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Meat production. By species

Meat production. Slaughter of livestock and destination of meat. By species Catalonia. 2014
Slaughter of livestock Destination of meat
Head slaughtered (units) Carcass weight (tons) Direct consumptions (tons) Industrial consumption (tons)
Bovine 471,041 116,863 98,179 18,684
Adult cattle (1) 15,788 4,660 9,291 1,147
Other cattle 455,253 112,202 88,888 17,537
Ovine 1,224,133 15,964 14,971 993
Adult sheep 7,330 143 125 18
Other sheep 1,216,803 15,821 14,846 975
Caprine 130,057 580 559 21
Swine 19,362,768 1,576,915 767,829 809,086
Piglets 11,579 69 62 6
Other swine 19,351,189 1,576,846 767,767 809,079
Equine 5,842 1,443 1,409 35
Poultry (2) 200,582 351,711 337,952 13,758
Broilers 155,770 286,961 273,580 13,381
Hens 1,967 4,327 4,226 101
Other birds 42,845 60,423 60,147 276
Rabbits (2) 13,076 15,129 15,024 105
Total 234,851,882 2,078,604 1,235,923 842,681
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Natural Environment.
(1) Cows that have calved at least once.
(2) Head slaughtered in thousands.

Last update: June 16, 2015.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

A type of fattening chicken bred and raised especially for meat production.

Methodological aspects

The data on macromagnitudes, surface area, machinery and head of livestock, as well as that on agricultural, livestock and forestry production, which is updated every year, is obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food.

The purpose of the Slaughter Statistics is to obtain information on the evolution of meat production in Catalonia by species and type of animal. Monthly information is obtained for the main livestock species, including cows, pigs, goats, poultry, rabbits and horses.

A complementary annual survey is conducted on cattle slaughtered in the previous year for any slaughterhouse not covered by the monthly survey.