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Accidents at work. By sectors. Provinces

Accidents at work. By sectors and In Itinere. Provinces 2005
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalonia
Total 243,969 29,396 17,280 28,314 318,959
Without leave 115,283 11,720 8,277 13,098 148,378
With leave 128,686 17,676 9,003 15,216 170,581
Mild 127,234 17,463 8,852 15,032 168,581
Severe 1,352 197 138 159 1,846
Deadly 100 16 13 25 154
Agriculture 2,129 755 641 786 4,311
Without leave 1,007 236 234 243 1,720
With leave 1,122 519 407 543 2,591
Mild 1,103 510 399 535 2,547
Severe 18 8 8 7 41
Deadly 1 1 0 1 3
Industry 81,660 8,476 4,943 7,099 102,178
Without leave 43,214 3,775 2,567 3,742 53,298
With leave 38,446 4,701 2,376 3,357 48,880
Mild 38,097 4,663 2,341 3,324 48,425
Severe 335 36 32 29 432
Deadly 14 2 3 4 23
Construction 36,116 6,599 4,182 7,761 54,658
Without leave 15,617 2,422 1,853 3,529 23,421
With leave 20,499 4,177 2,329 4,232 31,237
Mild 20,236 4,114 2,283 4,171 30,804
Severe 245 57 44 53 399
Deadly 18 6 2 8 34
Services 109,533 12,027 6,885 11,460 139,905
Without leave 55,445 5,287 3,623 5,584 69,939
With leave 54,088 6,740 3,262 5,876 69,966
Mild 53,644 6,680 3,226 5,823 69,373
Severe 416 57 33 45 551
Deadly 28 3 3 8 42
In itinere 14,531 1,539 629 1,208 17,907
With leave 14,531 1,539 629 1,208 17,907
Mild 14,154 1,496 603 1,179 17,432
Severe 338 39 21 25 423
Deadly 39 4 5 4 52
Source: Departament de Treball i Indústria. Servei d'Estudis i Estadístiques.

Last update: April 29, 2011.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Occupational injuries
Set of occupational accidents and professional sicknesses for occupational reasons, with or without the workers needing to take leave, whether they take place during the working day or when going to or returning from the workplace.

Methodological aspects

An accident at work is regarded as any specific event that causes a physical or mental bodily injury suffered by a worker as a result of the work performed. All the accidents of workers who contribute for this contingency are included.

The accidents are classified in accordance with the place in which they occur:

  • on a working day: if they take place during the working day, in the workplace itself or on a journey. Traffic accidents and other accidents in any means of transport and accidents that occur outside the company are included, but only if they occur during the working day.
  • in itinere: if they occur during a journey from the place of residence to the place of work or vice versa outside working hours.

Accidents are classified as mild, severe or deadly in accordance with their seriousness.

The incidence rate represents the number of accidents per 100,000 workers exposed to risk.

In Catalonia, the competent authority is the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Families.

All the data are definitive except for those for last year, which are provisional.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".