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Wood and fireword production. By ownership. Provinces

Wood and firewood production. By ownership. Provinces 2022
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalonia
Wood production (cubic metres with bark) 379,106 290,655 146,040 10,688 826,489
Generalitat de Catalunya 94 3,047 20,457 0 23,598
Conifers 94 3,047 20,457 0 23,598
Broad leaved 0 0 0 0 0
Local entities 0 8,532 43,030 0 51,562
Conifers 0 8,492 41,950 0 50,442
Broad leaved 0 40 1,080 0 1,120
Private property 379,012 279,076 82,553 10,688 751,329
Conifers 345,236 214,283 76,448 10,688 646,655
Broad leaved 33,776 64,793 6,105 0 104,674
Firewood production (Tons) 124,251 128,580 27,272 9,598 289,701
Generalitat de Catalunya 0 0 0 0 0
Conifers 0 0 0 0 0
Broad leaved 0 0 0 0 0
Local entities 0 0 955 0 955
Conifers 0 0 0 0 0
Broad leaved 0 0 955 0 955
Private property 124,251 128,580 26,317 9,598 288,746
Conifers 17,594 9,137 8,129 2,019 36,879
Broad leaved 106,657 119,443 18,188 7,580 251,868
Source: Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda.
Note: Private property: data refers to authorised exploitations.

Last update: September 21, 2023.

Methodological note

Methodological aspects

According to what Law 6/1988, on forestry in Catalonia, forest harvesting must be used according to the persistence, conservation and wooded areas improvement principles. To do so, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food performs the annual programme for the forest uses and improvements, that includes all the uses (timber, fuel wood, game, pasture, truffles, etc.) to be performed in the current year in the public wooden areas in Catalonia. This programme is intended to achieve the sustainability, conservation and improvement of the wooded areas and to make compatible the forest economic performance with the conservation of habitats and species living in them.

In addition, each year the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food, and the Natural Environment draws up a list of the public sector supply of timber and fuelwood in Catalonia, taking into account the forecasts of the annual harvesting and improvements programmes, with the aim of publishing the forecast harvests.

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