- Statistical Yearbook of Catalonia
- Demography · Society
- Labour
- Work contracts and promotion of employment
Job creation. Grants awarded. By programmes. Provinces
Barcelona | Girona | Lleida | Tarragona | Catalonia | Spain | % Cat./Spa. | |
Cooperatives and labour associations | 2,170,398.00 | 30,863.00 | 17,445.00 | 30,446.00 | 2,249,153.00 | 10,234,312.00 | 22.0 |
Local development | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 14,102,427.00 | 0.0 |
Promotion of self-employed jobs | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 17,657,604.00 | 0.0 |
Labour integration of the disabled | 44,248,316.00 | 6,533,095.00 | 3,747,940.00 | 6,432,018.00 | 60,961,369.00 | 182,637,345.00 | 33.4 |
Total | 46,418,715.00 | 6,563,958.00 | 3,765,385.00 | 6,462,464.00 | 63,210,522.00 | 224,631,688.00 | 28.1 |
Units: Euros. | |||||||
Source: Spanish Ministry of Employment and Social Security. |
Last update: September 29, 2015.
Methodological note
Definition of concepts
- Job creation grants
- Set of subsidies awarded to different programmes acting to create jobs, carried out by public administrations.
Methodological aspects
The employment creation support programmes established by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security are labour related subsidies funded by the General State Budgets and managed by the autonomous communities that have been assigned such competences.
The purpose of grants to support employment in cooperatives and labour associations is to provide financial support for investments promoting the creation and/or maintenance of jobs in associated worker cooperatives, labour associations, community land exploitation cooperatives and second degree cooperatives that are mainly comprised of associated worker cooperatives. Funded by this programme, subsidies are also provided to activities for the promotion, fostering and training of cooperativism and the social economy. Likewise, this programme caters for subsidies for technical assistance and the possibility of subsidising certain unemployed groups (people under 25 or over 45, the disabled) that have acquired the status of being working partners in a cooperative.
The aid for fostering local development and the promotion of projects and companies classified as I+E (innovation and employment) is aimed at encouraging the generation of employment in the local environment, through the award of grants and subsidies funded by the budgets of the State Public Employment Service (SPEE). The beneficiaries are local corporations and entities that depend on or are associated to the same, as well as physical persons or legal entities whose projects or companies are classified as I+E or have been classified as local employment initiatives. This programme finances market research and campaigns for local promotion, the contracting of employment and local development agents and business projects and companies that are promoted and supported by a local corporation or autonomous community that is I+E classified.
Aid for the promotion of self-employment is aimed at promoting and helping to finance projects that assist people registered as unemployed in employment offices to become self-employed workers. Order TAS 1622/2007, of June 5, which regulated the award of subsidies for the programme to promote self-employment, modified and increased from three to four the subsidised concepts. Subsistence income subsidies disappeared and establishment subsidies and training subsidies were created. The amount of an establishment subsidy is determined by the difficulty for finding employment, in accordance with one's inclusion in any of the following groups:
- Unemployed people in general
- Young unemployed people aged 30 years or less
- Unemployed women
- Unemployed people with disabilities
Aid for the labour integration of disabled people is aimed at two types of beneficiary: special employment centres and ordinary job centres. In the former, the objective is to promote innovative job creation projects for unemployed disabled workers, to help to maintain jobs through the award of subsidies and grants for such purposes, and to finance the costs derived from the contracting of support units (multidisciplinary teams that provide help to disabled workers in special employment centres). In the latter, by means of supported employment, individual accompaniment and guidance are provided in the workplace to disabled workers by labour trainers at companies in the ordinary job market. The minimum duration of a supported employment project must be six months. Since 2008, there have been grants corresponding to the Supported Employment Programme (Royal Decree 870/2007, of July 2, by the Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs).
Grants to support employment in cooperatives and labour associations have been provided in accordance with the criterion of the location of the head offices of the beneficiary entity; it is because of this that state-level entities are recorded in the provinces where their head offices are located, which is especially relevant for the figures corresponding to Madrid and Barcelona. For other programmes, the provincial assignation coincides with the location of the beneficiary.
Available tables [+]
Demography · Society
- Population
- Culture · Language
- Education
- Elections
- Justice · Public order and safety
- Health
- Active and inactive population
- Employed population
- Unemployed population
- Wages
- Labour cost
- Labour relations
Work contracts and promotion of employment
- Registered work contracts. By type. Counties and Aran
- Registered work contracts. By type. Provinces
- Registered work contracts. By type and sex
- Registered work contracts. By type and age group
- Registered work contracts. By type and sectors
- Registered work contracts. Temporary contracts. By type and duration
- Wages Guarantee Fund. Companies, workers and benefits. Provinces
- Job creation. Grants awarded. By programmes. Provinces
- Staff of the Public Administration
- Quality of life
- Economy
- Economic sectors
- Environment · Territory