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Inactive population. By sex. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Inactive population. By sex. Total. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces Catalonia. 2021
Retirement and preretirement pensioner population Disability pensioner population Student population Population with another situation of inactivity Total inactive population
Alt Camp 7,412 1,109 1,994 5,576 16,091
Alt Empordà 20,002 2,157 5,826 27,485 55,470
Alt Penedès 15,768 2,313 5,149 14,165 37,395
Alt Urgell 3,445 491 853 4,243 9,032
Alta Ribagorça 583 101 171 580 1,435
Anoia 19,928 3,410 5,593 14,111 43,042
Aran 1,186 180 436 1,616 3,418
Bages 33,142 5,819 7,676 20,637 67,274
Baix Camp 27,415 4,388 9,723 29,913 71,439
Baix Ebre 13,574 1,933 3,561 12,215 31,283
Baix Empordà 21,298 2,111 5,740 25,739 54,888
Baix Llobregat 115,387 18,336 39,116 113,487 286,326
Baix Penedès 16,777 3,172 4,478 17,568 41,995
Barcelonès 368,308 43,051 98,974 383,716 894,049
Berguedà 9,154 1,689 1,441 4,091 16,375
Cerdanya 2,596 271 813 3,318 6,998
Conca de Barberà 3,833 401 905 2,371 7,510
Garraf 22,043 3,078 7,091 24,820 57,032
Garrigues 3,881 443 760 2,456 7,540
Garrotxa 11,311 940 2,270 6,552 21,073
Gironès 25,945 3,044 9,203 26,666 64,858
Maresme 71,498 9,141 22,312 64,215 167,166
Moianès 2,474 324 620 1,509 4,927
Montsià 11,177 1,734 3,124 10,736 26,771
Noguera 6,420 840 1,543 5,503 14,306
Osona 26,980 3,745 6,692 17,605 55,022
Pallars Jussà 2,815 320 528 1,637 5,300
Pallars Sobirà 1,222 165 310 765 2,462
Pla d'Urgell 5,278 847 1,623 5,090 12,838
Pla de l'Estany 5,140 436 1,485 3,506 10,567
Priorat 2,008 170 369 1,193 3,740
Ribera d'Ebre 4,210 496 952 3,710 9,368
Ripollès 6,130 646 872 2,398 10,046
Segarra 3,324 591 1,052 2,718 7,685
Segrià 30,309 5,022 9,500 29,828 74,659
Selva 25,493 3,436 7,366 33,322 69,617
Solsonès 2,274 389 605 1,602 4,870
Tarragonès 35,132 5,878 12,797 44,965 98,772
Terra Alta 2,765 204 501 1,420 4,890
Urgell 5,850 778 1,727 4,707 13,062
Vallès Occidental 134,506 23,300 46,379 111,502 315,687
Vallès Oriental 58,310 9,354 19,704 51,593 138,961
Catalunya 1,186,303 166,253 351,834 1,140,849 2,845,239
Metropolità 748,717 103,274 226,665 724,958 1,803,614
Comarques Gironines 115,319 12,770 32,762 125,668 286,519
Camp de Tarragona 75,800 11,946 25,788 84,018 197,552
Terres de l'Ebre 31,726 4,367 8,138 28,081 72,312
Ponent 55,062 8,521 16,205 50,302 130,090
Comarques Centrals 74,293 12,028 17,070 45,628 149,019
Alt Pirineu i Aran 11,847 1,528 3,111 12,159 28,645
Penedès 73,539 11,819 22,095 70,035 177,488
Barcelona 877,457 123,589 260,758 821,516 2,083,320
Girona 117,271 12,941 33,438 128,409 292,059
Lleida 67,272 10,238 19,234 61,257 158,001
Tarragona 124,303 19,485 38,404 129,667 311,859
Source: Idescat, based on the INE Population and Housing Census.
Inactive population. By sex. Men. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces Catalonia. 2021
Retirement and preretirement pensioner population Disability pensioner population Student population Population with another situation of inactivity Total inactive population
Alt Camp 4,024 643 1,002 2,005 7,674
Alt Empordà 10,792 1,268 2,721 10,914 25,695
Alt Penedès 8,878 1,271 2,533 4,292 16,974
Alt Urgell 1,952 280 437 1,703 4,372
Alta Ribagorça 358 57 78 167 660
Anoia 10,260 1,849 2,775 5,041 19,925
Aran 674 90 214 685 1,663
Bages 16,333 2,904 3,862 7,567 30,666
Baix Camp 15,367 2,496 4,783 9,651 32,297
Baix Ebre 7,684 1,116 1,829 4,037 14,666
Baix Empordà 11,406 1,233 2,779 9,889 25,307
Baix Llobregat 65,442 9,621 19,564 34,197 128,824
Baix Penedès 9,757 1,776 2,140 5,847 19,520
Barcelonès 186,704 21,979 49,488 137,458 395,629
Berguedà 4,509 906 705 1,487 7,607
Cerdanya 1,459 150 428 1,334 3,371
Conca de Barberà 2,067 222 456 820 3,565
Garraf 12,249 1,686 3,510 8,844 26,289
Garrigues 2,252 260 410 777 3,699
Garrotxa 5,380 488 1,160 2,780 9,808
Gironès 13,033 1,669 4,512 10,270 29,484
Maresme 37,276 4,879 11,212 23,986 77,353
Moianès 1,261 174 318 649 2,402
Montsià 6,774 982 1,534 3,260 12,550
Noguera 3,711 481 767 1,902 6,861
Osona 13,009 2,055 3,316 6,672 25,052
Pallars Jussà 1,516 183 242 585 2,526
Pallars Sobirà 654 96 157 307 1,214
Pla d'Urgell 3,108 489 807 1,535 5,939
Pla de l'Estany 2,616 229 703 1,218 4,766
Priorat 1,110 109 194 425 1,838
Ribera d'Ebre 2,528 301 486 1,189 4,504
Ripollès 2,945 316 437 914 4,612
Segarra 1,899 342 526 892 3,659
Segrià 16,444 2,803 4,703 10,753 34,703
Selva 14,030 1,944 3,563 13,223 32,760
Solsonès 1,283 238 289 447 2,257
Tarragonès 19,914 3,291 6,403 16,002 45,610
Terra Alta 1,565 128 242 394 2,329
Urgell 3,203 432 853 1,551 6,039
Vallès Occidental 69,646 11,995 23,269 37,887 142,797
Vallès Oriental 32,107 4,924 9,768 17,352 64,151
Catalunya 627,179 88,355 175,175 400,908 1,291,617
Metropolità 391,548 53,451 113,390 251,069 809,458
Comarques Gironines 60,202 7,147 15,875 49,208 132,432
Camp de Tarragona 42,482 6,761 12,838 28,903 90,984
Terres de l'Ebre 18,551 2,527 4,091 8,880 34,049
Ponent 30,617 4,807 8,066 17,410 60,900
Comarques Centrals 36,559 6,308 8,495 16,791 68,153
Alt Pirineu i Aran 6,613 856 1,556 4,781 13,806
Penedès 40,607 6,498 10,864 23,866 81,835
Barcelona 457,663 64,263 130,320 285,462 937,708
Girona 61,248 7,236 16,243 50,345 135,072
Lleida 37,478 5,792 9,543 21,471 74,284
Tarragona 70,790 11,064 19,069 43,630 144,553
Source: Idescat, based on the INE Population and Housing Census.
Inactive population. By sex. Women. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces Catalonia. 2021
Retirement and preretirement pensioner population Disability pensioner population Student population Population with another situation of inactivity Total inactive population
Alt Camp 3,388 466 992 3,571 8,417
Alt Empordà 9,210 889 3,105 16,571 29,775
Alt Penedès 6,890 1,042 2,616 9,873 20,421
Alt Urgell 1,493 211 416 2,540 4,660
Alta Ribagorça 225 44 93 413 775
Anoia 9,668 1,561 2,818 9,070 23,117
Aran 512 90 222 931 1,755
Bages 16,809 2,915 3,814 13,070 36,608
Baix Camp 12,048 1,892 4,940 20,262 39,142
Baix Ebre 5,890 817 1,732 8,178 16,617
Baix Empordà 9,892 878 2,961 15,850 29,581
Baix Llobregat 49,945 8,715 19,552 79,290 157,502
Baix Penedès 7,020 1,396 2,338 11,721 22,475
Barcelonès 181,604 21,072 49,486 246,258 498,420
Berguedà 4,645 783 736 2,604 8,768
Cerdanya 1,137 121 385 1,984 3,627
Conca de Barberà 1,766 179 449 1,551 3,945
Garraf 9,794 1,392 3,581 15,976 30,743
Garrigues 1,629 183 350 1,679 3,841
Garrotxa 5,931 452 1,110 3,772 11,265
Gironès 12,912 1,375 4,691 16,396 35,374
Maresme 34,222 4,262 11,100 40,229 89,813
Moianès 1,213 150 302 860 2,525
Montsià 4,403 752 1,590 7,476 14,221
Noguera 2,709 359 776 3,601 7,445
Osona 13,971 1,690 3,376 10,933 29,970
Pallars Jussà 1,299 137 286 1,052 2,774
Pallars Sobirà 568 69 153 458 1,248
Pla d'Urgell 2,170 358 816 3,555 6,899
Pla de l'Estany 2,524 207 782 2,288 5,801
Priorat 898 61 175 768 1,902
Ribera d'Ebre 1,682 195 466 2,521 4,864
Ripollès 3,185 330 435 1,484 5,434
Segarra 1,425 249 526 1,826 4,026
Segrià 13,865 2,219 4,797 19,075 39,956
Selva 11,463 1,492 3,803 20,099 36,857
Solsonès 991 151 316 1,155 2,613
Tarragonès 15,218 2,587 6,394 28,963 53,162
Terra Alta 1,200 76 259 1,026 2,561
Urgell 2,647 346 874 3,156 7,023
Vallès Occidental 64,860 11,305 23,110 73,615 172,890
Vallès Oriental 26,203 4,430 9,936 34,241 74,810
Catalunya 559,124 77,898 176,659 739,941 1,553,622
Metropolità 357,169 49,823 113,275 473,889 994,156
Comarques Gironines 55,117 5,623 16,887 76,460 154,087
Camp de Tarragona 33,318 5,185 12,950 55,115 106,568
Terres de l'Ebre 13,175 1,840 4,047 19,201 38,263
Ponent 24,445 3,714 8,139 32,892 69,190
Comarques Centrals 37,734 5,720 8,575 28,837 80,866
Alt Pirineu i Aran 5,234 672 1,555 7,378 14,839
Penedès 32,932 5,321 11,231 46,169 95,653
Barcelona 419,794 59,326 130,438 536,054 1,145,612
Girona 56,023 5,705 17,195 78,064 156,987
Lleida 29,794 4,446 9,691 39,786 83,717
Tarragona 53,513 8,421 19,335 86,037 167,306
Source: Idescat, based on the INE Population and Housing Census.

Last update: September 15, 2023.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Active population

People aged 16 years or more that have an occupation or are available to do so and are performing actions oriented towards finding employment.

Methodological aspects

The source of the information is the population census. The population census is defined as the series of operations that consist of collecting, summarizing, evaluating, analysing and publishing data of a demographic, cultural, economic and social nature of the country's inhabitants and its political-administrative divisions at a given point in time. This operation is aimed at persons residing in dwellings (whether family dwellings or accommodation) or in collective establishments (hotels, residences, nursing homes, etc.).

From 2021 the population census is annual. The questionnaires used in the various censuses and local censuses have not always included the same questions or the same items and, therefore, there may be variations from one year to another.

Data of the population by relationship with the activity are presented, which included information about the profession, the professional situation, the branch of activity and the activity sector. Furthermore, unpaid work data was also incorporated.

In the various statistical operations, the item "employed" was not always the same. Comparability of data between years 2001 and 2011 is affected by the mismatch of the different options in response to the question regarding the activity; thus, in 2011 the options "household chores" and "receiving some kind of teaching and/or training" do not exist, as they are formulated in separate questions.

For the years 2011, 2021 and following, the Catalan Classification of Economic Activities 2009 (CCAE-2009) and the Catalan Classification of Occupations (CCO-2011) have been used.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.