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Wages Guarantee Fund. Companies, workers and benefits. Provinces

Wages Guarantee Fund. Companies, workers and benefits. Provinces 2004
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalonia Spain % Cat./Spa.
Companies affected 6,237 451 219 477 7,384 33,539 22.0
By insolvency 4,111 257 158 335 4,861 24,389 19.9
By regulation 2,126 194 61 142 2,523 9,150 27.6
Beneficiary workers 21,212 1,021 431 1,106 23,770 88,065 27.0
By insolvency 16,384 649 315 864 18,212 69,567 26.2
By regulation 4,828 372 116 242 5,558 18,498 30.0
Benefits agreed (1) 77,562 3,245 1,148 2,945 84,900 279,111 30.4
By insolvency 68,568 2,505 941 2,516 74,531 244,648 30.5
By regulation 8,994 740 207 429 10,369 34,463 30.1
Source: Ministeri de Treball i Assumptes Socials. Subsecretaria de Treball i Assumptes Socials.
Note: (1) In thousands of euros.

Last update: November 27, 2009.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Wages guarantee fund
Autonomous administrative body run by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security whose aim is to guarantee, to the workers in the name of another party, that they will receive wages pending payment by the company, and any corresponding compensations or other contributions in accordance with current legislation. There are two reasons for this action: bankruptcy of the company, or suspension of payments, closures and others, and redundancy.

Methodological aspects

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