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Individual conciliations resolved. By motivations. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Individual conciliations resolved. By motivations. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces 2020
Dismissals Sanctions Claims of quantities Others Total
Alt Camp 187 8 90 11 296
Alt Empordà 408 30 208 43 689
Alt Penedès 575 13 177 9 774
Alt Urgell 57 3 21 7 88
Alta Ribagorça 9 0 6 1 16
Anoia 435 12 83 15 545
Aran 39 0 8 0 47
Bages 710 33 276 46 1,065
Baix Camp 644 58 590 76 1,368
Baix Ebre 163 4 65 13 245
Baix Empordà 354 21 237 28 640
Baix Llobregat 4,318 138 1,403 259 6,118
Baix Penedès 280 15 109 64 468
Barcelonès 18,276 591 7,386 1,009 27,262
Berguedà 65 6 32 7 110
Cerdanya 22 2 15 4 43
Conca de Barberà 77 2 10 4 93
Garraf 383 16 155 14 568
Garrigues 61 2 10 2 75
Garrotxa 168 15 43 4 230
Gironès 749 37 246 112 1,144
Maresme 1,559 38 619 107 2,323
Moianès 53 2 6 1 62
Montsià 129 3 40 4 176
Noguera 112 12 37 7 168
Osona 741 24 172 29 966
Pallars Jussà 8 0 4 3 15
Pallars Sobirà 15 0 5 1 21
Pla d'Urgell 119 10 35 9 173
Pla de l'Estany 109 2 29 4 144
Priorat 21 1 5 1 28
Ribera d'Ebre 38 0 11 3 52
Ripollès 82 2 12 4 100
Segarra 61 2 18 7 88
Segrià 887 51 380 33 1,351
Selva 717 49 290 87 1,143
Solsonès 19 0 4 1 24
Tarragonès 1,196 73 1,132 118 2,519
Terra Alta 6 0 5 2 13
Urgell 117 9 52 9 187
Vallès Occidental 5,297 155 2,274 280 8,006
Vallès Oriental 2,086 72 575 101 2,834
Non county 4,324 259 2,105 484 7,172
Catalonia 45,676 1,770 18,980 3,023 69,449
Metropolità 31,552 995 12,259 1,756 46,562
Comarques Gironines 2,587 156 1,065 282 4,090
Camp de Tarragona 2,125 142 1,827 210 4,304
Terres de l'Ebre 336 7 121 22 486
Ponent 1,357 86 532 67 2,042
Comarques Centrals 1,644 65 494 85 2,288
Alt Pirineu i Aran 150 5 59 16 230
Penedès 1,601 55 518 101 2,275
Barcelona 37,520 1,258 14,431 2,152 55,361
Girona 2,960 203 1,243 330 4,736
Lleida 1,701 102 650 147 2,600
Tarragona 3,495 207 2,656 394 6,752
Source: Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Families. Observatori del Treball i Model Productiu.
Note: Non county: Outside Catalonia.

Last update: February 12, 2021.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Individual conciliation
Procedure for the resolution of conflicts that occurs on the basis of an individual claim even though the conflict may be a collective one.
Labour conciliation
Obligatory attempt to reach agreement by reason of a conflict of interests between workers and employers, involving participation of Public administration, in order to avoid a claim being made to the social courts.
Conciliation case
Act whereby both parties appear before a municipal, county or peace judge in order to reach an agreement before initiating a posterior procedure.