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Registered work contracts. By type. Provinces

Registered work contracts. By type. Provinces 2014
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalonia Spain % Cat./Spa.
Indefinite 221,307 29,864 12,227 21,918 285,316 1,350,331 21.1
Ordinary indefinite period 152,494 20,865 7,205 14,004 194,568 928,664 21.0
Promotion of indefinite contracts 3,541 379 240 296 4,456 0 z Category not applicable
Indefinite disabled people 903 132 77 124 1,236 7,158 17.3
Changed to indefinite 64,369 8,488 4,705 7,494 85,056 414,509 20.5
Temporary 1,608,087 190,915 134,879 222,420 2,156,301 15,376,758 14.0
Specific works or services 568,748 55,687 79,139 92,218 795,792 6,680,679 11.9
Circumstances of production 717,544 111,517 44,029 99,424 972,514 6,883,223 14.1
Internship 294,057 21,214 10,339 27,572 353,182 1,455,176 24.3
Temporary bonuses for people with disabilities 2,603 247 142 301 3,293 18,364 17.9
Integration 309 41 21 3 374 0 z Category not applicable
Hand-over 2,327 232 128 333 3,020 14,715 20.5
Partial retirement 3,258 401 210 508 4,377 24,361 18.0
Replacement retired aged 64 28 0 5 5 38 618 6.1
Work placement 9,198 434 359 865 10,856 62,618 17.3
Training 6,923 991 396 973 9,283 139,864 6.6
Others 3,092 151 111 218 3,572 97,140 3.7
Total 1,829,394 220,779 147,106 244,338 2,441,617 16,727,089 14.6
Source: Ministry for Business and Labour.
(z) Category not applicable.

Last update: January 14, 2015.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Registered work contracts
These include, as well as contracts registered in the Generalitat's employment offices, announcements of contracts that companies make to this body. Segons el tipus d'activitat i el temps que duri la relació laboral, existeixen diferents modalitats de contractes: (contractes de treball per temps indefinit, contractes de treball de durada determinada i contractes de treball formatius, entre d'altres).

Methodological aspects

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".