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Households. By type according to nucleus

Households. By type according to nucleus Catalonia. 2015
Value % over total
Total 2,948.9 100.0
Without nucleus 831.3 28.2
Single person 736.5 25.0
Two or more people 94.8 3.2
With nucleus 2,063.0 70.0
Couple without children 722.4 24.5
Without other people 675.9 22.9
With other people 46.5 1.6
Couple with children 1,025.0 34.8
Without other people 971.0 32.9
With other people 54.0 1.8
Single mothers with children 252.4 8.6
Without other people 227.5 7.7
With other people 24.8 0.8
Single fathers with children 63.2 2.1
Without other people 58.3 2.0
With other people 5.0 0.2
With two or more nucleuses 54.6 1.9
Units: Thousands.
Source: Idescat, based on data from the Continuous Household Survey from INE.

Last update: December 20, 2016.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Set of people habitually living in the same dwelling. There are two types of households: one-person households, made up of one person, and multi-person households, made up of two or more people.
Family nucleus
Hierarchical unit that falls between inhabitant and family. There are four types: couples without children; couples with one or more children, father with one or more children and mother with one or more children. In order to be a part of their parents' family nucleus, children must be single and not have any children.

Methodological aspects

The Households and Families Statistic offers basic data on family structures, based on the normalised households and families records from the Population and Housing Censuses from 1981, 1991, 2001 and 2011, the Population Statistics 1996 and the Demographic Survey 2007. This data corresponds only to the population registered in family dwellings.

The concepts of "household" and "family" have varied across the various censuses. In the Population and Housing Census 1991, the household was defined as the set of (one or more) people residing in the same dwelling and sharing the common costs related to the dwelling and/or food expenses. As of the Population and Housing Census 2011, the condition of sharing common costs was eliminated.

As of the Population and Housing Census 2011, a family is made up of a group of (two or more) people residing in the same dwelling and who are related by blood or marriage, regardless of the degree of relation. Family households may consist of one or more families.

There are essentially two differences between household and family:

  • A household may be single-person, whilst a family must have at least two members.
  • The members of a household of two or more people may not necessarily be related; in the case of a family they must be.

The family nucleus is the hierarchical unit that falls between the person residing in a dwelling and the family. This term corresponds to a restricted view of family, limited to one's closest relatives.

The Population and Housing Census 2011 includes data from a survey. The results have been conveniently rounded up and are shown without decimal points. Therefore, some totals might not coincide with the sum of the disaggregation.

A partir de l'any 2014, les dades provenen de l'Enquesta contínua de llars de l'INE. L'Enquesta contínua de llars és una estadística per mostreig de caràcter continu i que ofereix informació anualment sobre les característiques demogràfiques bàsiques de la població, de les llars i dels habitatges.

Els objectius de l'Enquesta són, d'una banda, obtenir una estadística anual amb les variables bàsiques de la població, les llars i els habitatges, semblantment al Cens de població i habitatges, però amb informació més agregada. D'altra banda, facilitar l'elaboració d'enquestes a les llars que es puguin adreçar a submostres de l'Enquesta contínua de llars.

L'Enquesta contínua de llars és una operació per mostreig de caràcter continu que realitza l'INE. L'Idescat difon els resultats de la mostra acumulada de dos anys, a 1 de gener, per Catalunya i províncies.

La tipologia de les llars utilitzada es basa en la noció de nuclis familiars, que és una idea restringida de família, ja que la limita als vincles de parentiu més estrets. Hi ha quatre tipus de nuclis familiars:

  • parella sense fills
  • parella amb un fill o més
  • pare amb un fill o més
  • mare amb un fill o més

Les mares o els pares que viuen sols amb els seus fills també es denominen famílis monoparentals.

Com que es tracta de dades mostrals, els resultats del Cens de població i habitatges 2011 i de l'Enquesta contínua de llars s'han arrodonit convenientment. Per això, algun total pot no coincidir amb la suma de la desagregació.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".