D activities that take place within the research unit or centre.
Intensity of R&D
Percentage of turnover that companies spend on research and development.

Methodological aspects

The data of the effort in Catalonia in research and technological development (R&D) come from the Statistics on activities in scientific research and technological development carried out by the INE annually. In order to facilitate the comparability with other countries of the European Union, the methodology used in this statistics follows the one proposed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), reflected in the Frascati Manual.

The scientific research and the technological development include the set of creative and original works that are undertaken in a systematic and/or sporadic way in order to increase the volume of the knowledge, including the knowledge of the man, the culture and the society, as well as the utilization of this knowledge to conceive new applications.

The R&D statistics is a census statistics in the public administration, higher education, non-profit private institutions (IPSAL) and a sample statistics in the company sector.

To calculate the effort in R&D in Catalonia mainly the expenditure on R&D carried out in the surveyed unit (internal expenditure), and the staff who is destined for this purpose in full-time equivalent (EDP) are measured. This information is provided by execution sectors.

The expenditure is presented in current euros and in percentage with respect to the GDP, and breaks down in current expenditure (compensations and other current expenses) and in capital expenditure. It also classifies according to the source of the funds destined to R&D.

The calculation of the staff in full-time equivalent takes into account the staff who works full time on R&D activities and the sum of fractions of time dedicated to R&D activities of the staff in part-time on R&D. The information is provided for the total of the staff and for the women and breaks down in three categories: research, technical and support staff.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.