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Final agricultural production (SEC-2010). By products. At current prices Catalonia
2023 (p) 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002
Final production crops 1,876.50 2,099.61 2,063.79 1,750.19 1,614.75 1,701.91 1,544.84 1,506.14 1,421.26 1,390.04 1,601.08 1,512.39 1,574.68 1,564.77 1,498.36 1,682.36 1,639.98 1,480.07 1,512.77 1,543.22 1,623.31 1,560.65
Cereals 204.66 516.06 479.34 373.75 262.22 328.23 259.63 278.23 239.42 264.85 352.68 342.75 313.00 282.00 265.16 222.24 308.00 201.53 221.40 324.29 279.01 302.99
Potatoes 5.33 7.38 6.32 5.59 7.84 6.23 6.50 8.95 8.70 5.07 13.08 7.00 7.40 9.61 5.86 10.78 16.99 16.89 13.19 21.66 14.34 17.75
Industrial plants 20.13 44.54 34.38 20.91 18.01 23.61 18.30 19.20 18.78 10.69 13.29 7.87 7.53 6.29 5.26 4.87 5.22 6.26 5.11 6.53 8.54 11.55
Fodder plants 99.31 169.02 166.86 188.48 176.81 165.01 147.25 151.11 139.25 128.40 148.90 187.35 177.30 39.30 43.60 55.71 41.69 47.48 47.72 58.31 58.30 67.48
Vegetables 129.37 152.58 146.24 134.15 137.69 120.88 131.91 136.19 139.29 136.29 138.16 145.29 125.39 142.88 157.40 165.13 193.67 191.80 185.45 177.46 207.24 204.97
Fresh fruit 522.26 360.49 525.49 472.99 418.13 413.98 350.73 337.69 309.27 332.21 422.74 345.74 381.99 382.17 300.21 423.13 445.71 399.66 384.73 368.28 510.08 351.47
Dry fruit 63.68 50.20 55.87 45.41 61.39 39.51 47.60 54.45 64.12 68.26 47.94 46.83 60.24 49.93 45.75 63.74 53.83 92.37 96.79 64.42 29.31 40.62
Citric fruit 63.02 52.56 69.51 59.16 53.85 41.13 53.62 65.37 58.72 63.51 54.45 49.90 55.42 53.20 68.94 66.50 48.25 46.24 52.67 47.69 48.50 52.23
Grapes 82.69 76.02 64.44 39.02 76.01 110.30 93.07 81.50 75.19 66.10 85.71 66.38 76.89 53.15 54.99 71.78 85.77 91.85 75.14 85.18 81.78 78.22
Olives 51.56 18.73 26.30 20.08 21.39 13.08 32.14 21.07 19.75 19.66 13.48 13.87 8.05 17.87 16.47 24.87 17.23 13.19 24.16 14.64 19.55 31.64
Wine and must 69.50 72.43 83.45 56.44 69.81 89.37 90.23 76.15 70.89 81.96 77.92 65.24 46.70 53.78 60.93 56.92 52.34 52.56 42.50 65.01 65.37 74.66
Olive oil 51.40 84.95 49.68 45.73 31.35 70.66 65.72 52.85 72.07 37.77 47.61 36.12 50.40 47.06 58.09 45.28 51.24 69.14 73.96 68.58 56.40 82.03
Plants and flowers 503.84 488.28 351.39 282.25 275.44 274.54 244.97 221.50 198.10 168.38 178.03 194.03 260.52 254.24 260.90 299.83 267.26 188.07 251.73 206.30 209.67 200.83
Other vegetable products 9.74 6.36 4.52 6.23 4.83 5.38 3.15 1.88 7.71 6.87 7.08 4.03 3.61 172.94 154.80 171.57 52.79 63.02 38.23 34.85 35.21 44.20
Final production livestock 4,221.04 3,606.98 3,124.60 3,213.22 3,236.39 3,085.51 3,001.20 2,747.08 2,696.26 2,782.55 2,783.66 2,684.87 2,609.73 2,243.69 2,290.10 2,347.01 2,326.51 2,417.70 2,248.87 2,287.81 2,242.97 2,233.62
Meat and livestock 3,617.93 3,117.75 2,780.11 2,884.20 2,914.99 2,751.63 2,666.30 2,450.17 2,374.32 2,461.63 2,490.26 2,375.96 2,326.17 1,936.08 1,986.42 2,001.06 2,000.11 2,136.54 1,947.76 1,975.35 1,928.49 1,928.91
Cattle 325.21 310.01 266.91 290.99 396.62 400.00 357.55 291.08 320.85 267.10 279.23 244.33 275.54 221.46 225.04 261.65 286.10 318.80 307.92 294.82 351.12 336.91
Sheep and goats 59.00 56.07 53.23 50.25 46.28 54.09 47.49 57.72 47.84 46.25 43.66 48.76 45.02 34.71 62.42 61.42 57.09 71.66 75.32 75.59 72.95 75.88
Swine 2,520.16 2,082.40 1,892.74 1,992.00 1,949.31 1,694.46 1,713.71 1,599.02 1,452.38 1,605.59 1,623.29 1,498.29 1,462.24 1,238.39 1,253.05 1,240.64 1,189.71 1,313.94 1,159.97 1,207.21 1,065.36 1,133.67
Birds 679.48 634.83 535.21 517.53 476.76 551.80 499.92 453.25 498.90 482.71 477.39 518.41 467.45 374.85 385.21 375.36 404.25 364.38 343.42 334.99 375.69 318.93
Equine 8.48 6.30 5.73 7.29 7.19 10.90 9.14 9.56 10.02 6.74 6.92 7.07 6.66 13.96 11.85 12.53 14.56 11.77 11.03 13.05 11.65 20.83
Other animals (rabbits) 25.61 28.14 26.29 26.12 38.83 40.38 38.49 39.54 44.32 53.23 59.78 59.10 69.26 52.71 48.84 49.47 48.40 55.98 50.10 49.68 51.72 42.69
Animal products 603.11 489.23 344.49 329.02 321.40 333.88 334.91 296.91 321.95 320.92 293.40 308.90 283.56 307.61 303.68 345.95 326.40 281.16 301.11 312.46 314.48 304.70
Milk 418.81 349.22 259.57 253.47 244.59 242.33 240.16 228.71 233.83 241.55 224.23 208.43 204.84 182.69 168.48 230.67 204.58 178.47 213.12 206.80 190.26 201.40
Eggs 167.33 128.47 69.81 62.45 65.18 76.69 78.60 55.55 73.33 65.54 57.69 87.91 66.87 117.93 125.90 107.50 114.08 96.46 82.37 100.16 118.62 97.50
Other products 16.97 11.54 15.11 13.10 11.63 14.86 16.15 12.64 14.79 13.84 11.48 12.57 11.85 6.99 9.30 7.78 7.73 6.23 5.61 5.50 5.60 5.80
Production of agricultural services 55.63 53.53 55.98 51.96 47.79 44.01 43.21 42.17 43.90 58.06 44.22 38.74 37.20 36.53 30.13 29.62 27.25 30.49 43.77 42.53 41.30 40.57
Secondary non-separable non-agricultural activities 33.63 35.49 44.57 50.80 81.58 81.05 79.21 79.69 78.54 80.69 77.88 82.26 80.40 97.05 98.58 100.48 84.42 83.20 78.92 76.87 74.46 93.02
Total final production 6,186.80 5,795.61 5,288.95 5,066.17 4,980.51 4,912.47 4,668.46 4,375.09 4,239.96 4,311.34 4,506.84 4,318.26 4,302.01 3,942.04 3,917.17 4,159.47 4,078.15 4,011.47 3,884.34 3,950.43 3,982.04 3,927.87
Units: Milions d'euros.
2002-2022: Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda.
2023: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food.
Grapes: Mainly includes grapes for wine, also table grapes.
Olives: Mainly includes olives for oil-making, also table olives.
Wine and must and Olive oil: Only includes that produced by the farmer and cooperatives.
Plants and flowers: New plantations are included.
(p) Provisional data.

Last update: November 29, 2024.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Current prices
Economic measure of a variable at a specific moment that reflects increases due to real variation and variations in price.
Agricultural production
Goods and services produced by the agricultural sector (total production) that can be destined for the same agricultural sector (reoccupation) or for outside of the sector (final agricultural production). The valuation is made in accordance with the weighted annual average of the prices received for each product.

Methodological aspects

Des de l'any 2000 s'han de presentar els Comptes Econòmics de l'Agricultura (CEA) de Catalunya en el marc de la metodologia del Sistema Europeu de Comptes Econòmics Integrats (SEC 1995 fins el 2013 i SEC 2010 a partir del 2014 inclòs) de l'Oficina Estadística de les Comunitats Europees (EUROSTAT).

The production value is at basic prices, and is obtained as the result of adding subsidies to the price received by the producer of the product free of tax. This means that part of the operations subsidies in the previous methodology are included in the final agriculture production value (at basic prices), and the remainder is assigned to other subsidies.