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Foreign trade. By NACE divisions

Foreign trade. By CCAE-2009 divisions Catalonia. 2010
Exports Imports Balance Coverage rate (%)
Agriculture, livestock, forestry and fishing 1,092.7 2,967.5 -1,874.8 36.8
Agriculture, livestock, hunting and related services 995.2 2,786.7 -1,791.5 35.7
Silvicultura y explotación forestal 11.7 16.3 -4.7 71.4
Fishing and aquiculture 85.8 164.5 -78.7 52.2
Mining industries 182.3 5,328.4 -5,146.1 3.4
Anthracite, bituminous coal and lignite 75.9 110.1 -34.2 68.9
Petroleum brut and natural gas 0.0 5,119.2 -5,119.2 0.0
Metallic minerals 25.5 16.7 8.8 152.4
Non metallic or energy minerals 80.9 82.4 -1.4 98.3
Manufacturing industry 45,525.4 58,406.5 -12,881.0 77.9
Industries of food products 4,441.6 4,223.1 218.5 105.2
Beverages 725.6 501.8 223.8 144.6
Tobacco 5.7 184.3 -178.7 3.1
Textile industries 1,285.4 1,184.9 100.5 108.5
Dressmaking and garments 1,890.4 4,039.6 -2,149.3 46.8
Leather and footwear 606.6 959.6 -353.0 63.2
Wood and cork, except furniture; basketware and wicker-work 207.8 293.8 -86.0 70.7
Paper 1,266.6 1,210.5 56.1 104.6
Graphic arts and recorded media 3.7 19.2 -15.5 19.1
Coke products and petroleum refinery 1,028.0 4,162.0 -3,134.0 24.7
Chemical industries 8,473.2 9,384.7 -911.5 90.3
Pharmaceutical products 3,351.6 3,334.2 17.4 100.5
Rubber and plastic materials 1,750.9 1,965.0 -214.1 89.1
Other non metallic mineral products 693.9 651.3 42.6 106.5
Metallurgy 1,877.0 2,184.1 -307.1 85.9
Metal products 1,423.4 1,580.8 -157.4 90.0
Computer products, electronics and optics 1,937.1 5,764.9 -3,827.8 33.6
Materials and electric machinery 2,391.9 3,047.8 -655.9 78.5
Mechanical machinery and ncaa equipment 3,130.1 3,814.3 -684.2 82.1
Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 7,023.3 5,509.4 1,514.0 127.5
Other transport materials 750.7 1,623.2 -872.5 46.2
Furniture 352.7 777.8 -425.0 45.4
Other manufacturing industries 908.2 1,990.2 -1,082.0 45.6
Supply of electrical energy, gas, steam and air conditioning 20.0 4.5 15.4 440.4
Water, sanitation and waste management 678.5 401.8 276.6 168.8
Collection and treatment of wastewater 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Collection, treatment and elimination of waste; evaluation 678.5 401.8 276.6 168.8
Information and communications 391.0 199.8 191.3 195.7
Publishing 372.0 187.0 185.0 198.9
Cinematography, video and television programmes; sound recording and music publishing 19.0 12.8 6.3 149.1
Professional, scientific and technical activities 0.5 0.5 0.0 94.0
Architecture and engineering technical services; technical tests and analyses 0.1 0.3 -0.1 53.8
Other professional, scientific and technical activities 0.3 0.2 0.1 137.5
Artistic, recreational and entertainment activities 33.1 18.4 14.7 179.8
Arts and spectacle creation 29.0 12.5 16.5 232.0
Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities 4.1 5.9 -1.8 69.1
Other services
Other personal service activities 0.0 0.0 0.0 39.5
Not classified 948.2 293.7 654.5 322.9
Total 48,871.6 67,621.1 -18,749.5 72.3
Units: Milions d'euros.
Source: Idescat, based on data from the State Tax Administration Agency's Department of Customs and Special Taxes.

Last update: April 27, 2011. Revised series on February 7, 2023.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Foreign trade
Refers to operations of purchase or sale between Catalonia and other countries. This does not include trade with the rest of Spain.
Value of the goods that leave a certain country. Statistically this is measured as an FOB (freight on board) value that includes the cost of the goods, plus transport costs as far as departure from the territory.
Value of the goods coming from the exterior. Statistically this measures a CIF (cost insurance freight) value that includes the value of the cost of the goods, insurance and the cost of transport as far as the country of reception (border, port or airport).
Exterior trade balance
Difference between current export and import operations of goods and services between Catalonia and the rest of the world. It is a combination of the external trade balance and the balance with the rest of Spain.
Coverage rate
Ratio between exports and imports made during a reference period and a certain economic space.

Methodological aspects

The statistics on foreign trade are taken from the most relevant information derived from commercial relations with other countries, based on the single administrative document SAD, and on relations with other countries of the European Union on the basis of the Intrastat declaration. The data is provided to us by the State Tax Administration Agency's Department of Customs and Special Taxes. The figures are presented in accordance with the integrated tariff of the European communities (TARIC) in terms of destination groups and products; and in accordance with the revised Classification of economic activities CCAE-2009 in terms of branches of activity. The information is complemented with data on trade by countries and large areas and by means of transport.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".