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Affiliations to Social Security General Regime. By sectors. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Treballadors afiliats a la Seguretat Social (1) (2). Per sectors. Comarques, àmbits i províncies 2004
Agricultura Indústria Construcció Serveis No classificats Total
Alt Camp 206 6,321 1,401 5,257 1 13,185
Alt Empordà 120 4,348 4,944 24,131 15 33,557
Alt Penedès 130 13,930 2,437 15,176 20 31,693
Alt Urgell 80 914 659 2,639 0 4,292
Alta Ribagorça 1 34 219 556 0 810
Anoia 100 12,837 2,839 11,916 29 27,719
Bages 214 20,800 5,075 27,647 11 53,747
Baix Camp 828 7,518 8,118 30,983 23 47,469
Baix Ebre 723 3,462 3,895 9,060 2 17,141
Baix Empordà 300 4,711 7,040 19,840 4 31,895
Baix Llobregat 438 66,699 22,334 126,943 27 216,440
Baix Penedès 179 3,215 3,786 9,893 10 17,082
Barcelonès 1,492 141,849 60,770 789,339 335 993,785
Berguedà 99 2,580 1,481 4,199 0 8,357
Cerdanya 44 214 1,140 2,523 1 3,922
Conca de Barberà 46 2,571 780 2,842 1 6,240
Garraf 41 4,858 4,396 17,132 0 26,426
Garrigues 196 1,121 759 1,315 0 3,391
Garrotxa 129 7,975 1,380 6,843 1 16,326
Gironès 319 10,501 6,973 57,940 10 75,742
Maresme 316 22,321 10,333 54,289 15 87,274
Montsià 261 4,187 2,481 5,987 1 12,916
Noguera 235 2,036 1,453 3,372 1 7,095
Osona 656 16,817 4,227 21,274 3 42,976
Pallars Jussà 53 255 518 1,321 0 2,147
Pallars Sobirà 6 109 328 1,032 0 1,474
Pla d'Urgell 236 2,994 1,031 5,015 13 9,289
Pla de l'Estany 262 3,396 1,111 3,651 1 8,419
Priorat 9 409 215 515 0 1,147
Ribera d'Ebre 59 906 807 1,601 0 3,372
Ripollès 23 3,450 841 3,243 0 7,556
Segarra 149 4,320 638 1,581 0 6,687
Segrià 849 7,687 8,118 51,397 7 68,057
Selva 210 14,563 5,535 21,672 18 41,997
Solsonès 151 1,307 774 1,671 0 3,903
Tarragonès 200 11,447 12,447 68,763 26 92,882
Terra Alta 47 579 374 483 0 1,483
Urgell 172 2,878 1,074 4,610 2 8,736
Val d'Aran 2 118 667 2,586 1 3,373
Vallès Occidental 527 100,963 26,322 177,643 54 305,507
Vallès Oriental 434 47,966 10,760 51,854 15 111,028
No comarcalitzats 12 746 636 6,182 1 7,576
Catalunya 10,547 565,902 231,109 1,655,909 643 2,464,109
Metropolità 3,378 398,584 137,351 1,232,376 464 1,772,152
Comarques Gironines 1,363 48,941 27,823 137,318 47 215,492
Camp de Tarragona 1,466 31,480 26,745 118,252 61 178,004
Terres de l'Ebre 1,089 9,134 7,557 17,130 2 34,912
Ponent 1,836 21,034 13,072 67,290 23 103,255
Comarques Centrals 1,219 54,340 14,395 66,705 42 136,701
Alt Pirineu i Aran 185 1,642 3,531 10,657 3 16,017
Barcelona 4,425 451,557 150,971 1,298,046 504 1,905,503
Girona 1,416 49,059 28,903 141,093 49 220,519
Lleida 2,140 24,206 16,589 79,345 25 122,304
Tarragona 2,566 41,081 34,646 137,425 66 215,784
Source: Departament de Treball i Indústria.

Last update: June 18, 2009.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Worker affiliated to the Social Security system
Person that exercises a labour activity in exchange for payment that is affiliated to the general Social Security scheme and the special scheme for mining and coal workers that are working or in similar situations to being working such as temporary incapacity, suspended by reasons of redundancy, partially unemployed, etc. Not included are workers that are fully unemployed, workers with special agreements, workers for companies covered by restructuring plans and workers receiving aid in the form of early retirement payments or in other situations that do not have an effect on contributions. The same person is accounted for as many times as they have situations in which they contribute, whether they have several labour activities in a single regime or in various.

Methodological aspects

Affiliation to the Social Security System is compulsory for all people in the Social Security's field of application and unique for the lifetime of the worker and for the entire System. That is to say, a person who is working signs up when they begin their working life and registers in one of the System's schemes; the affiliation is done only once, notwithstanding the various periods when they are working or not working during their working life. Affiliations to the various Social Security schemes correspond to situations which give rise to the obligation to contribute; that is, one person is counted as many times as their situations, either on the same or different schemes.

Affiliations of workers affiliated with the general Social Security scheme and the special scheme for coal miners are published on 31 December, based on the Location of Affiliates' Contribution Account. The information comes from the statistical treatment of the affiliation file to the different Social Security schemes of the General Treasury of Social Security carried out by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Families.

In the general scheme and the special scheme for coal miners, workers are grouped into contribution accounts. These accounts consist of a set of workers employed by others who carry out their work activity in one or various work centres of the same company, in the same province and, in general, carry out a similar main activity and have homogeneous characteristics with regard to their Social Security contributions.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".