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Agricultural production. By products. Provinces

Agricultural production. By products. Provinces 2005
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalonia
Cereals 113,908 192,262 378,526 145,063 829,759
Corn 34,518 37,284 56,117 6,059 133,978
Barley 60,847 33,368 79,212 16,643 190,070
Sweet corn 10,193 96,037 234,878 1,184 342,292
Oats 3,393 11,168 4,777 781 20,119
Rice 0 5,259 633 120,311 126,203
Others 4,957 9,146 2,909 85 17,097
Leguminous for grain 1,399 3,955 891 231 6,476
Dry bean and small bean 379 1,564 30 48 2,021
Broad bean 411 144 12 50 617
Others 609 2,247 849 133 3,838
Fodder 266,038 943,158 1,608,607 26,529 2,844,332
Alfalfa 68,804 319,900 1,249,993 3,891 1,642,588
Sweet corn 59,799 117,202 45,000 1,313 223,314
Vetch 10,505 1,770 55,023 5,307 72,605
Others 126,930 504,286 258,591 16,018 905,825
Tubers 29,249 12,133 7,550 16,518 65,450
Potato 29,123 12,133 7,550 16,518 65,324
Others 126 0 0 0 126
Vegetables 165,617 30,651 65,651 120,281 382,200
Artichoke 5,527 132 380 9,920 15,959
Onion 10,975 3,433 20,301 12,701 47,410
Cabbage 12,486 1,100 2,439 7,578 23,603
Lettuce 24,913 6,180 5,500 14,804 51,397
French bean 1,766 370 110 1,135 3,381
Green bean 8,329 1,566 800 2,999 13,694
Pepper 1,888 180 3,329 2,894 8,291
Tomato 40,249 6,010 13,858 24,697 84,814
Others 59,484 11,680 18,934 43,553 133,651
Citrus 566 0 0 158,452 159,018
Mandarin 96 0 0 113,090 113,186
Orange 152 0 0 44,327 44,479
Others 318 0 0 1,035 1,353
Fresh fruit 29,195 85,222 918,539 58,158 1,091,114
Pear 3,418 12,233 318,701 3,043 337,395
Apple 7,238 62,462 312,099 1,948 383,747
Peach and nectarine 8,799 8,956 278,327 44,442 340,524
Others 9,740 1,571 9,412 8,725 29,448
Dry fruit 2,038 1,009 5,577 33,249 41,873
Almond 1,851 20 5,295 11,144 18,310
Hazelnut 113 571 32 21,544 22,260
Others 74 418 250 561 1,303
Vines (bunch) 171,680 15,554 32,112 165,067 384,413
Olive groves (olives) 2,145 2,562 8,259 108,058 121,024
Industrial crops 2,604 6,807 1,944 175 11,530
Sunflower 549 6,079 881 167 7,676
Others 2,055 728 1,063 8 3,854
Transformed products
Oil 445 730 1,644 23,638 26,457
Wine (hectolitres) 1,195,177 60,775 235,912 1,123,652 2,615,516
Units: Tons.
Source: Departament d'Agricultura, Alimentació i Acció Rural.

Last update: June 18, 2009.

Methodological note

Methodological aspects

The data on macromagnitudes, surface area, machinery and head of livestock, as well as that on agricultural, livestock and forestry production, which is updated every year, is obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Natural Environment.

The data on surface areas is calculated on the basis of data on municipal surface areas and agronomic inventories, cross-compared with data about the producers and intermediaries in each sector to make sure that the data from the different sources fits. That for production is obtained by applying the estimated unit performances for each crop to the surface in production.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".