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Wages Guarantee Fund. Companies, workers and benefits. Provinces

Wages Guarantee Fund. Companies, workers and benefits. Provinces 2005
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalonia Spain % Cat./Spa.
Companies affected 3,913 273 120 271 4,577 19,499 23.5
By insolvency 2,152 111 61 175 2,499 12,194 20.5
By regulation 1,761 162 59 96 2,078 7,305 28.4
Beneficiary workers 15,626 906 335 905 17,772 68,557 25.9
By insolvency 11,384 568 197 658 12,807 51,945 24.7
By regulation 4,242 338 138 247 4,965 16,612 29.9
Benefits agreed (1) 55,907 4,099 817 2,984 63,807 232,025 27.5
By insolvency 47,069 3,447 540 2,508 53,564 197,204 27.2
By regulation 8,838 652 277 477 10,244 34,821 29.4
Source: Ministeri de Treball i Assumptes Socials. Subsecretaria de Treball i Assumptes Socials.
Note: (1) In thousands of euros.

Last update: November 27, 2009.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Wages guarantee fund
Autonomous administrative body run by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security whose aim is to guarantee, to the workers in the name of another party, that they will receive wages pending payment by the company, and any corresponding compensations or other contributions in accordance with current legislation. There are two reasons for this action: bankruptcy of the company, or suspension of payments, closures and others, and redundancy.

Methodological aspects

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