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Active population. By age groups. Counties and Aran

Active population. By age groups. Counties and Aran Catalonia. 2021
From 16 to 19 years From 20 to 24 years From 25 to 29 years From 30 to 34 years From 35 to 39 years From 40 to 44 years From 45 to 49 years From 50 to 54 years From 55 to 59 years From 60 to 64 years 65 years and over Total
Alt Camp 264 1,242 1,746 2,058 2,430 3,264 3,150 2,937 2,610 1,635 300 21,636
Alt Empordà 696 3,696 5,268 5,994 7,437 9,441 9,285 8,415 7,431 5,082 1,197 63,945
Alt Penedès 654 2,829 4,044 4,554 6,051 8,493 8,739 7,383 6,087 3,711 804 53,352
Alt Urgell 84 462 735 789 882 1,209 1,200 1,134 1,083 798 153 8,529
Alta Ribagorça 12 81 153 198 219 279 306 267 237 171 36 1,959
Anoia 777 3,510 4,842 5,466 6,915 9,438 9,567 7,947 6,630 3,951 546 59,604
Aran 36 237 438 543 645 903 783 663 603 483 117 5,448
Bages 1,041 5,115 6,639 7,590 9,759 13,122 12,759 10,965 9,567 6,291 807 83,658
Baix Camp 999 4,767 7,263 8,508 10,464 14,085 13,629 11,742 10,062 6,654 1,263 89,439
Baix Ebre 468 1,971 2,928 3,291 4,161 5,247 5,196 4,668 4,248 2,754 786 35,718
Baix Empordà 597 3,102 4,881 5,295 6,666 8,745 9,081 8,310 7,401 5,100 1,173 60,351
Baix Llobregat 4,224 22,839 32,070 37,962 47,370 62,607 67,278 57,315 44,325 26,838 4,023 406,851
Baix Penedès 597 2,904 3,954 4,344 5,868 7,815 7,863 6,873 5,586 3,489 591 49,878
Barcelonès 7,827 54,276 103,371 122,262 133,587 151,278 148,794 131,535 115,731 78,060 16,974 1,063,686
Berguedà 246 993 1,530 1,785 2,094 2,595 2,403 2,268 2,289 1,596 201 17,997
Cerdanya 93 528 690 843 1,059 1,374 1,362 1,242 1,107 801 270 9,366
Conca de Barberà 99 492 753 834 1,122 1,383 1,425 1,353 1,239 807 192 9,696
Garraf 660 3,615 5,169 6,168 8,196 11,301 11,919 10,677 8,709 5,457 918 72,786
Garrigues 99 489 687 894 981 1,221 1,248 1,122 1,131 825 216 8,907
Garrotxa 453 1,722 2,523 2,763 3,255 4,137 4,041 3,612 3,459 2,301 423 28,692
Gironès 1,329 5,838 8,349 9,540 11,586 15,009 13,815 11,922 10,119 6,552 1,170 95,226
Maresme 2,061 11,544 16,476 19,260 25,116 32,907 34,560 30,465 25,530 16,956 3,153 218,019
Moianès 117 429 564 588 723 1,047 1,086 987 927 549 99 7,107
Montsià 399 1,626 2,403 2,895 3,804 4,884 4,659 4,143 3,570 2,370 630 31,380
Noguera 258 1,074 1,569 1,728 2,142 2,670 2,598 2,397 2,322 1,548 495 18,801
Osona 1,302 5,358 6,783 7,509 9,351 12,051 11,712 10,206 9,462 6,123 1,068 80,937
Pallars Jussà 45 315 558 555 654 810 831 795 807 621 126 6,120
Pallars Sobirà 39 168 282 363 444 492 507 495 459 366 87 3,696
Pla d'Urgell 207 981 1,482 1,644 2,088 2,769 2,643 2,496 2,049 1,341 429 18,135
Pla de l'Estany 219 1,005 1,389 1,476 1,920 2,499 2,307 2,067 1,890 1,302 279 16,347
Priorat 42 207 306 399 471 624 654 576 591 432 84 4,389
Ribera d'Ebre 81 468 780 936 1,095 1,332 1,248 1,212 1,290 924 216 9,579
Ripollès 141 621 933 1,020 1,284 1,689 1,758 1,590 1,629 1,080 201 11,946
Segarra 132 738 1,032 1,131 1,353 1,716 1,734 1,566 1,374 777 279 11,838
Segrià 1,158 5,688 8,457 9,618 11,889 15,279 15,183 13,509 11,841 7,743 1,479 101,844
Selva 981 4,605 6,345 7,362 8,967 11,511 11,673 10,464 8,802 5,907 975 77,595
Solsonès 99 393 501 630 762 915 918 861 813 522 150 6,564
Tarragonès 1,176 6,384 10,170 11,619 14,829 18,759 18,000 15,699 13,023 8,397 1,485 119,547
Terra Alta 30 240 405 486 579 690 663 663 663 534 111 5,064
Urgell 204 1,014 1,551 1,725 2,016 2,613 2,481 2,394 2,202 1,422 360 17,985
Vallès Occidental 5,100 27,006 37,758 43,056 53,922 71,103 72,582 61,122 50,253 31,182 4,776 457,857
Vallès Oriental 2,373 12,042 16,275 18,300 23,622 31,851 33,171 28,854 23,055 14,403 2,244 206,193
Catalunya 37,403 202,605 314,069 363,976 437,773 551,152 554,812 484,915 412,228 267,851 50,884 3,677,668
Source: Idescat, based on the INE Population and Housing Census.
Note: Al Cens de 2021,per garantir el secret estadístic, els resultats estan arrodonits aleatòriament a valors múltiples de 3. Per aquesta raó algun total pot no coincidir amb la suma de la seva desagregació.

Last update: June 28, 2024.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Active population

People aged 16 years or more that have an occupation or are available to do so and are performing actions oriented towards finding employment.

Methodological aspects

The source of the information is the population census. The population census is defined as the series of operations that consist of collecting, summarizing, evaluating, analysing and publishing data of a demographic, cultural, economic and social nature of the country's inhabitants and its political-administrative divisions at a given point in time. This operation is aimed at persons residing in dwellings (whether family dwellings or accommodation) or in collective establishments (hotels, residences, nursing homes, etc.).

From 2021 the population census is annual. The questionnaires used in the various censuses and local censuses have not always included the same questions or the same items and, therefore, there may be variations from one year to another.

Data of the population by relationship with the activity are presented, which included information about the profession, the professional situation, the branch of activity and the activity sector. Furthermore, unpaid work data was also incorporated.

In the various statistical operations, the item "employed" was not always the same. Comparability of data between years 2001 and 2011 is affected by the mismatch of the different options in response to the question regarding the activity; thus, in 2011 the options "household chores" and "receiving some kind of teaching and/or training" do not exist, as they are formulated in separate questions.

For the years 2011, 2021 and following, the Catalan Classification of Economic Activities 2009 (CCAE-2009) and the Catalan Classification of Occupations (CCO-2011) have been used.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.