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Registered work contracts. Temporary contracts. By type and duration

Registered work contracts. Temporary contracts. By type and duration Catalonia. 2022
Less than 1 month From 1 to 3 months From 3 to 6 months From 6 months to 1 year From 1 to 2 years More than 2 years Indeterminate Total
Specific works or services 26,466 3,400 7,742 5,542 368 428 107,213 151,159
Circumstances of production 703,077 261,337 139,101 11,151 247 0 0 1,114,913
Internship 79,724 12,000 6,713 2,560 427 765 201,668 303,857
Temporary bonuses for people with disabilities 0 0 0 3,651 64 4 0 3,719
Integration 171 407 2,552 4,353 82 7 0 7,572
Hand-over 27 39 55 163 372 756 0 1,412
Partial retirement 67 7 19 129 726 3,073 859 4,880
Replacement retired aged 64 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4
Work placement 0 0 4,828 4,557 666 0 0 10,051
Training 0 0 597 1,893 180 13 0 2,683
Others 31,769 686 1,526 4,465 591 995 24,240 64,272
Total 841,301 277,876 163,133 38,468 3,723 6,041 333,980 1,664,522
Source: Ministry of Business and Employment.

Last update: February 21, 2024.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Registered work contracts
These include, as well as contracts registered in the Generalitat's employment offices, announcements of contracts that companies make to this body. Segons el tipus d'activitat i el temps que duri la relació laboral, existeixen diferents modalitats de contractes: (contractes de treball per temps indefinit, contractes de treball de durada determinada i contractes de treball formatius, entre d'altres).