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Persons in employment. Agriculture sector Catalonia
2016 2013 2009 2007 2005 2003 1999 1997 1995
Persons in employment (1) 113,199 119,427 146,229 128,008 144,029 140,407 132,879 144,280 143,474
Relatives 85,499 93,289 119,944 107,538 123,595 122,084 112,718 128,753 130,579
Owners 51,137 52,823 54,695 50,072 52,711 55,675 62,378 65,597 68,362
Spouses .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 32,961 35,806 34,329 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 24,734 26,376
Others 34,362 40,466 65,249 24,505 35,078 32,080 50,340 38,422 35,841
Fixed wage earners 27,700 26,138 26,285 20,470 20,434 18,323 18,161 15,528 12,895
Annual labour units (ALU) 55,022 56,045 61,704 67,751 73,881 72,253 72,991 79,423 76,337
Relatives 31,054 32,682 38,563 41,755 45,972 46,470 49,559 57,927 58,584
Owners 20,439 20,994 22,762 26,908 28,278 28,632 33,187 34,793 36,598
Spouses .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 6,943 8,336 8,393 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 9,472 9,156
Others 10,616 11,688 15,801 7,904 9,358 9,445 16,372 13,662 12,830
Wage earners 23,968 23,363 23,141 25,996 27,909 25,783 23,432 21,496 17,753
Fixed salary 17,935 17,078 16,400 17,521 17,684 15,799 15,262 13,330 11,334
Temporary 6,033 6,285 6,741 8,475 10,225 9,984 8,170 8,166 6,419
Workforce not directly employed by owner (ALU) 1,571 1,670 1,626 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 1,019 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Source: Idescat, based on data from the Survey on Farm Structure of INE.
(1) Does not include temporary staff.
The 1999 data has been adapted to the population researched in the Agricultural Census 2009 in order to assist with comparability.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.

Last update: February 28, 2018.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Agricultural employment
Depending on the relation with the owner of the operation, this can be; salaried or family.
Salaried agricultural employment
People other than the owner or members of the family that work in exchange for payment in money or kind, or both, whether continuous (fixed salary) or temporary (sporadic or seasonal).
Family agricultural employment
The owner, their spouse or other members of the family, as long as they do agricultural work for the operation, be that continuous or temporary and whether or not they receive payment in exchange.
Agricultural sector
Consists of agricultural, livestock, forestry and mixed operations.
Annual labour unit (ALU)
Work done by a full time worker over a year. Equivalent to 228 or more complete days both for salaried and non salaried work. A part time day is computed as half a full time day. Temporary days are calculated as full time.

Methodological aspects

Agricultural statistics are generated within the framework of the EU programme on surveys on farm structure conducted by all EU members in order have up-to-date, comparable information on the member states, with the purpose of being used a basic tool for designing the Common Agricultural Policy. This programme establishes that an Agricultural Census shall be performed every ten years and sample-based surveys in the intervening years. For the cycle that starts with the Agricultural census 2009, two triennial surveys are established.

In these censuses, which are exhaustive, all the existing farms are researched, which from 2009, must comply with certain minimum criteria, while in the Surveys on Farm Structure the population studied complies with some less broad minimum criteria and the data is selected by sampling.

The introduction of these methodological changes with respect to previous editions means that the data is not directly comparable.

What is more, the census questionnaire also includes an additional sheet through which information of interest to the Catalan agricultural sector can be gathered.

Between 1989 and 2007, these statistical operations were conducted by Idescat with the support of the Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing, Food and the Environment.

In 2009, the INE became the responsible body for the Agricultural census for Spain as a whole and in Catalonia it works in collaboration with Idescat and the Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing, Food and the Environment, in accordance with the corresponding collaboration agreements.

The Survey on Farm Structure shows the biennial data series for intercensal periods up to 2007. The series will be triennial from 2013 onwards. From 2013 onwards, the thematic sections will include a section on Rural Development and another on Standard Production, which substitutes the processing of economic data on operations which was based on the gross margin until 2007.

Furthermore, in conjunction with DARP, Idescat has generated a variety of informative documents setting out the main results of the Agricultural Census and the Survey on Farm Structure, prior to 2009. The document devoted to the Agricultural Census contains a compilation of the main variables and compares them with the corresponding previous censuses, pointing out and commenting on the basic factors in their evolution in the intervening period.

The documents devoted to Survey on Farm Structure provide data on the main variables in this survey and compare them with the universe of reference of the corresponding Agricultural Census.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".