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Registered unemployment. By branch of activity. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Registered unemployment. By branch of activity (CCAE-2009). Annual averages. Counties, areas and provinces 2011
Agriculture, livestock, forestry and fishing (01, 02, 03) Mining, energy, water & waste industries (05-09, 35-39) Food, textiles, wood, paper, & graphic arts (10-18) Chemicals & rubber (19-22) Metallurgy (23-25) Machinery, electric materials & transport (26-33) Construction (41, 42, 43) Wholesale trade & repair of motor vehicles and bikes (45-46) Retail trade (47) Transport & storage (49-53) Accommodation and food service activities (55-56) Information & communications (58-63) Financial & insurance activities (64-66) Property professional & technical services (68-75) Administrative activities & auxiliary services (78-82, 77) Public administration (84) Education (85) Health & social services (86-88) Cultural & sport activities & other services (90-94, 95-99) No previous occupation Total
Alt Camp 239 46 247 79 201 216 467 132 280 144 265 32 14 93 661 143 75 116 104 168 3,722
Alt Empordà 381 147 317 46 130 238 2,125 510 1,325 313 1,786 95 53 301 864 306 108 266 378 580 10,268
Alt Penedès 458 60 735 186 402 382 1,067 437 630 237 473 100 84 336 1,115 359 98 253 289 537 8,239
Alt Urgell 30 11 43 8 11 40 224 56 88 26 155 10 5 79 69 70 22 39 40 25 1,050
Alta Ribagorça 2 8 4 0 2 1 53 2 12 2 19 2 1 7 9 13 2 3 7 5 153
Anoia 175 95 1,606 149 464 325 1,425 505 888 306 509 79 71 352 1,613 547 141 319 354 1,054 10,978
Bages 167 248 1,608 381 666 709 2,229 718 1,209 429 740 99 138 1,476 2,026 501 205 550 524 752 15,377
Baix Camp 462 155 562 140 435 294 3,730 730 1,450 495 1,893 134 114 668 1,657 269 295 461 839 1,050 15,834
Baix Ebre 494 54 320 155 125 461 1,609 362 476 168 488 34 36 192 700 261 126 188 213 374 6,833
Baix Empordà 289 110 430 154 187 95 2,702 402 1,246 188 1,736 64 55 398 771 312 100 233 504 595 10,568
Baix Llobregat 391 793 3,587 1,485 2,596 2,915 10,868 3,689 5,905 2,501 3,813 980 494 4,485 9,952 1,818 895 2,043 2,608 3,698 65,518
Baix Penedès 268 140 477 118 271 378 2,270 456 1,051 373 1,226 97 67 538 1,387 313 141 311 510 323 10,715
Barcelonès 822 1,784 7,522 2,284 3,686 4,615 24,479 8,289 16,007 5,023 13,194 4,508 1,832 17,809 24,056 2,959 4,471 6,365 9,551 8,732 167,988
Berguedà 45 53 371 25 68 127 606 106 217 52 228 26 21 95 331 146 100 144 108 146 3,015
Cerdanya 7 16 23 1 4 8 246 29 103 26 163 6 7 38 51 19 14 15 39 7 821
Conca de Barberà 64 18 146 13 78 77 197 36 59 18 95 7 7 24 234 67 30 50 49 38 1,306
Garraf 118 184 504 133 380 390 2,299 543 1,443 329 1,362 176 109 847 1,428 472 295 445 629 680 12,765
Garrigues 100 15 93 21 39 25 206 51 52 33 80 9 8 42 85 37 17 31 24 32 996
Garrotxa 67 20 467 137 128 76 368 144 244 82 225 34 19 179 480 129 35 143 136 135 3,245
Gironès 386 139 888 118 296 286 2,900 726 1,274 438 1,146 193 116 541 1,910 403 277 575 562 943 14,116
Maresme 612 338 4,359 486 834 966 6,042 1,980 3,524 869 3,170 503 384 1,997 3,786 974 734 1,418 1,916 2,009 36,900
Montsià 462 77 318 93 175 428 1,174 327 440 204 446 20 33 175 611 191 73 133 213 110 5,704
Noguera 327 20 240 7 93 60 536 193 197 71 212 11 5 56 150 118 44 78 63 222 2,701
Osona 231 130 1,969 175 522 604 1,840 501 874 255 663 108 86 364 1,644 530 213 408 424 1,143 12,682
Pallars Jussà 29 12 27 2 8 6 202 21 61 16 98 13 2 27 77 61 9 37 23 64 794
Pallars Sobirà 10 4 10 0 2 2 76 9 20 3 77 2 2 11 17 32 9 11 33 16 343
Pla d'Urgell 363 20 195 25 105 65 359 183 144 78 97 18 9 75 259 51 27 68 56 98 2,295
Pla de l'Estany 69 8 174 16 83 115 246 76 115 57 115 10 15 41 166 63 22 98 64 66 1,617
Priorat 53 7 85 3 17 9 78 13 27 10 45 2 4 22 31 57 10 32 19 34 558
Ribera d'Ebre 176 28 68 13 42 41 250 84 96 29 103 5 7 40 131 98 20 44 37 105 1,416
Ripollès 27 6 170 37 95 74 244 52 118 38 134 14 9 53 204 85 23 62 69 61 1,576
Segarra 54 14 206 14 55 95 213 52 61 51 78 11 7 30 166 41 16 39 28 114 1,343
Segrià 1,650 119 574 51 352 196 3,082 1,413 1,250 473 1,180 149 93 659 1,547 534 193 499 550 1,009 15,573
Selva 228 129 1,055 150 346 410 2,373 610 1,269 437 2,041 89 63 445 1,507 308 161 375 573 625 13,193
Solsonès 46 17 38 20 37 124 203 28 31 25 55 7 4 17 60 44 16 30 24 40 866
Tarragonès 327 251 504 310 544 364 4,422 791 2,108 708 2,578 195 152 1,323 2,338 602 331 581 921 1,128 20,477
Terra Alta 38 7 85 3 15 11 140 23 20 13 31 3 -1 16 31 47 9 21 15 29 559
Urgell 250 16 236 22 130 71 422 161 156 66 164 19 10 70 249 124 26 83 60 209 2,544
Val d'Aran 4 3 5 0 2 1 89 16 44 8 120 3 4 15 27 38 5 5 37 20 446
Vallès Occidental 462 658 6,450 1,968 3,385 3,975 13,547 4,015 6,582 2,359 3,819 1,106 690 5,076 11,580 1,283 1,442 2,460 3,953 4,016 78,826
Vallès Oriental 414 309 2,238 1,158 1,575 1,937 4,520 2,010 2,482 1,164 1,597 327 218 3,002 5,916 715 567 1,001 1,310 1,848 34,307
Catalonia 10,796 6,266 38,956 10,181 18,586 21,210 100,128 30,480 53,576 18,113 46,419 9,298 5,046 42,013 79,894 15,140 11,396 20,034 27,853 32,838 598,225
Metropolità 2,702 3,881 24,156 7,381 12,076 14,408 59,457 19,984 34,499 11,915 25,593 7,425 3,617 32,368 55,289 7,749 8,109 13,288 19,339 20,303 383,539
Comarques Gironines 1,447 558 3,500 657 1,265 1,294 10,958 2,518 5,591 1,552 7,183 497 330 1,958 5,902 1,606 725 1,751 2,286 3,005 54,583
Camp de Tarragona 1,144 476 1,545 545 1,275 960 8,894 1,703 3,924 1,376 4,877 370 292 2,130 4,921 1,138 741 1,240 1,931 2,418 41,898
Terres de l'Ebre 1,169 166 791 263 358 941 3,173 796 1,032 413 1,070 61 78 422 1,472 597 229 385 478 618 14,511
Ponent 2,744 204 1,544 139 774 512 4,817 2,053 1,860 771 1,810 216 130 932 2,457 904 322 797 780 1,683 25,451
Comarques Centrals 489 448 3,986 600 1,294 1,564 4,879 1,353 2,330 760 1,686 240 249 1,952 4,061 1,221 535 1,132 1,080 2,081 31,939
Alt Pirineu i Aran 83 55 112 11 28 57 889 133 328 82 632 35 20 177 250 232 61 112 178 136 3,608
Penedès 1,019 479 3,322 586 1,517 1,475 7,062 1,941 4,013 1,245 3,569 452 331 2,073 5,542 1,692 675 1,329 1,782 2,594 42,697
Barcelona 3,894 4,653 30,955 8,431 14,582 16,952 68,939 22,802 39,770 13,527 29,568 8,013 4,126 35,842 63,469 10,307 9,160 15,409 21,666 24,620 446,683
Girona 1,453 568 3,516 656 1,265 1,293 11,149 2,537 5,673 1,571 7,323 502 336 1,981 5,922 1,618 735 1,763 2,321 3,006 55,188
Lleida 2,867 263 1,673 169 836 687 5,703 2,188 2,127 854 2,356 255 147 1,100 2,722 1,166 391 927 948 1,853 29,231
Tarragona 2,581 782 2,813 925 1,904 2,279 14,337 2,954 6,007 2,162 7,172 528 436 3,091 7,780 2,049 1,111 1,936 2,919 3,359 67,123
Units: Persons.
Source: Ministry for Business and Labour.
Note: Law 23/2010, of July 22, on the creation of the area of Penedès, divides Catalonia into eight territorial planning areas. This change implies that the data for the Metropolitan Area, Central Counties and Camp de Tarragona are not directly comparable with previous years.

Last update: January 30, 2012.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Registered unemployment
People aged 16 years or more without work that, or that on the final day of the month have a job offer registered in the offices of the Generalitat or INEM but have yet to effectively start working. This does not include the following groups: workers unavailable for immediate employment or in incompatible situations with work, workers demanding work of a specific nature (such as work abroad) and temporary agricultural workers that benefit from a special unemployment subsidy. Also excluded are those people that unjustifiably refuse to take part in vocational training courses.

Methodological aspects

The unemployment data comes from two types of source: the statistics produced by bodies that are specialised in the production of statistical information and those resulting from the management of certain institutions with responsibilities for labour matters.

It should be noted that, due to this diversity of sources, three types of unemployment statistics are presented Statistical Yearbook:

  • unemployed population (estimated unemployment), obtained from the EPA.
  • registered unemployment on the basis of data from the employment offices of the Generalitat and Inem.
  • unemployed population taken from the Population census.

The second type of statistics is obtained from the administrative records of the competent bodies, which normally produce and publish the data. Of importance is the data on registered unemployment by counties provided by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Families.

Regarding the registered unemployment data, it should be noted that from May 2005, a new model was adopted for the management of data, called SISPE (Public Employment Services Information System), which implies changes in the collection and treatment of data, and which led to a break in the series for registered unemployment. This edition of the Annual presents provisional data revised from February 2001 to December 2004.

The new county of El Moianès was created on 1 May 2015 (Law 4/2015, of 23 April, on the creation of the county of El Moianès) from the aggregation of five municipalities of the county of El Bages, one from the county of Osona and four from the county of El Vallès Oriental.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".