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Registered work contracts. By type and age group

Registered work contracts. By type and age groups Catalonia. 2020
19 and under 20-24 25-29 30-44 45 and over Total
Indefinite 10,040 43,164 53,509 125,472 79,127 311,312
Ordinary indefinite period 6,619 25,858 32,254 78,905 49,674 193,310
Promotion of indefinite contracts 51 60 35 124 329 599
Indefinite disabled people 10 79 87 379 462 1,017
Changed to indefinite 3,360 17,167 21,133 46,064 28,662 116,386
Temporary 112,046 384,820 312,297 680,718 438,420 1,928,301
Specific works or services 38,545 121,809 100,310 265,768 190,640 717,072
Circumstances of production 60,901 200,117 158,146 325,985 184,792 929,941
Internship 11,401 57,417 49,688 85,577 57,138 261,221
Temporary bonuses for people with disabilities 45 204 208 777 1,131 2,365
Integration 48 50 44 255 225 622
Hand-over 8 122 269 547 279 1,225
Partial retirement 0 0 0 0 3,625 3,625
Replacement retired aged 64 0 3 12 23 12 50
Work placement 453 3,914 2,542 913 80 7,902
Training 518 556 38 91 62 1,265
Others 127 628 1,040 782 436 3,013
Total 122,086 427,984 365,806 806,190 517,547 2,239,613
Source: Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Families.

Last update: January 25, 2021.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Registered work contracts
These include, as well as contracts registered in the Generalitat's employment offices, announcements of contracts that companies make to this body. Segons el tipus d'activitat i el temps que duri la relació laboral, existeixen diferents modalitats de contractes: (contractes de treball per temps indefinit, contractes de treball de durada determinada i contractes de treball formatius, entre d'altres).