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Agricultural surface. By products. Provinces

Agricultural surface. By products. Provinces 2005
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalonia
Cereals 75,191 53,559 184,306 40,817 353,873
Corn 21,433 15,579 36,354 5,790 79,156
Barley 46,245 15,629 113,981 13,501 189,356
Sweet corn 2,497 9,535 26,690 144 38,866
Oats 2,540 7,899 5,634 662 16,735
Rice 0 803 94 20,672 21,569
Others 2,476 4,114 1,553 48 8,191
Leguminous for grain 1,397 2,100 1,217 171 4,885
Dry bean and small bean 191 872 30 20 1,113
Broad bean 337 63 9 33 442
Others 869 1,165 1,178 118 3,330
Fodder 23,881 32,474 57,496 3,812 117,663
Alfalfa 4,177 7,662 33,000 83 44,922
Sweet corn 3,967 3,008 1,000 25 8,000
Vetch 915 59 4,585 391 5,950
Others 14,822 21,745 18,911 3,313 58,791
Tubers 1,483 472 363 613 2,931
Potato 1,477 472 363 613 2,925
Others 6 0 0 0 6
Vegetables 6,985 1,478 2,396 5,313 16,172
Artichoke 625 11 30 821 1,487
Onion 369 140 477 403 1,389
Cabbage 470 44 82 269 865
Lettuce 897 206 200 522 1,825
French bean 317 53 11 134 515
Green bean 652 132 75 248 1,107
Pepper 61 10 156 156 383
Tomato 876 175 426 640 2,117
Others 2,718 707 939 2,120 6,484
Citrus 11 0 0 10,086 10,097
Mandarin 2 0 0 7,730 7,732
Orange 4 0 0 2,321 2,325
Others 5 0 0 35 40
Fresh fruit 2,979 3,333 35,873 4,767 46,952
Pear 197 557 13,986 192 14,932
Apple 313 2,085 9,789 92 12,279
Peach and nectarine 1,047 488 11,493 2,926 15,954
Others 1,422 203 605 1,557 3,787
Dry fruit 1,811 1,063 29,592 48,422 80,888
Almond 1,572 26 29,466 30,480 61,544
Hazelnut 230 850 24 17,684 18,788
Others 9 187 102 258 556
Vines 22,191 2,731 4,913 30,140 59,975
Olives 1,717 2,698 37,628 76,540 118,583
Industrial crops 2,178 4,242 1,033 119 7,572
Sunflower 794 3,619 550 110 5,073
Others 1,384 623 483 9 2,499
Units: Hectares.
Source: Departament d'Agricultura, Alimentació i Acció Rural.
Note: Surface area for citrus fruit, sweet fruit, dry fruit, vines and olives refer to surface area in production. Surfaces corresponding to young and/or abandoned plantations are not included.

Last update: November 30, 2009.

Methodological note

Methodological aspects

The data on macromagnitudes, surface area, machinery and head of livestock, as well as that on agricultural, livestock and forestry production, which is updated every year, is obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Natural Environment.

The data on surface areas is calculated on the basis of data on municipal surface areas and agronomic inventories, cross-compared with data about the producers and intermediaries in each sector to make sure that the data from the different sources fits. That for production is obtained by applying the estimated unit performances for each crop to the surface in production.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".