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Gross annual salary and earnings per hour. By sex, type of contract and working day

Gross annual salary and earnings per hour. By sex, type of contract and working day 2008
Men Women Catalonia Spain
Gross annual salary 26,353.89 19,928.48 23,375.54 21,883.42
Type of contract
Indefinite 28,238.01 20,923.63 24,827.06 23,544.24
Temporary 18,056.40 15,263.04 16,797.13 16,204.29
Type of working day
Full time 27,905.97 22,911.07 25,810.12 24,052.81
Part time 11,970.11 10,726.35 11,118.51 10,198.75
Earnings per hour 15.76 12.69 14.38 13.53
Type of contract
Indefinite 16.63 13.15 15.07 14.34
Temporary 11.57 10.34 11.03 10.57
Units: Euros.
Source: INE. Annual Wage Structure Survey.
Note: in 2008 the new CCAE-2009 was implemented and incorporates in the population scope employees of Public administration, Defence and Compulsory social security. Therefore, the results are not comparable with those for the two previous years.

Last update: July 5, 2010.

Methodological note

Methodological aspects

The Annual Wage Structure Survey (EAES) is an operation carried out by the INE with annual periodicity and is the result of reconciling several sources of statistical and administrative character, with the objective of obtaining estimations on annual salaries for those years in which the Wage Structure Survey is not carried out (EES) (of four-yearly sample). Therefore, the results issued for 2006, 2010, 2014 and 2018 come from the Wage Structure Survey, while the results of the rest of the years come from the Annual Wage Structure Survey.

The main purpose of both operations is to identify the average annual gross income per worker classified according to the different sociodemographic variables like sex, age and nationality, as well as other variables related with the characteristics of the employment, like the type of working day, of contract, the sector of activity and the employment that the workers develop.

The population of the EAES consists of all employed workers that provide their services in the different enterprises, independently of the number of workers of each unit. The presidents, the members of boards of directors and, in general, all the staff the remuneration of whom is not mainly in the form of wages, but in commissions or benefits are excluded from it. The population scope of the Wage Structure Survey coincides with the Annual Wage Structure Survey from 2006.

Regarding the sectoral coverage, it spreads in the industry, the construction and the services. Until 2007 the activities of the public administration, Defence and compulsory social security, domestic workers and extra-territorial organisations and bodies have to be excluded. Therefore, those centres with economic activities from the C to the K and from the M to the O of the Catalan Classification of Occupations CCAE-93 Rev1 are included. From 2008, the new Catalan Classification of Economic Activities 2009 is implemented and the workers who belong to the General Social Security Plan of the section of activity O are included: public administration, Defence and compulsory Social Security. For this motive, the results of 2008 are not comparable to those of the former years.

The EAES is a statistical operation that comes from the conciliation of several statistical sources, since the information is obtained, on the one hand, from the joint exploitation of the general file of membership of the Social Security and of the declarations of the model 190 for the annual summary of income tax deductions and income at the expense the personal income tax (IRPF) of the State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT). On the other hand, the variables "Types of employment” and "Types of working day” are extracted from a questionnaire, which is given together with the questionnaires of the Quarterly Labour Cost Survey (ETCL) corresponding in three determinate months and with the sample of selected workers, identified by the number of the Social Security.

All the salary concepts retire in gross values, that is, before practicing the income tax deductions of the IRPF or the contributions to the Social Security on the part of the worker.