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Cultivated land. Herbaceous crops. By type. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Cultivated land. Herbaceous crops. By type. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces 2020
Grain cereals Legumes Root and tuber crops Green harvested crops Industrial crops Vegetables, melons and strawberries Flowers, ornamental plants Seeds and seedlings Other arable crops Total
Alt Camp 3,060 272 7 53 107 74 1 7 0 3,580
Alt Empordà 17,946 956 56 6,543 2,436 223 2 45 0 28,206
Alt Penedès 1,177 204 29 183 37 175 0 0 0 1,806
Alt Urgell 2,930 121 44 2,536 160 13 0 4 0 5,808
Alta Ribagorça 33 0 11 253 1 0 0 0 0 299
Anoia 19,926 2,043 13 365 966 61 0 0 0 23,375
Aran 813 23 1 270 32 1 0 0 0 1,140
Bages 17,636 1,110 34 1,782 695 63 0 0 3 21,323
Baix Camp 799 122 86 56 201 902 4 5 3 2,177
Baix Ebre 9,075 43 57 179 120 524 4 1 0 10,003
Baix Empordà 12,185 292 47 3,862 1,720 129 4 1 0 18,241
Baix Llobregat 658 93 52 209 35 870 8 0 0 1,925
Baix Penedès 394 89 12 20 10 225 0 0 0 751
Barcelonès 12 2 3 0 0 10 0 3 0 31
Berguedà 7,448 434 15 4,221 725 22 0 0 0 12,866
Cerdanya 1,872 280 36 1,247 49 6 0 38 0 3,528
Conca de Barberà 15,304 971 8 113 303 15 0 0 0 16,713
Garraf 211 32 22 63 1 52 0 0 0 381
Garrigues 7,084 282 20 1,463 45 56 0 12 0 8,963
Garrotxa 3,393 321 15 3,021 522 50 0 4 0 7,325
Gironès 7,378 374 24 3,156 1,269 56 24 0 0 12,282
Maresme 906 149 119 417 90 636 72 4 0 2,393
Moianès 2,843 428 18 1,619 191 10 0 0 0 5,110
Montsià 12,830 45 15 108 98 103 5 0 0 13,203
Noguera 49,567 2,407 41 5,143 306 270 0 27 0 57,760
Osona 13,056 1,340 63 9,559 1,515 37 2 0 0 25,572
Pallars Jussà 9,695 686 5 3,060 275 18 0 20 0 13,760
Pallars Sobirà 410 70 2 760 2 2 0 0 0 1,246
Pla d'Urgell 12,565 595 13 6,448 50 203 0 37 0 19,910
Pla de l'Estany 5,422 165 2 1,666 1,319 17 0 2 0 8,594
Priorat 245 26 3 26 2 26 0 0 0 328
Ribera d'Ebre 382 38 5 45 7 88 0 2 0 568
Ripollès 361 48 7 1,316 2 3 0 0 3 1,740
Segarra 37,701 3,795 10 340 855 6 0 2 12 42,721
Segrià 29,191 1,714 3 9,979 239 269 13 50 24 41,481
Selva 5,014 370 50 2,218 1,071 59 16 16 3 8,817
Solsonès 14,745 1,275 43 2,292 448 7 0 0 0 18,811
Tarragonès 848 96 25 62 49 152 0 0 0 1,232
Terra Alta 828 59 10 77 7 38 0 0 0 1,019
Urgell 26,239 2,424 4 2,339 129 78 0 16 0 31,229
Vallès Occidental 3,274 235 13 622 102 74 2 1 1 4,323
Vallès Oriental 4,950 512 46 2,217 202 182 6 2 0 8,118
Catalonia 360,408 24,543 1,092 79,907 16,396 5,805 163 299 48 488,661
Metropolità 10,180 1,093 249 3,939 430 1,775 88 10 1 17,766
Comarques Gironines 51,700 2,527 201 21,781 8,340 536 46 67 6 85,205
Camp de Tarragona 20,256 1,488 128 308 662 1,169 5 12 3 24,031
Terres de l'Ebre 23,115 185 87 408 232 754 8 4 0 24,794
Ponent 162,347 11,218 91 25,712 1,624 881 13 144 36 202,065
Comarques Centrals 63,427 5,534 159 19,039 4,002 139 2 0 3 92,304
Alt Pirineu i Aran 15,753 1,180 100 8,127 520 40 0 62 0 25,782
Penedès 13,630 1,318 76 592 586 511 0 0 0 16,715
Barcelona 72,097 6,587 421 21,143 4,574 2,192 98 11 4 107,127
Girona 53,096 2,700 230 22,449 8,358 538 39 82 6 87,497
Lleida 191,449 13,495 213 35,578 2,560 927 13 191 36 244,462
Tarragona 43,765 1,762 228 737 904 2,148 13 16 3 49,575
Units: Hectares.
Source: Idescat, based on the Agricultural census of INE.

Last update: November 8, 2022.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Herbaceous crops
Composed of plants whose above ground part is of herbaceous consistency. Also includes areas occupied by fallow and family orchards.
Land that is not being used and has no crops for a certain period of time but has been treated in some way. It is included in the rainfed farming land group.
Cultivated land
Land that is worked (whether using hoes, ploughs, rakes, harvesters, spreaders or extirpators) over the agricultural year for whatever purpose and the date when it was done. Crops from tilled land can be herbaceous or woody.

The Agricultural Census CENSAG methodology page contains the new definitions of the concepts used in the 2020 Agricultural Census.

Methodological aspects

The Agricultural Census is a large-scale statistical operation carried out every ten years. Its objective is to collect, compile and disseminate information that allows us to understand the structure of the agricultural sector at a given point in time.

The aspects covered by the census include farm size, tenure status, irrigation methods, land use, livestock, labour, rural development and storage facilities.

In Catalonia, the 1962, 1982, 2009 and 2020 agricultural censuses were carried out by Spain's National Statistics Institute (INE), while the 1989 and 1999 censuses were carried out by Idescat, with support from the then Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Environment (now the Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda).

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".